Smoked Myself Sick?

Discussion in 'Cannabis and Marijuana' started by Laci, Nov 2, 2015.

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  1. Laci

    Laci Members

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    So halloween night, I went over to my companion's house and we smoked a pretty darn good amount. Sorry to go TMI, but we had just had pretty rough sex as well, and right after I got this terrible pain in my lower right abdomen. I was clenching my stomach and groaning in pain for about 5 minutes, then my body temperature shot up, I started getting light-headed. I sat on the edge of the bed and took a drink of water, and then I was looking at my friend who was talking and my vision went completely blurry, it was like everything was cloudy and shaking back and forth. I tremored a bit, and then my friend took me to the restroom in case I vomited apparently. Anyway, I splashed water on my face and it gave me my vision back, so then I jumped in the shower and turned the cold water on full blast, and my body started to go back to normal. There may or may not have been vodka involved at some point, honestly can't remember.
    I'm kind of worried that it could happen again, but I also think it may have just been an isolated incident where I got in over my head and over-did it.

    Anyone had this happen before? Am I dying?
    Thanks. <3
  2. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Sounds like you need some medicine :sifone: :D

    Seriously, probably a one time incident. If you are not sure a thing like vodka was really involved we can not say much with certainty either of course ;) Maybe it was a combi of things, like you just used your physical energy, maybe drank vodka before, smoked a lot of good weed. That in combination with for example not taking a shit (just considering how you got that intense belly pain!), or ate too less (or much?) before all can lead up to the occasional weird gut feeling, belly ache or 'pulling a whitey'.
  3. Pieceofmyheart

    Pieceofmyheart Grumpy old bitch HipForums Supporter

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    Probably isolated thing...over did it. Not with herb or alcohol but sex. If it was rough, you could have gotten air bubble, he could have bruised your cervix...if you are near your period could be ovarian pain. This is more common than you think, it's ok unless it persists then you may want to see Dr.
  4. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    The best way to find out if it's a one time thing is by smoking the same amount of weed again tonight.
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  5. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    The only time this has happened is when alcohol was involved. It was probably more to do with the alcohol than the weed.
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  6. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Likely, or it was the combi of things.

    I sure had more stomach problems from alcohol than overindulging in weed :p
  7. audrey_the_endotherm

    audrey_the_endotherm Members

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    As others have said it's probably just an isolated incident caused by the combination of things you did, and too much Halloween candy lol. Are you feeling better now? Lower right abdo pain might be an indicator of appendicitis which can cause episodes of vomiting. Also could be a UTI, just monitor if you have any pain during urination, or increased frequency of urination. Go see your Dr if thing persist. I am sure it's none of those, just take it easy indulging next time.
  8. Heat

    Heat Smile, it's contagious! :) Lifetime Supporter

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    If any of the symptoms persist or happen again you should see a doctor and find out why.

    Hopefully it does not and it just means you had too good a time. :)
  9. Laci

    Laci Members

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    I feel fine, maybe a tad hungover lol. I'm thinking I probably just over did it :p will be more careful-ish next time.
  10. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    you being a girl centering your body in sexual positions someones weight on you vaginal penetration alcohol
    vodka might as well be rubbing alcohol really hard on the stomach that wasnt in the best position for digestion
    sometimes weed specially strong weed mixed with alcohol
    with me makes me feel like I was hit in head with hammer very dizzy and somewhat hypoglycemic and can effect body temperatures
    getting sick when having a good time sucks the most
  11. Mattekat

    Mattekat Ice Queen of The North

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    You partied too dang hard laci! :p
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  12. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    In principle, you could have been slipped something to make you more pliant to the rough sex. Even if you consented to rough stuff, he might have gotten off on making you extra pliant. The blurry vision and memory loss seem to be consistent with that possibility.

    It would be more likely if this was just some guy that you just met, but it's still plausible.

    Everything mentioned could have been a cause too.

    I would say seeing an MD would be a good idea.
  13. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    my guess=twisted bowel /temporary obstruction
  14. Laci

    Laci Members

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    If I had vodka, it was only a shot. I'm pretty sure I just got baked though. My guess is that I just got trashed and made myself sick. Not too worried lol, but if it happens again I'll see a doc right away.
  15. Terrapin2190

    Terrapin2190 I am nature.

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    Lower right could be appendix? (I can never remember if it's left or right abdomen) But I think that would be a more persistant pain. Also, kidney stones will definitely do that to you. I've never dealt with one myself (thank god), but I've heard a lot of people say it can be worse than giving birth! I'd write a note and get it checked out or get some info on it next time you see a doctor.

    I get these seemingly random spells that sound familiar to what you experienced. I can't say if I feel 'out of it' before it happens, but it's very similar. Lightheadedness, raise in body temp, blurry vision (kind of like a white-out rather than a blackout, if that helps). It gets really hard to concentrate, especially when people are talking. It's kind of like a sudden migrane that comes out of nowhere. Also seems to happen more often when I haven't been drinking much water throughout the day.

    I tell ya tho, it really freaks people out when it happens. I think medication might have something to do with it too. Seems to happen to me once every 6 months or so? But like I said, it also seems completely random. Now, I do have some bowel and abdomen problems, so that could play a factor too.

    And btw, I miss you!! :D You don't write, you don't call... Hope you're feeling better tho and that doesn't happen again.
  16. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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    All these things you can't remember, vomiting, drinking vodka, you're only "pretty sure you just got baked"...

    There's something you're not telling us and I think you might want to re-assess what really went on that night before blaming pot for making you sick.
  17. Laci

    Laci Members

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    I have a pretty good idea what happened, and I'm the last person to go "blaming pot" for my ailments. All I'm saying is if I drank, it would have been a shot of vodka at most, I was only smoking bud and nothing else, and I didn't get roofied lol. At this point I'm over what happened and I feel perfectly fine. I was merely curious if anyone might have ideas of what could be wrong and if I should be overly concerned.
  18. Laci

    Laci Members

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    That's interesting! I was looking for your number to text but I couldn't find it!!! :(
  19. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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    Just judging from your title of the thread, ya know, "smoked myself sick?" I didn't get the idea you were talking about tobacco.
  20. Laci

    Laci Members

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    *shrug* There's also a question mark after. I'm not a doctor, who knows what made me sick. Could have been smoking too much, could have been the alcohol, could have been that I hadn't eaten much or a combination of factors. Regardless, I posted this to see what insight others might have. What happened is done and over with, couldn't go back and change it
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