Plane Ride Question? Risk? Going Threw Security?

Discussion in 'Cannabis and Marijuana' started by Jennifer19, Apr 28, 2015.

  1. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    so I had got a pot sucker chopped it up in small pieces not even the size of my finger nail I was thinking of taking a couple pieces on the plane? throw it in the bottom of my purse with change and make it look like a messy purse. do you think it will be ok? I know what your thinking eat it before you get on the plane only problem is its a 2 hour drive to the airport have to leave at 4 in the morning plane takes off at 7 am I think that's a bit early to do that and will be with my mom the whole time. thoughts? I know don't have the balls to take that risk but wanted to see what you guys thought?
  2. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    idk, i think when they scan it theyll be able to see the shape of it, but they wouldnt be able to tell it wasnt a regular sucker. i probably wouldnt risk it, itd be a shame to get taken out in handcuffs.
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  3. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    If they want to be dicks about it, and most oinkers excel at this, you could be charged with a felony for the attempt. I used to grind mine up very fine and stuff it into capsules that previously held some name brand herbal remedy for constipation. I'd save about 1/3 of the original capsules to cover the top in case they looked and opened a random capsule. The color was different and the smell was obvious if you cracked open a pot capsule. I did this to get a 1/4 ounce from California to Baltimore several years ago. Also, it went in my checked bag and was packed with my shaving stuff and vitamins and herbal tea etc. Since I look like a corporate dork most of the time, they didn't bother me much.

    Last time I was in Paris, I got the full massage and my luggage had been turned inside out. Also, I bet a dope dog could find the capsules, but I don't know if they can smell something embedded in sugar. Still, you have to ask yourself, is it worth maybe having to get engaged to several horny inmates for a while?
  4. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    Most dogs at the airport are bomb sniffing not drug and they will be trained to do one or the other. People fly out of Colorado all the time with edibles. It will look like food so just be casual and you should be fine. I don't know about the penalties if you were caught. I admit in Colorado they will just say "come on you know you can't take that with you" you toss it and that is the end of it. In other states they will do more I am sure.
  5. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    its a caramel sucker chopped up in little pieces I will post a pic of it so you can see what I'm talking about
  6. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    I'm sure we will be stopping at a gas satiation along the way so I will say I have to go to the bathroom and eat it in there and be good too go :) once I get there it will be just kicking in I hope it takes a couple hours for me to kick in
  7. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I would not risk anything like that.
    Where are you going?
  8. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    you could always just send small amounts of drugs through the mail to your destination a few days before. the USPS will make sure the package gets there safely without the rosk that comes with having drugs on your person.
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  9. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    naw won't do that the only reason I was thinking about it cause when I'm on the plane and have a lay over wanted to have a buzz
  10. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    not going to do it
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  11. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    not going to do it at all I'm not even sure if I will eat a piece before I leave either
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  12. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    Glad you decided against it. Why risk it?

    This reminds me the time my wife and I flew out to Coventry, Vermont for what was, at the time, going to be the last Phish shows. The short version....we weren't supposed to have a lay-over but we ended up having to wait for 6 hours in Ohio. I wasn't happy about it but we decided to go to the bar and have some beers while we waited. We ended up meeting this guy and after talking for a while, he asked us if we wanted to share the last of his mushrooms with him. My wife was like....I don't know if it's a good idea. I said "Nope. It's a great idea!" So we did and it was probably the best lay-over ever! :)
  13. IMjustfishin

    IMjustfishin Member

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    ive done this with hash before, but if you were my friend id tell you not to do it. btw, i think if you eat it right before you go to the airport with your mom you would probably have fun, just put on some clear eyes and your good to go. youll probably have the best breakefast ever!
  14. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    Might throw it in trail mix or something with other bits of candy. Something very in the open, assuming it has no smell or other tip-off. Like the trail mix you're eating as you walk up.

    Too bad it's chopped up. I think in your mouth might be the best place to carry it as you went through.
  15. Jennifer19

    Jennifer19 Senior Member

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    nope not going to do it. last time I went on a plane they mad me open my mouth
  16. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Not even worth the risk. Anyone willing to risk bringing drugs on an airplane these days has issues.
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  17. IMjustfishin

    IMjustfishin Member

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    it would be so much fun to be high on a plane ride, especially if you get food and a movie.
  18. Pieceofmyheart

    Pieceofmyheart Grumpy old bitch HipForums Supporter

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    I would put that in a tin of mints and go on.
  19. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    USPS does have protocol for finding drugs in the mail. And the DEA does do random searches with a dog. Although it's still like a needle in a hay stack and they don't find most. Use real names and addresses and don't write it by hand.
  20. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    "SWIM" has never had any problems. "SWIM" says he always uses a label maker and the name of a chinese man as the name on the return address which is a real address but not SWIMs address.

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