The Last Witch Hunter

Discussion in 'New Movies' started by Shale, Oct 23, 2015.

  1. Shale

    Shale ~

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    The Last Witch Hunter
    Movie Blurb by Shale
    October 23, 2015

    This movie opens with a group of Medieval witch hunters trekking thru the snow to a lair in a huge dead tree. They locate the Witch Queen (Julie Engelbrecht) and her minions and the battle ensues when Kaulder (Vin Diesel) manages to skewer the witch with fire and steel of his sword. End of story? Nah, just 15 minutes into the movie. Before the Witch Queen dies she curses Kaulder with immortality.

    Kaulder - Medieval Witch Hunter

    Now we are in the present, where Kaulder is after 800 years still hunting witches. Well, not all witches. Seems there is a truce with the good witches as long as they don't use their magic to harm ppl. Assisting Kaulder is an order of priests, with Father Dolan (Michael Caine) as the 36th who is about to retire. His replacement, the 37th Father Dolan (Elijah Wood) is already prepped.

    Dolan & The Witch Hunter

    There is mischief afoot as a murderous witch comes on the scene and Kaulder goes sleuthing thru lots of magic stuff trying to identify him. He comes across a friendly witch, Chloe (Rose Leslie) who can help unleash a secret in his mind.

    Friendly Witch and Witch Hunter

    There is lots of magic that unfolds as we progress and it is often difficult to keep up with which spook is bad or really bad. Eventually, it becomes apparent that there will be a very desperate battle to keep the dark forces from taking over.

    Ready for Battle

    I went to this movie because - Vin Diesel. However, I have to admit I was thinking most of the time about how the professional critics will pan this movie. On Rotten Tomatoes only 15% of them gave it a Fresh rating and only half the audiences liked it. Their critical consensus was, "Grim, plodding, and an overall ill fit for Vin Diesel's particular charms, The Last Witch Hunter will bore and/or confuse all but the least demanding action-fantasy fans."

    OUCH! Well, I am a least demanding fan but have to agree with their take on it. I may pick up the DVD some day when I see it in the $5 bin at Best Buy or K-Mart.
    1 person likes this.
  2. MaryGreen

    MaryGreen Members

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    I want to go to the cinema to see this movie! The trailer is unbelievable!
  3. 8Mia8

    8Mia8 Members

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    Sounds good! I suppose it's worth watching.
  4. everdeenkatniss257

    everdeenkatniss257 Members

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    Watched this movie but didn't like too much...

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