Is Parent-Child Spanking Ever Ok?

Discussion in 'Parenting' started by Nerdanderthal, May 14, 2015.

  1. Pieceofmyheart

    Pieceofmyheart Grumpy old bitch HipForums Supporter

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    I worked at that office 20 years ago and he didn't use amalgam.

    Anyway...spoken like a non parent and someone who is a tad ignorant about life.

    If you wait until your child has a huge cavity and possible abscess before seeking treatment...that is neglect. It can be very serious for a child to have infection in their teeth and very painful. Same as with adults, if you wait till you have a problem, what may have been a small restoration becomes a root canal or extraction. So, that is just ignorance on your part and neglectful if you do that to children.

    Your idea about what kids "get" is ridiculous and wrong, I am sorry. You must think like a 4 or 5 year old, not an adult to know what kids get.

    .don't know how old you are, but I am thinking by your posts, you are a teenager with that old angst and I know it all attitude.....and I tell ya what, been there done that :)
  2. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    That's fair enough but I think every parent here will agree that until you have kids you have no way of realm knowing. I myself didn't have a clue until a few hours into being a parent when I desperately wanted to sleep but my baby was screaming his head off - so I really mean mo offense, but being a parent is unfathomable to those who are not parents.

    But to answer your question, nothing made my son strong willed. He's been a fussy little man since day 1, it is just his temperament. As far as sitting him down and explaining the consequences of his action....yeah, I didn't do that, he's 2. We just talked about how he feels when he throws a tantrum and what triggers it in very simple language he could understand.

    My personal parenting philosophy is pretty in line with yours, I always want to be honest with my child and try to reason with him. I just don't think that always works and I think parents need to be go with the flow as far as disciplinary techniques. Do what works for each stage of development.
  3. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Should that be a new rule for posting on HF? Personal experience with the subject? Does that mean I get to tell 99% of the members to STFU about business and finance?
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  4. Nerdanderthal

    Nerdanderthal Members

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    I won't become a parent until I feel ready to commit everything to that project. I will be there everytime they brush and brush with them. I will try to make it a game if possible and see who can brush better. I'll watch them very carefully and make sure they get all the nooks and crannies.

    I think a lot about being a parent. For me finding the most moral action in any scenario is easy to accomplish when I do what I would want my kid to do, or be how I would want my dad to be. My dog is a proxy for my future kid, and when she comes seeking company I try to give her my full attention until she's sated. I know a dog is a minute commitment compared to a son or daughter, but being ready and able to drop everything and invest in another being is a good stepping stone to the next challenge. I'm a perfectionist in that my mindset is to always edge closer toward perfection. In everything I've done I've improved continuously and I insist that my parenting will be no different.

    I appreciate your concern about the potential neglect of my children but I assure you it will be a non issue.
  5. I don't have any kids, and call me old fashioned, but if I did, they'd be getting a spanking. You disobey me? That's a spanking. You cry? Spanking. You touch something without my permission?'re getting spanked. Every kid I've ever seen has deserved a spanking. It may not teach them anything, except that I have all the power. But I think that would be a valuable lesson. The kid will realize as I am spanking him two or three times a day that life simply is not fair. I'm not going to deny that life isn't, kid you're getting spanked.
  6. Nerdanderthal

    Nerdanderthal Members

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    I hope you'll cling to your guns when I come in and spank you for spanking him. Now I have all the power bitch.

    Might equals right, correct? That's what we're teaching kids by spanking them. Violence begets more violence.
  7. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    I have two "children" both in their 20's and 30's now. Both "knew" the old paddle ball paddle that resided on top of the refrigerator. They joke about it now.

    Raising kids is very much like training a dog, to put it simply. You tell them what is expected of them and then you expect them to do it, and you never let them not do it.
    In the case of a dog, you tell it to sit and then you make it sit. Praise it when it does sit. You may give a treat. But you never tell it to sit and then allow it to not sit.

    In the case of a child, it works the same way, almost. You tell them to put away their toys and then you make sure they put away their toys. There is no negotiation. They put the toys away, period. They put the toys away even if you have to place the toys in their hands and guide over to the toy box and deposit the toys that way...but the toys get put away. No, well if you promise to do it later.....or "I'll give you a cookie", no, no, no. Put the toys away now!
    Anger must never enter into the equation.
    At a young age a slight swat, even a "sting" on the butt is fine. It doesn't hurt them at all (permanently) and instils in them the idea that there are repercussions for not doing what they are told.

    Never tell a child to do something you are unwilling or unable to enforce...same with a dog....same with carrying a gun.

