Alternate Universes

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by Moonglow181, Nov 5, 2015.

  1. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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  2. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    Interesting but it seems pretty inconclusive at this point as to what the glow is or represents.
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  3. Terrapin2190

    Terrapin2190 I am nature.

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    That's an interesting read. Thanks for posting that :)

    My brother has been talking for the longest time (and I half-assedly agree) about how there could be supposed 'leaks' in the universe and how reality and dreams have become closer to merging together. Now, I understand what the fellow scientist is saying, how there could be any sort of explanation for these pockets of light... but wouldn't that be something? To 'know' that there are in fact alternate universes all around us?

    A few quotes just for fun from a game I played a long time ago, Planescape: Torment, which deals with alternate universes:

    "When a mind does not know itself, it is flawed. When a mind is flawed, the man is flawed. When a man is flawed, that which he touches is flawed. It is said that what a flawed man sees, his hands make broken."

    "The city [Sigil] exists in opposition to itself. It has set itself apart from the planes, yet it seeks to be everywhere at once. Its walls are doors, yet it keeps these doors locked. Such an existence tells of a thing that does not know itself. In not knowing itself, it is flawed."

    Now, I can't seem to find the exact quote, but I'll try to explain the best I can, since it's the part in the game that I thought of after reading that article...

    So, the game is really imaginative, abstract, and a bit creepy. Nameless One (who you play as) basically wakes up in a morgue and is joined by a companion, who just so happens to be a giant, witty floating skull with a dry sense of humor.

    At some point in the game, you meet a lady named Ingress, who explains to you a chain of events that happened upon her. Long story short, she accidentally stepped through a portal and landed in Sigil (which is the city in the game. A kind of half-way point between realms/universes). She goes on to explain, quite erratically and distraught to the point of madness, that she has been stuck in this realm for 30 years. While talking to her and hearing her plight (this is the important part), she explains how every doorway has the potential to be a portal to a different, strange realm and that any object you posess or action you take could activate the portal and every other sad sap in the realm could be the next to wind up in the same situation.

    (This last part isn't for the sqeamish reader. If you're turned off by reading strange, dark, abstract stories, just skip to the next post) ;)

    You then go on a quest to find a crooked finger-bone, which is the key to the portal she stepped through to wind up there, which includes teleporting into 'The Queen's Labyrinth' yadda-yadda-yadda, you find the key, give it to her and she leaves the realm. Where she went, who knows. I also forgot to mention, that upon meeting her, you notice that her teeth are constantly chattering and clacking about and she looks a bit funny as she talks. Upon further inspection, you realize that her teeth are actually turning, twisting and moving about in her mouth. After completing the quest and she disappears, you eventually run into a man that met her before she left the realm. He tells you that she wanted you to have something and that 'something' turns out to be her teeth. She said she didn't need them anymore and Morte (you're floating skull companion) pops them in his mouth which give him a few extra attack points lol.

    I know, I didn't need to go into that much detail, but I found that part in the game's plot appealing for some reason. One of the most memorable moments in the game for me, being transported to the labyrinth, a place where no one is meant to go (and get out alive), the conspiracy that no one is meant to speak of the queen without some mysterious action being taken. And the part with Ingress at wit's end explaining how she stumbled through a random portal and got stuck in that strange, dark land for 30 years... I find it as epic storytelling. And it tells of the possibilites, more importantly the dangers of slipping through to 'the other side'.

    Hope you enjoyed the tale. It's an old game, but one of the best I've ever played.

    Planescape: Torment for PC, DRM-free. If you're interested.
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  4. Space_Trippin

    Space_Trippin Banned

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    I'm not going to read it, because I think scientists of today are idiots. They are brain dead puppets!
    I'.m a nobody and I can figure out thje universe. Its exactly the same as the beginning when the scientist knew nothing. Our Earth is the center and all revolves around it.... The sun is the center we all revolve around it. The Galaxies exist from a begiining point.

