Is Man Actually Indigenous To This Planet?

Discussion in 'Mind Games' started by Aristotlethewise, Mar 6, 2016.

  1. Aristotlethewise

    Aristotlethewise Members

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    Before Darwin came along everyone pretty much believed in the idea that god created man in his image, Adam, then Eve and then the rest of us. Then Dawin states that natural selection and evolution is how it works and apart from the religious fundamentalists ( no offence intended) everyone else, including science believes darwin. We evolved from primates or apes. But did we?

    Lets look at it. Primates all have fur covering their bodies. What part of evolution made us loose ours? how did we respond to and what was it that made us lose our fur. After all we are so totally unsuitable for any climate hot or cold. We had to devise clothing to either keep the sun off us, Who has never been sunburnt, or keep us warm and dry.

    Further, we are pretty much the only creature that cant see in the dark. Primates can, so when did we lose that ability and how did it suit us or make us the natural survivors, Natural selection, according to darwin. Quite the reverse. We had to live in caves so we could be safe at night. As son as dark came we were at the biggest disadvantage to every other preditor who could all see in the dark. How does that fit with natural selection?


    All primates have 48 Chromosomes. We have 46. how did we lose them and since when did having less dna help make us smarter, because thats the assumption. The other asumption is that because we share about 98% of all DNA with primates we are like them but slightly different. Its the 2% that makes the difference according to Darwin.

    and very lastly

    where the fossil record showing the progression from ape to man, they have been looking for the "missing link" for 150 years and nothing has shown up. Plenty of apes bones, plenty of human bones but nothing in between.

    so how did we get to be here, who we are, as we are, when the evidence points in the other direction?
  2. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Maybe the aliens created man in their image....ancient astronaut theory....

    Some peole are very hairy still from head to toe.....and some still have a very heavy ape brow.....

    idk....but there are many theories...about the missing link.
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  3. Bud D

    Bud D Member

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    This is stupid.

    We can't see in the dark and we are the only mammel that sleeps with more than half a brain. Some humans still have a lot of hair. We wore clothes for a long time because we hunted and used tools. This is all fairly recent in evolution.

    I swear, Christains are so naive they think their bright.
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  4. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I have seen some humans that even still look completely like apes.....:p

    My back goes up every time I hear..."God created man in his image..."

    It sounds so self centered...i would have an easier time accepting a statement like...."God created all life in his image..."
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  5. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Sorry.... I'm not from your planet.
  6. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Neither am I.... ;)
  7. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    and just as a question to put out there....Where is the missing link between wolf and pug?
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  8. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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  9. Bud D

    Bud D Member

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    Sometimes I think religion capitalizes best on people being dumber than stupid. Reality is highly complex and a finicky bitch for certain.
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  10. Aristotlethewise

    Aristotlethewise Members

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    so far nobody seems to have addressed the central issue, if we are evolved why did we lose useful skills, like night vision and fur to keep warm? we didn't lose fur because we invented clothes we needed clothes because we had no fur. losing night vision makes no sense at all, its a great ability so how would we evolve without it. the fact that a few peole are hairy is not really any indication of anything, yesterday i saw a guy with two thumbs on one hand, the only thing that proves is anything is possible.

    BTW I'm not a christian nor any other type of religious follower, simply an open minded person asking questions, looking for answers, no agenda. so please no more religious references , so boring, so limited and so unimaginative
  11. Aristotlethewise

    Aristotlethewise Members

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    there is no missing link, they are all genetically from the same group, just like a parrot and an eagle
  12. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Are you telling us that all monkeys and apes have night vision? I don't know, so i am asking. I did try to look it up on the internet, and learned that different monkeys see in a myriad of different ways....How one group sees, may be different for another......
    If we had night vision, then we would be creatures of the night.
    I don't know the answer to that, but it is an interesting question.
    I don't know why we are the naked ape and are the only species on the planet to wear clothes, either.....I have never studied genetics, evolution, biology, etc.... in any hard core ways....

