Doves Are Just Victims

Discussion in 'The Whiners' started by rjhangover, Nov 21, 2015.

  1. rjhangover

    rjhangover Senior Member

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    Doves don't have guns. They aren't preditors. Yet they are hunted for fun. Same with so many other passive animals.

    Well I'm done letting the liberals lead me to the slaughter. I just aplied for a conceal and carry gun permit. If something like Paris happens here, I'm gonna shoot back.

    I just got a wake up call from another lib on another forum. I am through trusting anyone. She gave me her phone number, and when I called her, she used her caller ID to check into who my wife is, because her name comes up when I use the phone.

    I don't care if people try to dig into my past, but it really pisses me off when anyone uses me to dig into my wife's business.

    So now I don't trust liberals any more than I trust the cons.

    Another thing I've learned about iberals, is they are just as snooty as cons. No big ding, I'm more independent because of it.

    It really sucks not being able to trust anyone nowdays. I am a rock, I am an island.
  2. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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    Now that is what I call stupidity. You got what you asked for.
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  3. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    Now you know a bit of how I feel as a centrist. I catch hell from both extremes, right and left. I too am quite disgusted when anyone starts to dig into my life or suggests that I should lose my job or my wife should lose hers over something either one of us said. But that's exactly what's happening all over the US. Look at the story of Emily Faz which is thankfully fading. She put her opinion about the BLM movement on her facebook page and was immediately harassed and threatened (some even suggested that she deserved to be gang raped for being a white bitch, she's actually Hispanic).

    The threats were even extended to her employer. The BLM group didn't like her words, so they went after her job. Her primary gripe was with the hashtag fuckparis which I looked into on twitter. I have to agree with her. Instead of shutting the hell up for a while and showing compassion for dead people, they instead griped about how Paris was stealing the BLM spotlight. I expect that kind of shit from Westboro maybe, not "freedom fighters".

    I use a Trac Phone for "disposable" situations. Everything from selling a tractor to buying pot. I don't want my name popping up on a line that might be monitored. Welcome to the information age. It seemed for a time we might be starting a new age of enlightenment. Instead it has given rise to movements that might not otherwise have escaped the parent's basement. Any mouse can roar like a lion these days and if their message feeds into enough people's gripes, it trends and sticks. If the government can twist it into an advantage, they pour money at it. This should have us all concerned.

    But it doesn't because the message becomes SO compelling and we think it reaches us. Most of us don't even see how readily we are being manipulated because we like the way the message makes us "feel". It's time for a big fat dose of logic. What would Spock do?
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  4. Pieceofmyheart

    Pieceofmyheart Grumpy old bitch HipForums Supporter

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    I cannot imagine what this woman did had anything to do with her politics. Has more to do with talking to a man online, then voice...taking a friendship a step further. Most people are careful today about who they meet online. Did she know you were married? Could she have thought you were a catfish once a woman's name came up on the phone? or living with your mom? If I gave someone my number and a name came up I wasn't expecting...I may have looked into it.

    You say this woman checked into your wife's business? How far did she go? Maybe you should have told her what name/number would appear when you call.

    Honestly....I hope this thread is a joke....please tell me it is.
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  5. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    [​IMG] I know the area where you live. A terrorist couldn't find you with a GPS in each hand, nor would he want to. There's nothing there to blow up. You're just in a mood.

    This isn't about politics; it's about paranoia.
  6. rjhangover

    rjhangover Senior Member

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    You must have missed the Air Forse base, where they ship all that military equipment over to Iraq. I'm sure ISIS knows though.

    And another thing....My computer was hacked by an extremist right winger on another forum...totally destroyed all my data and my computer. Happened last week.

    I also get threatening emails almost everyday, saying they are going to expose me, and leak my personal info. Paranoid? Na, just another day in the new millenioum.
  7. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Unless you can see the AFB from your house, I wouldn't worry too much.

    The hacker thing sucks, but that can happen to anybody, anywhere. All we can do is get good security / virus software.
  8. Mattekat

    Mattekat Ice Queen of The North

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    I'm having a hard time understanding you on this one rj. The first thing I was ever told about the internet was to never give out any personal information, because people will basically do exactly what you said. Perhaps it's a generational thing, or perhaps it's because I'm a woman, but that was drilled into me from friends, family, the media and school regularly. But now because of one nut job on the internet your opinion of libs has changed?

    There always have and always will be crazy, and/or stupid, and/or extremist people on both sides. I don't see why meeting one of those nuts should change your beliefs or who you trust. I don't trust strangers in general, their political views have nothing to do with it, I just don't know them yet.
  9. rjhangover

    rjhangover Senior Member

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    The AFB is less than 10 miles south from my house. Those cargo planes fly over our house daily. They fly really low and slow. I don't know how they stay in the air, they are so huge. I'd say three or four 747's can fit inside one. There is eight houses on my street. We each have an acre of land. And those planes are bigger than all our houses and land together.

