High Tolerance: How To Lower Or Reset

Discussion in 'Stoners Lounge' started by Sleeping Caterpillar, Nov 13, 2015.

  1. Sleeping Caterpillar

    Sleeping Caterpillar Members

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    There's many threads out there about people's dreaded tolerance levels negatively effecting their highs.

    We of course know that a tolerance break, or t-break for short, is a solid method for coming back to a stronger high, but are they're any alternatives that don't take as much time?

    There's many "detox" agents are there used for job interviews and the likes of drug testing, but could they be used more "recreationally"? To help get higher once again (I never personally used any, and would be interested in hearing experiences)

    I myself stumbled upon one pill that really seemed to intensify the high to levels I haven't seen in years. Maybe some of you psychonauts know about dosing it before MDMA rolls or psych trips.
    5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan), a precursor to serotonin, it's job is to increase natural serotonin levels in your brain. Obviously this has a much more direct effect with the psychedelic family (for which this example I include MDMA). However, myself and others online have experienced increased highs when combing it with cannabis (usually dosing the 5HTP with a meal before smoking).
  2. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    I would not recommend long term use of of 5-HTP. In the long run it will have the opposite effect and your body will depend on it for serotonin production. Piracetam is a much better substance for pre-loading and keeping the tolerance down so the "magic" of MDMA is still there. But that is also not good to use long term for the same reasons. Some people even report withdrawals from it but I never personally experienced that.

    As far as weed Omega-3 is great for tolerance. It keeps the THC receptors in good shape and helps to create new ones. It also has health benefits even if you don't smoke so it is something that you can and should have consistently in your diet. Green tea is something people I know I swear by. It also has health benefits but the main one I have found is it is constantly burning your fat away and causing you to urinate. So it is more difficult for your body to store THC.

    Detox drinks will not help as much as a tolerance break. The main issue is not that there is THC in your system but that your THC receptors have become used to the stimulation of weed. The THC stored in your fat is not doing much. Some people claim to get high when they exercise on tolerance breaks but in my experience it's just sitting there it is not getting you high. Although it can not hurt for there to be no THC in your system.
  3. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i guess you could just smoke less without taking a break. if you're smoking all day every day and you drop down to once or twice a day, you'll start getting higher right away.
  4. Mattekat

    Mattekat Ice Queen of The North

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    My friend has 2 cats named molly and 5cat. Their full names are mdma and 5-htp.
  5. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    Cannabis has a pretty unique and particular (least from what has been discovered this far) effect on the brain.

    I kind of went over some info tonight, the only potential "supplement" enhancement that I could see is perhaps thujone, which is a component of the drink absinthe. I have not tried this myself and thujone in high doses can cause convulsions apparently, one of the reasons why absinthe was banned in the US but if used cautiously, it might potentiate cannabis in interesting ways and lessen tolerance to an extent.

    Other than that, you're probably looking at nootropics such as the aforementioned piracetam or supplements which have subtle psychoactive effects, perhaps like 5htp, that basically may augment a desirable effect of the cannabis but I don't think they would lower tolerance necessarily.
  6. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    Ananandamide also seems like it would have potential but the chemical vendors I searched carrying it seem sketch.
  7. wetsocks

    wetsocks there's no one driving

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    just stop smoking. only way it's gonna feel new again is if you let your body forget what it feels like

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