    What are your theories?
  13. Aristotlethewise

    Aristotlethewise Members

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    I dont have a theory i only have questions. I was hoping somebody else had some interesting ideas, I have other information but I don't want to stick it out there just to get a truck load of abuse, which seems to be the fav sport, see somebody you dont agree with and stick it too them
  14. xenxan

    xenxan Visitor

    I am under the impression that those specific loses come as an influx of brain use along with adaptivity.

    We no longer needed to have hair because we learned to hunt; both for food and clothing.

    We no longer needed night vision because we invented fire.

    The guy with the two thumbs on one hand, just lives too close to Springfield Nuclear Power Plant and one Homer J Simpson. :D
  15. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    For some parts here, you seem to be making one of the common mistakes regarding natural selection that I come across, ironically it's a type of argument that is often used to bolster other positions, like Intelligent Design (not suggesting that's what you are doing), or Ancient Aliens, but to me I find it is exactly why the concept of something like "Intelligent Design" is inherently flawed.

    Natural Selection suggests that in the course of speciation, there only has to be a trait that is passed on if it is successful, not that all conceivable traits that are successful are passed on in the "improved" species.

    For the loss of fur, well a quick search suggests we still have roughly as many hair follicles as apes, so we're not completely dissimilar there.

    Not all primates have 48 chromosomes, in fact I don't even think all species of lemurs even have the same number of chromosomes. I think you mean, more specifically, we share ~98% DNA with particular Great Apes, notably Bonobos and Chimpanzees.

    I don't really have answers to the night vision thing or clothing/loss of hair, but I do think some of the misconceptions and imprecision in facts are worth clearing up, when addressing the topics.
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  16. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    Two main factors contributed to the loss of hair and development of clothing and they are very intrinsically connected.
    Homo Erectus brought two huge game changing things into play, the ability to hunt game and the use of fire.
    By moving from scavengers to hunters we then had first choice of the prime nutritional parts of an animal, the organs. Wild animals will make a kill, eat the organs first as they contain the most nutrition and then return hours or days later to consume the flesh. As scavengers, homo habilus never got the choice organs/ high nutrient value food.
    As hunters we got the tasty bits and the enormous nutritional boost which in turn facilitated brain growth.
    Then there is fire. Humans are the only animal that has to cook it's food in order to digest it properly, but not because we are descended from aliens.
    Cooked foods make them easier to digest, changes the chemical composition and generally makes it much easier for our bodies to extract nutrients. Thanks to cooked food, humans lost a very considerable amount of their guts because the food digested faster/easier.
    All this extra nutrition jump-started brain growth and as the brain got larger, it required more calories and consequently generated a lot more heat, so we lost our hair to remain cool so our big brains can function.

    The advent of fire and the larger, more capable brains could also account for the lower night vision capability in that we simply didn't need it as much.

    As the brain size grew, so did our abilities and knowledge. Keep in mind these are changes that took place over many millions of years and billions of generations.
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  17. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    Oh, I forgot to mention that because cooked food is so much easier to chew and digest, humans then had a substantial amount of "free time" on their hands. without having to forage and scavenge for the majority of their waking hours simply to survive, more time was available to think, reflect and develop more useful tools.
    Also we could travel farther and expend more energy because we were not burning as many calories simply to digest our food.
    That is one reason why large, grass eating, cud chewing mammals are so friggin slow and lumbering, because they do not have energy reserves because so much is used simply for digestion.
  18. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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  19. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    just saying we're not doesn't answer the question of origin, it raises the question of how we began wherever else we might have.

    in one way, its an interesting thought, because if we were able to come here from elsewhere, that raises the possibility that we may eventually be able to go elsewhere as well.

    but i like better the idea of independent autonomous origin, because it means it is likely to have occurred and continue to be occurring on worlds in many different solar systems.
  20. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    adam and eve are only one tribe's story. other people believe coyote and fox and turtle may have had something to do with it.

    there is nothing "missing" from "the fossil record" (in this sense). only some of the micro-transitions between stages, that lets face it, if you showed them every bone of every thing that ever lived on this earth, fanatics would still choose to ignorantly deny them. so really that whole argument is entirely pointless.

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