What's The Most Erotic/kinky Thing You Never Did?

Discussion in 'Free Love' started by buzzgunner, May 27, 2015.

  1. buzzgunner

    buzzgunner 180 grains of diplomacy Lifetime Supporter

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    I thought there was already a thread on this topic, but I can't find it. Consequently, I'm going to start one myself.

    What's the most erotic/kinky/special thing that you had an opportunity to do, but either decided not to or missed the chance? I'm talking about things (or people) you didn't do and now regret it. I'll start.

    In the summer of 1976, I'd just had a bad break-up with my girlfriend of that time (I'll call her Susan). It took place in a city a couple hours from my home and I had driven there to break it off after pulling a long day working in a sawmill. I'd showered and shaved before the drive, but I was bone-tired and not looking forward to the meeting. We met an the apartment of a mutual female friend (I'll call her Amy). Amy, Susan, and I had all gone to college together. Amy and Susan had lived in the same girl's co-op and I lived in the men's co-op next door. Since Susan was my girlfriend, Amy was content to just be my friend, so as not to intrude on Susan's "territory."

    Anyway, the break-up was tearful but civilized. It was evening when Susan left the apartment. I was exhausted, sleepy, and dreading the two-hour drive home. Amy, realizing my state, suggested (insisted, actually) that I stay the night and drive home in the morning when I was rested. I was too tired to refuse.

    Let take a moment to describe Amy. She was a short, curvy little pixy with a killer figure, big boobs, strawberry blonde hair and a pair of mischievous eyes set in a heart-shaped face. She was also a man-eater. Her sole purpose in going to college was to land a "trophy husband". She'd kept her distance from me because I "belonged" to Susan. Now, I was apparently fair game. I was just too whacked to realize that her attitude had changed. Amy lived in a two-bedroom apartment. Under ordinary circumstances, I would have slept in the guest bedroom. However, Amy's younger sister as staying with her and using that bedroom. It didn't matter to me, as the sofa looked plenty comfortable to me. Amy, however, insisted that her guests deserved better than that and that there was plenty of room in her bed for both of us. After a bit of feeble protestation, I gave in and agreed to share her bed with her. I stripped down to my shorts and climbed into bed while she went off to the bathroom to change. A few minutes later, she came out wearing this fairly sheer white baby-doll night gown with matching panties. The top didn't really conceal much of anything. She slipped into bed on the other side and snuggled up to me a little. I relaxed and mumbled goodnight, feeling like I was half-asleep already.

    "Don't I get a 'goodnight kiss'?" Amy asked in this pouty little-girl voice. I had my back to her. I rolled my eyes, turned over towards her, and gave her a quick kiss; the kind you'd give your sister to say goodbye.

    Amy frowned. "Come on. You can do better than that." I shrugged, put an arm around her and gave her a good, solid open-mouth kiss. Then I let go of her, rolled back over, and closed my eyes. She didn't say anything else and I was fast asleep in no time.

    The next morning, the kiss from the previous night never came up. She made breakfast for me, we chatted for a bit, then we hugged each other and I left. That was the end of it. Amy continued to be my friend, but nothing even remotely sexual ever happened between us again. About two years later, she met another guy, hooked him by fucking him on their first date, and they eventually married. I'm led to understand that the marriage has been miserable for him.

    I sometimes wonder how that night in her apartment would have gone if I'd responded to the kiss differently. When she said, "You can do better than that." I'd been tempted to reply, "Yes, I can. But for the kind of kiss you want, we are both waaaaay overdressed." I'm certain that she would have been out of the rest of her clothes so fast there would have been a sonic boom. I'm also almost certain she would have spent the rest of the night fucking me raw. Alas, I will never know for sure.

    On a different, but related note, my wife's "could'a, would'a, should'a" moment occurred during her senior year in high school. She had her first serious boyfriend that year (let's call him brad.) From about the beginning of January that year, until about the middle of April, their weekend dates were always the same. Every Friday and Saturday night, Brad would pick her up at her house in his VW Bug, they'd go out and take in some activity (a movie, a stage play at their high school, bowling, etc.) Then, on the way home, they'd park in a very secluded spot (always the same one), climb in the back seat, she'd strip naked for him and he'd spend and hour petting her. He'd kiss her, massage her tits, suck on them, go down on her, or just finger-fuck her for half an hour or more. They did everything but actually fuck. He really wanted to fuck her and she wanted it too, but she refused because she was afraid of getting pregnant. (I once asked why they didn't just use condom. She told me that they were both afraid to buy them for fear that someone would find out and arrive at the obvious conclusion.) All these years later, I know that she's confident that she made the right decision at the time, but still wishes she could have had him (and he her.)
  2. Flagme15

    Flagme15 Members

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    Missed an opportunity to have anal sex with my ex gf, a couple of years ago.
  3. JakeTheJock

    JakeTheJock Member

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    I turned down sex with my girl friends mom.
  4. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    I once had a good friend who really wanted to suck my dick. He made it clear on numerous occasions. I liked him (just as a friend) and he was a great person. I wasn't judgmental about it at all and I kind of even felt bad about it but I just couldn't bring myself to let that happen. I almost wanted to let him just because he seemed to want to do it so bad but.....nah....just can't do it.

