Architects And Engineers About 9-11

Discussion in 'Conspiracy' started by thefutureawaits, May 14, 2015.

  1. thefutureawaits

    thefutureawaits Members

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    Biggest crime in history
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  2. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Here we go again....
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  3. Dude111

    Dude111 An Awesome Dude HipForums Supporter

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    Another good TRUTH thread on this matter!!
  4. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    the truth that matters, isn't how it was done, but why. if it was steel eating alien termites, that part of it wouldn't make shit from shinola.

    it wasn't masterminded by the disgruntled islamist spook who supplied suicidal volunteers to do the wet work.

    it was a false flag krystal knockt, and not a pearl harbour.

    but all this fru fru about saying it couldn't have been done with blowing up really big airplanes with a lot of highly explosive jet fuel,
    is just really a complete side show having nothing to do with the real issue.
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  5. theindiereef

    theindiereef Members

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    Richard Gage just gave an excellent presentation on the Europan tour about this, I posted it in the other thread about 911. Well worth a watch. Having looked into this again recently, there is no doubt in my mind that there is a massive cover up going on here, and that this is a major crime of murder and genocide that needs to be reinvestigated, but the powers at be don't want it (surprise), and the truth about this needs to be heard by everyone or they are just going to continue pandering more lies through the media and probably staging more false flag attacks to justify their totalitarian plans for world domination. Evil people, what can you do though but try to tell people, the sheeple about the reality of their government(s) though.
  6. Zzap

    Zzap Member

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    ok so how do you make a point on the matter much less take appropriate action to prevent these things from hapening in the future before demonstrating it is a fraud?

    The coverup was done by the government using tax dollars and the investigation has been done by concerned civilians out of their own pockets.

    Mountains of proof its all fraud.
  7. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    it was more then a cover up. ben lauden was a hired sub contractor. not an independent invader. that's why there is a guantanimo. to keep the public from learning the truth.

    sure the evidence is circumstantial, but who but conservative politicians and their puppet masters would stand to loose more by world peace,
    which we had otherwise been very nearly on the brink of in the year 2000.
  8. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    well it isn't just governments though. yes it was orchestrated at the very highest, above the highest, levels of government, by the mostly white supremist corporate ceo's, who have usurped the functionality of all governments.

    its not that we don't get to choose our governments, its that whatever governments we choose, its corporate economics, (and that's not run by muslims or jews, but basically a bunch rich, pseudo-christian skinheads) that dictates what they do. and why do people vote for this? because they create this situation where they can convince people we need them to defend ourselves from their fantom menaces, which is really just themselves.

    and that's why i say, that whether they were knocked down by airplanes or explosives or steal eating termites, is totally besides the real issue.

    the crime of 9-11, was not an attack on america, it was an attack on pacifism, to prevent world peace.
  9. theindiereef

    theindiereef Members

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    There is also the theory that WW2 was orchestrated by Western oil and defence companies who, after WW1 has ceased, realised they weren't making any money so they picked out a tyrannical leader by the name of Hitler and funded him. There is also a theory I've read that Hiroshima was also a false flag. Not saying it didn't happen, but apparently Japan had already surrendered and America wanted to show off it's new weapon of mass destruction anyway, because they felt it was necessary to achieve world peace *aherm* further their plans for world domination. Something to do with the skull and bones society, which Such people like Prince Phillip and George Bush Snr Snr are members of. That's all I know, and I have no proof. It's just something I saw on Youtube. It does sort of makes sense though, certainly in light of the blatantly obvio false flag event of 911.
  10. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    ford DID back hitler. that IS a matter of public record. and oil interests HAVE been behind a lot of shinanigans wherever on the planet there is oil to be found. and as long as people want to drive fuel burning cars, there will continue for there to be a market, even demand, for them to continue to do so. the thing about the nuclear bombing of japan, its impossibly to say whether or not they would have capitulated immediately without it, but yes, its at least partially, perhaps mostly, that america did want to demonstrate the we had the bomb and what it could do. i think as much to demonstrate to any future copycat hitlers, that such a thing now existed, and i don't think anyone had predicted the resulting radiation sickness, only that it could flatten and incinerate large areas.

    as for world domination, america already has that, the way britain did before india won its independence from them. best thing ever happened for britain was when they gave up their empire, and it'll be the best thing ever to happen for the u.s. when we do. even two or three percent of today's american 'defense' budget, could build a public transport infrastructure on a par with europe and asia, if people, and the politicians we elect, had sense enough to want that. and we might even avoid the ecopocalypse completely destroying humanity if we did. ten percent of it, could end, if not poverty, certainly world hunger and domestic homelessness. and make higher education, if not completely free, very very close to it.
  11. thefutureawaits

    thefutureawaits Members

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    It started 2 wars and got all kinds of laws put in place.
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