    Man science isn't even close to knowing our galaxy let a lone the universe Gaud I hate anyone who pretends to say they figured out the universe. If the big bang happened it wasn't the beginning, it was during it all, fvck I'm not fooled by todays crap
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  5. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    If alternate universes exist, and i think they do...I am a believer in them....then there is no beginning or end, which can apply to everything in the universes....which I find upliftting, as i hope there is a forever, but I am not convinced either way...the more we learn about what exists, the more we understand about our own lives.
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  6. Space_Trippin

    Space_Trippin Banned

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    I don't exactly call them an alternate universe. Between you and me, we are just in another universe, sitting beside other universes. Like theres the atom. the solar system, the galaxy, the empty pace, the other galaxies, more empty space to as far as our telescopes can see! To scientists thats all there is.... but I believe whole heartedly without any science that there are othere universes sitting out there.... and all the universes are in a cluster of a no name thing... and it goes on and on like that.
  7. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I agree with space tripping. Scientists are morons. We could be researching so many more beneficial things for our lives and earth but nope here we are spending money on an alternate universe theory. Theory. Lol. Yep, way to go fellas. That's a solution to all of our problems right now.
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  8. Space_Trippin

    Space_Trippin Banned

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    Yea useless theories are a joke cause they change with a drop of a hat. Theoretical science is absolutely useless. Ask me. what I think. I bet my theory is better than theirs but the're theory has big useless money backers, but all they are doing is imagining something from our knowledge.
    You are right Irminsul, they are not helping or solving problems of today!
  9. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Yep. And then there's "experimental science" :D which I think is about as convincing as the theoretical one.

    Millions starving out there but it's cool, have you heard about alternate universes?
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  10. Space_Trippin

    Space_Trippin Banned

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    Its insane. Science is only a tool. But it seems tools have control of science.
  11. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Science has made lots of progress in medicine, for one thing....Medical science helps to prolong people's lives.....Average life span is longer now than it was in the olden days.....Forensic science has caught criminals...and on and on and on...but science is insane,...ok....
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  12. Space_Trippin

    Space_Trippin Banned

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    I understand that part of science (thats a useful science) but I guess you don't understand the science of theory. That is insane!

    the first that comes to mind is planetary scientists WHO think they fuckin know
    second- thinking scientists like that dude hawkin (I dont believe in his THEORIES) in the wheel chair who cant talk (ok you can put him in the first catagory)
    - 3 im getting a headache thinking of these jokeres

    these are just my quick thoughts of the evil of science
    please add to it... there is a never ending of this type and who pays them?
  13. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    The same people who pay ball players millions of dollars to play ball? The same people who pay millions of dollars to those who show their face on a big screen? Ok, I am being fecetious on purpose here, though......Scientists do not make very much is hard for knowledge for very little pay and not much appreciation. I like that they are opening up and explaining things....who knew what an atom was before the first scientist did and discovered it and explained it?...Atom....Adam....ok....huh!

    I get that you don't think much of them....but everyone has a theory.....and why not....? Should we all be stuck in the same ways of thinking....?
    I listen to all of it, and take under my head and heart what makes sense to me.....We can respectfully disagree need for an argument over it.....
  14. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    There's just one thing I still don't understand (well, actually two). Does this mean my dearly-departed loved ones (and dearly departed animals [in my house, animals were family members too]), are "partying" (as one commenter put it) in an alternate universe?

    And two, is there anyway to communicate with these alternate worlds? I know there is no way to get there. But if we can see glimpses them, does that not imply communication would be possible too?

    :daisy: :daisy: :daisy:
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  15. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    It would be nice to think so, but everything is a theory about those sorts of things. no one knows for sure. All i know is that i believe in multi universes, which is really not proven yet either.
  16. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I would also like to think that anything that tortures anything in this life comes back as one being tortured, too.... ;)
  17. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    There are several different multiverse theories, in one of them I think the implications do lead to something like you are talking about with the dearly-departed loved ones existing in another universe.

    In other versions, there are potentially completely different laws of physics and stuff, so that could be a reason why "communication" would be extremely difficult. Not to mention that we are far from communicating with the entire scope of our own universe.
  18. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    If so, why do I never feel my mom around at all...I would if she could, so I have my doubts.
  19. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    With that version of the multiverse I've heard it described as like think of a tree branching, so the event where your mother is around would occur on a different "branch" of multiverse then the "branch" which you reside in here.

    I actually am not too keen on the "Many-Worlds" interpretation of the Multiverse myself, some of the others seem like more intuitive possibilities.
  20. ObiJuan

    ObiJuan Members

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    Neil degrasse tyson had a really fun thought..

    Everything we have known to exist is never alone. Life comes in multiples: animals, planets, stars, galaxies.

    Who's to say that scale ever stops. Perhaps there's more than one universe. On top of that, perhaps there's more than one multi-verse

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