    As far as my computer...I get mine from a freind that works on them for a living. He fixes and installs them for corporations. When the corp. buys new ones they just have him take the old ones. so he cleans them out and gives me one when I need one. But the software is outdated. The one I have now is Windows XP. I can't see buying a new one, just to have it hacked and destroyed. The anti-virus software on mine is top of the line. But hackers are stealing identities at the rate of every three seconds these days. They can hack into anywhere, including the pentagon, the CIA, the FBI and the White House.

    I'm not living in a fantasy land. Even people on this forum that are supposed to be friends, turn on me in a flash.
  10. rjhangover

    rjhangover Senior Member

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    Hey, I'm still a liberal, I'm just learning that liberals are just as devious as the right wingers. They will betray others just as readily as the cons, if they're not living up to their expectations.

    I think you are wise not to trust. It will save you some trouble. It hurts a lot worse when you are betrayed by someone that is supposed to be a friend. I have learned there is no such thing as a friend on any forum or the internet.
  11. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    rj, did this women who you think hurt you know you were married, and did she use something against you. I don't think she committed any crime by looking up a name that appeared on her phone, unless she used something against you or something like that.....You have given too little information here to even know what you are really talking about....and hey, my song thread pal, i have not hurt you yet..... :D

    Yes, wise not to trust people on the really do not know who is behind the screen with anyone.....even in real life, it is hard to trust anyone 100%.....It is rare and something to celebrate if you do have anyone in life you can really trust.

    i wrote this once.....from a deer's and can apply to other animals that are preyed upon's perspective....

    Snakes in the grass
    hawks in the sky
    wolf pack to my right
    cars to my left
    hunters in front of me
    Where do i run to live my life?
  12. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Like in real life, it takes some time to find out for sure what people are really like. Sooner or later, their true colors come out.

    I have everything I need in life, so I'm not looking to get anything from anybody.
  13. rjhangover

    rjhangover Senior Member

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    Yeah, I've had it happen in person as well as on line. And like I said, it hurts worse when they say they're a friend and then betray you.
    I imagine it must be nice to have everything you need in life, and not need friends. Guess I deserve it for being a bleeding heart liberal....but I'm learning that friends are just a figment of Imagination.
  14. rjhangover

    rjhangover Senior Member

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    Yes, she knew I'm married. And my wife knew I was calling her on the phone. It's not like we were going to hook up or anything like that. I live on the east coast, she lives in BC Canada. She gave me her phone number in a private message to call her. I thought it would be interesting to talk to her, because she said she was a therapist that worked with veterans with PTSD. And yes, it's my fault because when I call someone, my wife's name comes up on the caller ID. But it bothered me because I called her a couple of times and she didn't answer or have and answering machine, and then she sent me another private message saying the she knew who the mysterious bla bla was. MY WIFE'S NAME ISN'T HANGOVER. Neither is mine. But she didn't anwer the phone to see who it was, she must have put two and two together, and came up with it was me calling. So when I sent her a private message saying that I didn't like people digging into my wife's business, she got upset and reported me to the forum, saying I was abusing her. it's all pretty twisted, but I admitted it was my fault for calling her to begin with. But that wasn't good enough, she reported me anyway.

    In another incident on the same forum, I made a thread about GAY MARRIAGE AND PALYGAMY. And a couple of guys joked about being in love with their goat. So I put a video of some guys that actually did marry a goat. Well this one liberal animal lover got extremely upset with me for putting the video on the thread, and wrote me a private message saying I was sickening, as if I was a goat fucker. I wrote her back and said I was sorry if I offended her, but I was just pointing out that guys really do marry their goats. Well that wasn't good enough. She wrote back again saying she didn't need anyone telling her that. I wrote back again and told her that the damn video wasn't directed at her, it was for the dudes that were joking about being with a goat. Before that, we were friends, but her fanatissim for animials made her think that I wasn't living up to her expectations, and she turned on me like a rabid dog.

    Like I said, liberals like cons, demand that people live up to their expectations. And I'm not going to bend over that far.
  15. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    the topside of the wing is longer and forces the air to stretch thin....which causes a low air pressure area above the wing and a high air pressure under it

    the large planes work the same way as small going to assume its c-5 just because google says those are the biggest

    if i remember right 1 acre is roughly 200 feet by 200 those planes are about the size of 1 acre give or take
  16. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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  17. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    I didn't say that. I probably have enough friends that I could get by okay without adding any more, and I don't need to screw anybody over who thinks I'm a friend to gain some sort of advantage.

    Too much cynicism degrades the quality of your life. You have to give somebody a chance, sometime. Take a little risk.
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  18. rjhangover

    rjhangover Senior Member

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    So I take a risk, and you see what happens...then I say something about it...then I get called a whiner, paranoid, and who I thought were friends. Thanks for proving my point.
  19. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Yes, life is not risk-free, and people sometimes get disappointed. So what else is new?

    As a friend, I can get by with calling you an asshole on this point. ;)
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  20. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    Think of the low pressure on the topside of the wing as a partial vacuum. Airplanes are basically sucked into the sky!

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