Why People Always Thinking About They Want Positive Talks ?

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by anasrahman, Jan 25, 2016.

  1. anasrahman

    anasrahman Members

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    why people always thinking about they want positive talks ?cant they also hear negative ? maybe that can let them to change their thought about life , a turning point ?
  2. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    ^ it's good to look at all sides of things, the good and the bad. No use at all viewing the world through rose tinted specs.
  3. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    I agree you need to see both sides of an issue, but when it comes to talking... Having negative talks are draining. They sap your energy level and can put you in a negative state. So people would rather have positive social interaction.
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  4. Ashalicious

    Ashalicious Senior Member

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    ^^ This.
  5. anasrahman

    anasrahman Members

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  6. outhaboxx

    outhaboxx Members

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    ppl natuarally want to feel good, not only about themselves but about everything that they do. i believe that ppl just need to hear the truth whether it be good,bad, or indifferent they need to hear what real and not some fabricated load of crap that will give them some kind of false sense of security for a brief moment. it's like a disease that's eating away at the already decaying societies of the world. boom.shit just got real.
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  7. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Anger is one thing...things can fly out of people's mouths they don't really mean in the throws of passion, anger...all of those very strong emotions.....When feeling intensely sometimes, it is hard to say....wait a minute.....let me cross my legs and dot my i's and cross my t's.....I find I can trust people who let it fly out of their mouths sometimes.....they trusted me with their feelings.....and vice versa....clearing the air, so to speak.....

    In normal every day conversation....it is either watering something and making it bloom or throwing poison on it and watching it die.....
  8. outhaboxx

    outhaboxx Members

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    I think you hit it right on the head, when people are angry they usually do tell you what they really think sometimes that's what it takes, a little bit of anger.
  9. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    True...but some people get a little too personal with their anger,and donot stay on topic being argued about.... and if it is in public, that is dirty pool.. I am usually fu, which is not personal, at all....as I never mean that literally....I am going to change that to f off from now on, though. The other way is just learned saying, as i heard it much of my life....from some other people...but thinking about it...no....not literal at all...lol...but I really donot like to use that word.....and I hate myself when i do...so maybe another expression is up to me to invent or something.
  10. Perfect Disorder

    Perfect Disorder Paradoxically Spontaneous

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    In all things harmony find balance between negative and positive . It is this lack of pure harmony which mankind most fears and most embraces
  11. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    There is a time and a place for negative talk. Complaining can alleviate stress and make you realize that you are not alone.

    But have you even known someone, or worked with someone, who was always perseverating on the negative aspects of work or life? After a while, they become difficult to be around.
  12. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Yeah, I have....tedious, is right at times. I have learned to tune out, though, and be the sounding board they need at times....and put in a yeah, uh, huh, every once in awhile....lol

    and with much practice...as i was a sounding board for my mom.....she would call up....and two hours would be her....of a 2 hour and 5 min conversation.
    I got in 5 mins of uh huhs...lol

    and I find myself back in the same exact boat again with a friend of mine.
  13. outhaboxx

    outhaboxx Members

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    i freaking hate it when people hash up crazy shit just to be spiteful, i never understood why certain people do that ? i guess maybe they think that if they hurt your feelings that they win ??
    soul-suckers are what i call those that just have to be negative about everything, even the good things, they're like psychic vampires, they just want all the attention on them.....all the time.
    venting is good. soul-sucking bad.
  14. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I don't know. A friend of mine and I talk about that quite often. there could be lots of reasons....My friend thinks people do that because they are unhappy with their own lives and their own selves, so it makes them feel like they have some kind of power hurting someone or something else.......That made sense to me.
  15. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    what people? where? seems more to me they're always demanding negative in everything.
    if there are, its almost certainly that they're damd tired of the effing negative.
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  16. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    if the question the op intended to ask, was why do people blind themselves to how conditions which cause suffering come to exist,
    that's really pretty simple too, its because they've been taught, or simply expect, that other things are more important to them,
    like excitement, or trying to impress each other, then avoiding contributing statistically to creating those conditions that result in suffering.
    (and then when it does come home to them, they just can't imagine why.
    i mean there IS a randomness factor in that people don't always or even often, get exactly what they, individually "deserve",
    but there is a bigger statistical factor the influences that randomness, that what we, as a statistical distribution, create,
    we DO as a statistical distribution get)

    or you could say, kharma is sloppy and inaccurate, but it isn't imaginary.
    because it isn't a belief, its how a reality which could care less what we believe,
    actually works.

    now i'm not saying nice invisible things can't exist also. i'm almost positive that they do.
    but maybe, just maybe, they have their own existences to live too.
    and can't always be changing our diapers, however nice we might try to be to them.

    yes we need to know what causes harm so we can avoid causing it
    but not to obsess on it, because it apparently gives some people some kind of thrill to do so.

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