    As an adult you are their caretaker, protector, and instructor. Your job is to make sure they are not injured, they learn, gain internal confidence, AND they do not become too self centered.

    I have dealt with teens and preteens for over 34 years and I watched the change in them over that 34 years. As a rule they have grown more disrespectful, more self centered, and spoiled. They do not think others are their equals, they think others are their inferiors. (And I know I am generalizing, there are many fine young people today).

    Let's address the public school classroom for a moment, and again I am not saying all classrooms but the majority are this way today.
    A teacher manages a classroom by will, structure, and discipline. If any one of those fail, the whole system collapses.

    First the teacher must have the will to control the individual students,and thus the group. If any one is allowed to misbehave the "power" of the teacher is undermined and the class descends into chaos.
    Second, the classroom must have structure. That is the students must know what is expected of them, and the consequences of not meeting those expectations.
    Third, discipline must be swift and appropriate. When rules are broken, swift appropriate repercussions always follow.

    In the old days, the teacher legally operated "In Loco Parentis" or in place of the parent. And the parents supported the teacher. As a student if you broke the rules, you were punished by the teacher and when you got home. There was no bargaining, time outs, or lawyers involved.

    Today the teacher is highly restricted in what they can do as we don't want to hurt little Johnie and Janie's ego or arrest their social development. Result? One factor in the collapse of the public schools.

    Anybody still reading this?.....if you make it till the end I'll "Like" your next post!

    The same thing has happened in the home. Time outs are merely a chance for the child to get away with not doing what they were told to do. If I ask my child to put away their toys and he or she refuses and then I give them a "time out". Do the toys get put away? Who has won that battle?
    The child learned that if they refuse enough times or wait out the parent, the parent will put away the toys, and they can take a rest in the corner. they are training the parent...not the other way around.

    What about rewarding good behavior? Why should I give my child a treat every time they put away their toys? They are learning to wait for a positive reward before they will do anything. If I don't get a reward...why should I do it?

    Why should I work for an A grade...I deserve it! And I'm certainly not a C student. That would be...average. There are no average children anymore.

    Remember "Likes" for everyone when you reach the end!

    Allow me to rant a little more.
    There is no more humbling experience, no more character building activity (in most cases) than joining a wrestling team. Especially if you are strong and athletic. It is one of the few activities that will teach you that no matter how big, rich, strong, fast, good looking, or smart you are...there is always someone better. Nothing like getting the snot beat out of you fair and square.
    And if you are that good are you after taking on the first guy, then the second, then the third, fourth, fifth and sixth in a "round robin" practice.

    The body tires. The mind learns.

    Finally to sum all this up....beat them when they're young (with love and restraint) because eventually they will be bigger and stronger than you are and you will be old.

    I will gladly supply antidotes to support and contradict all of the above upon request.​
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  8. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Ha Ha Haaaaa ha ha!!!​

    Our dentist used to give us mercury to play with! We'd take it to school and roll it around on our desks and stuff.
    And look how I turned out sane as a judge!!

  9. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    If by some minute chance someone on HF starts a thread about business and finance you can absolutely tell them to STFU
  10. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    The subject came up twice this week.
  11. I think that once you hit a certain age it's gay if another man spanks you. So if you want to spank me, fine, but don't act like it's my problem and not yours. I am a straight man.
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  12. Pieceofmyheart

    Pieceofmyheart Grumpy old bitch HipForums Supporter

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    All of the parents here are reading your posts with "ok...tell us about it when you have a child" We all felt different about parenting...before we became parents. It is something you have to DO before you'll ever get it.
  13. MaximusXXX

    MaximusXXX Senior Member

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    I think spanking is useful if done minimally. Basically if the child is in serious tornado mode where they've been told to quite down or do something and they keep making things worse.

    I mean, for example you have other kids over and they made a mess in your son's room but your son contributed. I walk in and see this and tell them to clean some of it up, SOME of it. Instead they don't clean any of it up, well fine, but the my son leads a second wave of destruction. Maybe spills some juice on the carpet because he's in "I don't care" mode. That would be an optimal time to spank his ass, have his friends go home and he's in his room until it's clean as a whistle.

    This happened like twice in a year for me. So it's not at all a usual occurence. I feel the child must know what the limit is and to not want to ever go there.

    As for money and items of value. I have been giving my step-children money since they were 7 to teach them math and what things are worth. They go to the dollar store or Walmart and buy their own stuff with what they have. I never take what they already have but with two kids you can play against eachother. So if my son is having a bad day and not listening, fine, his sister will probably make $5 cleaning dishes.

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