Is Clinton's Emails A Hillary Strategy?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by rjhangover, Sep 1, 2015.

  1. rjhangover

    rjhangover Senior Member

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    Is Hillary stringing along the voters, because they have such short memories? Is she drip drip dripping the release until it's close enough to the election to reveal that the cons have been conducting a witch hunt on her? If she can show the country that the cons are extremists, by wasting millions of dollars with these endless investigations, it could get her the nomination.

    I seriously doubt that the cons or the media have enough foresight to even consider this. The media just wants to stir the shit pot for ratings. And the cons are out to smear mud on any and all liberals. I don't think they have enough brains to take any of this into consideration.

    The cons have wasted a half billion dollars on congressional investigations and hearings on Benghazi, in their effort to smear Obama and Hillary. If she waits till next summer to make the point of republican waste, it will be fresh in the minds of voters.

    If Hillary can make fools out of the cons before the election she will win.

    I guess we'll have to wait and see.
  2. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Doncha know? Hillary, if elected, is going to move the White House into HER house.

    Why redecorate the White House, when you can just redecorate your own home with stuff from the White House!

    Why have your own email server, when you can have your own West Wing, aka "the living room" in Hillary's house?

    She's even gonna have her own "Situation Room" in her basement, complete with stocked fridge and wide screen TV.

    And if things get dicey, she's even got a fallout shelter from 1960 in her back yard should she need it. :)

    I hear she's got a bedroom ready with a bunk bed for two Secret Service agents with their own ensuite bathroom!

    She's already turned her backyard patio into a helipad and she finally installed a security system with a camera facing the street, in case someone tries to steal state secrets from her mailbox.

    What more could a President ask for?
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  3. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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  4. rjhangover

    rjhangover Senior Member

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    Let me aren't a Hillary supporter....I support Bernie....but it looks like you got all these accusations from the GOP.
  5. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    But Skip, the White House has a kickin bondage room. It used to be a brig of a sort for interrogating high profile prisoners. Nobody will admit who had it installed.

    As for the servers and missing mail, Nixon was brought down with less.

    I'm tired of American dynasties running our lives into the ground. But I do predict that Kanye will indeed win in 2020, but will lose to Jenna Bush in 2024. She'll get 2 terms and then get trounced by Chelsea Clinton.
  6. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    The LA Times and the NY Times both carried the story from the GAO that the Clinton administration left damage in their wake as they left the White House. The most common estimate was $15,000 in all. Part of that was that someone on the Clinton staff stole or damaged all of the W keys on keyboards. A rather petty thing to do considering that Bill had 2 terms. It's not like GW beat him, he clearly didn't. And Gore waited until the last part of his campaign to bring Clinton into it. By then it was too late. A Clinton plan takes time (and bodies).

    I bet the Clinton machine could have pulled Florida away from GW even with Jeb the puppet as governor. But Gore shunned the Clintons early in his campaign, a huge mistake. I think Obama owes quite a bit to the Clintons as well. While the republicans yet again trot out their usual campaign boredom all we see from democrats is infighting. This is not how they have won so many campaigns before. Look how democrats banded together to get Cantor's republican opposition elected (and Cantor tossed out). A very shrewd move.

    For decades we could count on democrats campaigning arm in arm solely to beat republicans at any cost. They always turn out for elections and function as a common team. After the election they go back to being a collection of warring kingdoms. Except this time. This time we see democrats presenting a bunch of squabbling old white people as if SNL was doing a skit. The republicans present a weird, but diverse field of confirmed assholes and whipping boys as well as a job killing corporate bitch shark who doesn't have a prayer (she's there to ride Hillary and avoid the sexist card).

    It's all theater. Throwing in on either side entirely would only be fanatical. Their both the same snobbish country club.
  7. rjhangover

    rjhangover Senior Member

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    Ok ok, besides Bubba only adding one trillion to the national debt, compared to two trillion by Shrub daddy, and $6 trillion by Shrub Jr.. And Shrub Jr. destroying the balanced budget that Bubba left office with....which dynasty did the least amount of damage?

    Yeah yeah, "Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil." But not voting is giving the most evil the keys to your life.

    If it comes down to the "Bush" dynasty vs. the "Clinton" dynasty, I'm gonna vote Clinton.

    Breaking it down...Bush=War with Iran-end of Social Security-end of healthcare-end of equal rights for marriage-more national debt-more benefits for corporations-more prosecutions for pot- more police state.