    Edit....I don't know if that counts as kinky.
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  5. Ashalicious

    Ashalicious Senior Member

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    I think that definitely counts as kinky!
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  6. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Not kinky.
    So what if a guy sucks another guy?

    And it didn't happen.
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  7. Ashalicious

    Ashalicious Senior Member

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    I think it is kinky...

    If one of my husbands friends really wanted to suck him off, Id be like "oooo, how kinky"

    How did that topic even come up between you two though? Were you just hanging out one day and he randomly asked if he could suck you off?
  8. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    Why would I just make something like that up? If I was going to do that, I'd have been much more creative. One does not have to look very long on this site to see that there are plenty of guys who want to suck another guy off.
  9. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    It just kind of started with joking around about the topic. I didn't realize that he was possibly testing the waters. That's partially why I felt bad about it because when it became apparent that he was serious, I was like...um...hmm...yeah....I don't think this is going to happen. I also felt bad because we were very good friends and I knew it must have taken a lot courage for him to take that gamble. But we were still just as good of friends after that and we still made jokes and he even jokingly (or non-jokingly) offered a few more times but by then he knew I was going to say no.

    And all of that didn't happen in a day. It was over a period of weeks.
  10. Ashalicious

    Ashalicious Senior Member

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    That is good it didn't ruin the friendship.
  11. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    Nah. It was during college. He moved away after graduation and we just lost touch. I wish we were still friends because he really was a great person....exceptionally intelligent and we would have hours-long conversations about science, economics, etc. I know exactly where he works and could get in touch with him but I don't know.....I always feel like it may be awkward after this many years. Plus, he hasn't tried to get in touch with me so....I've just let it go.

    Edit....let's say I think I know where he works....if he still works there.
  12. Ashalicious

    Ashalicious Senior Member

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    It is always a shame when solid friendships like that kind of fizzle out. However, I do believe that true friendship never completely fades away, and you can spend time with someone after not seeing them for years and years, and pick up right where you left off.

    Last summer, my girlfriend Cherie, who I hadn't seen in three years, decided to join me at the Eminem concert. I was worried it would be awkward to hang with her, because so much time had passed. It ended up not being awkward at all, and instead felt like no time had passed.

    You should try and track your friend down. What have you got to lose?
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  13. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    Hate to threadjack but....I don't really have anything to lose. I guess in my own mind, I don't try to contact him out of respect for wherever he is in life. It's been 20 years. I may have been the only person (or one of very few people) who he let in on that part of his life/mind. It may have been a phase or maybe he put those ideas back in the closet a long time ago. I don't know but it just seems like a person who knows something about him that he is (or at least was) super private about just contacting him out of the blue might be strange. Maybe he is perfectly comfortable with me and the past just being memories. I can respect that. Plus, if he wanted to get back in touch....I wouldn't be very hard for him to find. He probably would have done it.
  14. Ashalicious

    Ashalicious Senior Member

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    Maybe he was embarrassed to do so?

    Are you on bookface (facebook)? You could try looking him up on there. I've found some people on bookface that I would have had no way of contacting otherwise...just an idea...
  15. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    You yourself said you did not let him. So it didn't happen.

    I was pointing out that the OP isn't all that kinky.
    As you said, one doesn't have to look (at all) to find guys who are interested in sucking a cock, identified gay, bi or straight.
  16. Sleeping Caterpillar

    Sleeping Caterpillar Members

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    If we're not doing missionary style, I have to at least dress up as a missionary to protect our vows.
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  17. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    Right. But the thread is "most kinky thing you never did". ;)

    So that's why I took that to mean you thought I was making it up or something. :)
    1 person likes this.
  18. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    Who knows? Maybe we'll bump into each other some day. I'm not really great at keeping in touch with people anyway. I can go weeks or months without even thinking to call some of my better friends.
  19. Ashalicious

    Ashalicious Senior Member

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    I am pretty social, but then again I also get into my own routine and prefer to spend time with myself quite often. Sometimes I feel like I spend more time with my hip forum/internet friends, than I do with my real friends.

    Having internet friends is nothing new to me though. I've always had internet friends, and believe that a solid friendship is a solid friendship, regardless if you know the person in real life or through a computer screen.
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  20. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    I'm pretty social when I have to be but only because of my job and the fact that I'm a musician. I know a lot of people. In fact, almost everywhere I go around my area....there is probably someone I know who I have to talk to (I don't have to but I don't want to be mean or rude). But I'm also quite an introvert and my close friends know this. I do talk to lots of people but it's mostly out of obligation and I can't wait to get back home to my house...my back deck...in my private yard...and just watch the animals and listen to the birds....with only my family and possibly close friends around. None of my friends or family are worried if they don't hear from me for a while. It just never occurs to me to call them because I don't have anything I want to talk about. I rarely call anyone outside of work or music. I talk to my Hipforum friends way more than my real-life friends. I talk to you guys every day.

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