Where The Smart Is

Discussion in 'Politics' started by themnax, Feb 13, 2016.

  1. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    If poor equaled stupid and rich equaled smart,
    we wouldn't be committing collective suicide with the environment.

    But aggressiveness in all its forms, belligerance for any excuse,
    biggotry in ALL its forms, cultural, economic, idi-ilogical, religious,
    and such things as greed, ostentation and excitement addiction,
    is retarded, and creativity, is, at the very least, a little smarter then average,
    and curiosity, is nature, and to deny that, is to deny all.

    By being taught to hate logic, we are taught to deny ourselves the quality experiences,
    of creating and exploring, and without those, there is no real and complete satisfaction.

    Douglas adams, not sam or john quincy, though they may have said a lot of smart things too,
    said something I don't know if he realized how profound, and perhaps inadvertantly so,
    when he said “its not the little green pieces of paper that are unhappy”.

    I know there's a certain segment of society, at all levels of wealth and poverty,
    who, like, even love, being told, not to think. That is why there is a republican party,
    in america and why christianity and islam are the worlds two most dominant religions.

    I'm also glad, there are at least a few brave souls who are willing to stand up and say
    they're in favor of socialism. I chear for them, simply because every time anyone
    tries to inject logic into politics, socialism is what they're acused of.

    But i'm not in favor of ANY ideology. Because there's one thing that every ideology is,
    and that's a way of getting people, to go along, with aggressiveness. Much as christianity
    and islam gain their dominance by telling people they can play with their egos all they like,
    as long as they don't actually hit anyone over the head, unless the other guy does so furst.
    (or tries to use their head for something other then a battering ram)
    (and yes, I know that's not what christ actually said either, but that's what people who want
    everyone else to not think, want them to believe he did)

    I am more at peace, with every religion that is not christianity or islam, because they don't
    go around telling everyone they have the only answer and everyone else is wrong,
    and their answer, mostly isn't, burried in so many threats, denials, and descriptions
    made up out of hot air, to hate logic.

    And yes, I call bullshit, on anyone who claims to know the will of god,
    because they read some book, written by someone else who claimed to.

    But I don't call bullshit on loving things we know nothing about,
    or that they might exist, only on claiming to know anything about them.

    I see christianity and islam, as two identical twin brothers, unusually strong for their age,
    and slightly retarded, arguing over who gets to tell daddy where to drive the car,
    as if, they could, tell daddy where to drive the car.

    (cars should, be driven off the nearest cliff, preferably without anyone in them, to be turned into scrap mettal, to be melted down, and little solar powered narrow gauge trains made out of them)
  2. texasafterdark

    texasafterdark Members

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    Our citizens are being dumbed down everyday by the leaders who are following the agenda of the leaders of this world...Was it smart in the late 1800's to take every country's poor, tired and hungry...No...And it's not smart to control people because you think that's your job.....

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