Get/give Advice On Getting Laid/finding A Relationship

Discussion in 'Relationships' started by ezm8, Jul 25, 2015.

  1. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    Want some advice on making a connection? Please post!

    It might be helpful if you could describe what you're looking for, what you've tried so far to find it, and any obstacles you've encountered.
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  2. Sleeping Caterpillar

    Sleeping Caterpillar Members

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    I think the hardest part is timing. Can't count the number of times I fell for a girl who was already taken, but some of those did later pander out to become something down the line.

    Just put yourself out there and something will happen. I think it's truly as easy as that.

    Consider how much time you spend in a public place. Driving alone in your car does not count as being in public really. On the otherhand, think of the small social interactions you have when you go shopping or to an event, IME I always talk to somebody new whether it's just small chat. And I'm sure everyone else does to, you have to see those for what they are, opportunities.

    I think the biggest advice I can give to meet more and better people, is to talk to anyone. I find that people, including myself, when saying that don't make a lot of friends, I think is because we have an expectation for what we want out of a friend before we even find them! In a sense, it's being picky with who you are willing to allow to be your friend. If that does apply to you, I'm saying put yourself out there more with more people. Talk to anyone and everyone, you'll never know you're really bound to befriend.

    Finding deep connections with others is hard, but take a moment to think how you're perceived to others. On your worst day, you're not going to come off as attractive and friendly, and you never know what others are going through when you do see them in life. As they say patience is a virtue
  3. Blu3sLady

    Blu3sLady Members

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    Oh Newbie-one... Where to start?

    I live in a remote area. Pretty tough to meet new people

    I had my heart broken.... epic. So, now I have trust issues.

    I'm over fifty. I don't look my age but that doesn't matter. Males want the Barbie Doll.

    I'm intelligent, which makes a lot of males twitchy.

    Things I have tried:

    Online dating sites. OurTime, etc. Loaded with scammers, liars and phishing expeditions.

    Looking around for a lesbian newbie online course. I need the manual for this.. but ladies are BOUND to be easier to deal with than males. The FedEx driver seems to like me. Maybe I should tackle her.. although she's much bigger than me and could beat me arm wrestling, no prob.

    Where are the single old hippie males?

    Bless me Oh Newbie-one for I have sinned. No I haven't ! dammit
  4. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    Do you want to tell the story?
  5. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    what qualifies op to offer advice...that is my question....usually when making a formal offer such as he did some credentials are in order
  6. Blu3sLady

    Blu3sLady Members

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    Nah.. not really, Newbie. It's boring. But.. a quick recap. After 17 years of communal living... we had the farm we'd always worked toward getting... perfect country life. He met someone online and got middle-age crazy. Left me for a younger woman. How cliché is that?
  7. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    Not claiming to be a PUA, nor is this thread intended to be a PUA thread.

    There are some basics of connecting that may be helpful to some people. Also just bouncing some ideas around.

    Like all things on the internet, advice here should be taken with a grain of salt.
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  8. Mama.Bear40

    Mama.Bear40 Members

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    Sounds all to familar blue lady, i want to love,trust, and accept all human beings,BUT, the men who i have chosen, seem to always have, looking for a newer model in the back if there mind.
    If u find somewhere to meet hippie males let me know, or uf u decide to train in the arts of being a,lesbian. Ive often thought, women, have to less fixated on visial stimulation. We all need a miricle (everyday)
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  9. Blu3sLady

    Blu3sLady Members

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    There ya go, Mama. We'll find a lesbian university. I'll let you copy my paper for exams, too. :)
  10. MrChuffy

    MrChuffy Members

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    Aww if I could fly Blu....I'd pop round with a bottle or two of wine and we could drown our sorrows together......I feel the same...and I also have that broken heart beer and tear stained T Shirt.....and It would be lovely just to find a great companion to share the ride.....but I guess I still believe in that song by Jim Weatherly I like to play "Love will find its own way"....But the only problen is...I think its got lost along the way...and I'm still waiting :sleeping: .....Keep ya chin up x
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  11. Blu3sLady

    Blu3sLady Members

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    Keep yours up, too Chuffy darlin'. Some smart lady is going to snap you up. I just know it!

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