    With Hillary those things are the opposite.
  8. Piney

    Piney Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    White House Chief of Staff: Valerie Jarrett has released more dirt on HRC than any Republican ever could, Yeah Elizabeth Warren for President.
  9. rjhangover

    rjhangover Senior Member

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    I think Warren has endorsed Bernie.....
  10. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Now, I don't like repeating myself this much but there IS a third option :p (well technically a fourth if we would consider not voting at all also as something meaninful.. which it isn't.). The only reason not voting for a smaller party is that people are too scared that the 'biggest of two evils' will win (again). Which in return will make sure most people vote as usual on one of the 2 evils and there is no chance on political change in your country. The democrats should feel very comfy (I think in general they are complacent with the current political situation). They have only one big opponent which at the moment has a charicature as number 1. Neither deserves the vote of the american people (my opinion). Fuck any 'dynasty'.
  11. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Yes you do. ;)
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  12. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    No, just because I actually do it doesn't mean I like that :) You guys should just listen to me the first time :crowngrin:
  13. rjhangover

    rjhangover Senior Member

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    So you're saying you won't vote if Bush and Hillary are the nominees?
  14. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    No, not saying that at all. If I was an american I would look up the third party option that suits me best and vote for them. Crazy idea right?
  15. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    So far there is no allegation that Hillary has broken any laws by having a private server.

    Let's look back:

    In 2007 Bush dismissed eight U.S. attorneys for inappropriate political reasons as reported by a Justice Department investigation. During the investigation it was found that up to 5 million internal White House emails had been sent on a non-government server (""), and were then "lost" or deleted. This was a possible violation of the Presidential Records Act of 1978, and the Hatch Act which mandate the preservation of all records.

    In 2009 it was revealed that 22 million emails had been deleted.

    "" was owned by and hosted on a private email server run by the Republican National Committee, along with 88 other accounts granted to senior Bush administrators. Of those 81, 51 accounts and all of their emails have been "lost".

    Others who used private servers for governmental work include:
    Colin Powell
    Jeb Bush
    Aides to Gov. Scott Walker
    Gov. Sarah Palin
    Ambassador J. Scott Gration
    Aides to Gov. Christie
    Gov. Cuomo
    Gov. Howard Dean
    Gov. Bobby Jindal
    Gov. Rick Perry
    Lois Lernar
    Former aide to Obama Lisa Jackson
    EPA Chairman Rafael Moure-Eraso
    Lanny Breuer
    Labor Secretary Thomas Perez

    and many others...

    A survey released by the research group "Government Business Council" that was conducted on Federal employees and released before the allegation against Clinton emerged found that 6% reported that they always use personal email for government business, 10% often, 17% sometimes, and 30% rarely.

    That's 63%!

    To me it seems clear that this whole scandal is just an example of "Swift Boating" by a bunch of hypocrites that want to smear a rival and distract the American public from the real issues. None of the reported "Classified" emails so far were classified at the time of their issuance, so what's the beef?

    You can't be faulted retro actively.

    Now, if something illegal does come to light, then by all means let's spend another few million to investigate every other Presidential candidates' past to the same degree.
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  16. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    That sounds like some solid info. Does it come from an article or what's the source? Just wondering!

    Hey, it's election time (well in a year or so) :p Yeah, I am kidding a little bit now, but smearing your rival and distract the public with it seems the inevitable and accepted approach around election time in the USA.
  17. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    If you were an American you'd vote 3rd party? Until you are an American, you don't really know how you would vote. It's why I don't speculate on how I'd vote if I was French.

    I voted for Perot, I thought he had a chance and his message was open and honest. What I didn't realize was that all I accomplished was a minor bump in the road for the dynasties that currently trade the oval office back and forth. There is a deeper side to the two main parties than the press would ever reveal. While I was glad to see Bush 1 booted from office, Clinton wasn't much better. Then we got Bush 2.

    The problem with 3rd parties in the US today is both viability and narrow focus. Look at the Green Party, they could only get a president elected from their ranks AFTER an apocalypse. And they still support the likes of Cynthia McKinney, a certifiable loon who had it all in congress until she opened her j-a-w-s.

    Even though Trump is currently running as a republican he's about as 3rd party as it gets. He's not distracted by wedge issues and is going straight for the job killers, as was Perot. However, Trump also has a side that reminds me of Bush 1 and his creepy CIA buddies. But Trump is a casino guy, so I worry that Americans may just elect a band of mobsters who will continue the tradition of looting the American people. Other than Trump there is not likely to be a viable 3rd party run.
  18. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    New to American politics? :D [jk] That kind of thing only happens on days that end in Y.
  19. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Damm lost my whole post....

    Anyway the Bush stuff is on Wikipedia, the list is compiled from a lot of sites I visited on Google, you have to wade through pages of Hillary stuff to find them. I didn't cite them as most people here never check sources or don't care, I'd have to go through my history to find them again. Took me an hour or two the first time.

    The survey is from here:

    Most media outlets are not reporting that Hillary's "classified" emails weren't classified when they were sent or that there is an intergovernmental dispute about whether they are even classified now.
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  20. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Yeah, I rarely inform about the source(s) as well but now I just wondered if all those numbers etc. came from the same source or if you made the effort of looking up several yourself in order to make that info complete and convincing. :cheers2:

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