My Aunt

Discussion in 'Mental Health' started by SunshineSummerlott, Jul 30, 2015.

  1. SunshineSummerlott

    SunshineSummerlott Members

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    My Aunt is in the ICU right now for trying to kill herself and I went to see her. It really upset me when I got the news because I honestly feel closer to her than my parents and I've NEVER heard my dad cry like that before. She is the wonderful woman that married my husband and I almost a year ago. I guess she took a bunch of pills of different kinds. I'm really concerned for her daughter because she lost her dad already and has had issues with causing harm to herself. Honestly, she's a VERY dramatic teenage girl so most of her intention is to get attention, but still. Poor kid lost her dad and almost her mom. Just needed to talk about it a bit. I don't want to be all up in my Aunt's koolaid because I know she needs rest, peace, and she might be feeling guilty or embarassed...but I love her to pieces and I want to be there for her in anyway I can. When she gets out of ICU she's going to be admitted to the hospital's psych floor. Please pray/send good/vibes her way.
  2. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    Sorry to hear this is happening. I'm glad she survived though, that's something to be thankful for.

    You might want to visit and get some feedback on the best way to respond to her attempt; the folks there should have some expertise on the subject.

    My guess is that just showing her some love and visiting her, if she wants to be visited, might be good.

    What is your cousin's situation right now? Is someone looking after her? If she's dramatic to begin with, I'm sure she's super freaking out right now, and could possibly do something stupid/self destructive.

    Watching over her might be one of the best things that you can do for your aunt right now.

    Hope that your cousin is ok and your aunt gets better soon!
  3. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Wishing for the best...
  4. SunshineSummerlott

    SunshineSummerlott Members

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    My cousin is with my dad right now so she is taken care of, but as a former teenage girl, I know my dad and stepmom are not the easiest to talk to and are not exactly the most comforting people. I told my Aunt that my cousin is welcome to come stay a night or two at any point, but I think that is about all I can do besides go see her. Thank you for the suggestion and good vibes.:)
  5. Mattekat

    Mattekat Ice Queen of The North

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    I hope she gets the help she needs. I honestly don't have any advice in this situation other than to make sure she knows you all love her, but I'm sure you did that. Hope things turn out well!
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