Killing Baby Hitler...

Discussion in 'Mind Games' started by Jimbee68, Dec 16, 2015.

  1. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    It's less interesting of a choice. It is already certain a lot more people would answer that question with yes I would :p
  2. autophobe2e

    autophobe2e Senior Member

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    Stephen fry wrote a really good "killing Hitler" book.

    In it, scientists discover a way to travel through time by creating stable wormholes, but the wormholes are so small that only particles can be sent back through them, so they decide to send a sterilising substance through the portal to the lake near where hitler grew up, making his father infertile.

    When the scientist wakes up the next day, there are no more jews. The Nazis rose to power with a less insane leader, who was still anti-semitic and wanted the jews dead, but was able to thing logically about achieving that end; he never blocks jews from holding academic and scientific positions so all the manhattan project scientists stay in Germany to work on the nuclear bomb that wins germany the war, and when he decides that they've outlived their usefulness, he has a whole lake full of sterilising agent...

    One of the points the book makes is that really Hitlers rabid, insane hatred for the jews is actually what prevented him from effectively wiping them out. He lost vast swathes of his army towards the end of the war because he insisted they devote their time to rounding up jews instead of retreating, regrouping and resisting the allied forces. The rise of an antisemitic fascist party in germany was inevitable given the context of the times, and killing Hitler, whose insane fixation on exterminating jews cost them the war and the atomic bomb, might well lead to a less blinkered leader taking over.
  3. newo

    newo Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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  4. Instead of killing Hitler we should pull a Christmas Carol on him. Assuming we can do time travel, I think we could appear to Hitler as three ghosts and take him to Christmases past, present, and future to show him how bad he is. We should do this just before he plans The Final Solution, and instead of killing the Jews he will start ordering his Nazi men to give the Jews turkeys and money. And instead of the Holocaust, Hitler will be the greatest guy in the world and we will have world peace under our new Nazi banner.

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