When Did You Find Out You Were Gay?

Discussion in 'Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, etc.' started by Sleeping Caterpillar, Apr 20, 2015.

  1. Sleeping Caterpillar

    Sleeping Caterpillar Members

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    I'm just curious, two of my close friends came out, and they each were so different.

    One of them would kind of take you by surprise, he seems the most comfortable, you don't really have to talk about sex and relationships with him, he just has a super cool bf and we're all great friends

    But I mainly thought of this thread because of my second friend. He intrigues me, because most people thought he was gay before he ever questioned it. And now he thinks he's totally bi and such, but he's still dated more woman than I. In fact he's still with a gf which he's been with for about 2 years, but he'll also talk about how cute that guy's ass is. It's really a funny comparison to me, because this second friend acts more like the cliché gay guy from a TV show, even though situationally that's not the case. Then again I guess it's just opportunity, maybe if he found some cool guy he'd be going out with him-his gf is really cool.

    I guess they each sort of found out when they were in college, but what about you? Is it something that felt very natural, or did your sexuality feel more like an experiment to you?
    badrabbit and QueerPoet like this.
  2. Pengu

    Pengu Members

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    Well, I'm not gay but, I am bi-sexual.
    All through out grade school and most of high school, I was terrified that my attraction to women would get out. I wasn't sure why I loved them and why I couldn't find guys appealing to me at the time. I always thought there was something wrong with me when the other girls would talk about all the cute guys etc. Gym class was tough U_U I made it my mission to keep it a secret for years.
    I guess it wasn't much of a mission because, some girls teased me about it in high school.

    Anyway, I went to college and soon realized it wasn't looked down upon as I thought. In fact, many women and men were very open with their sexuality. It was an extreme relief for me.
    Even though I felt better about my sexuality, I didn't actually tell anyone about it at this time.

    I was only when I turned around 25 when I started to speak out little by little.
    The first person was my BF at the time. He of course loved it and teased me about threesomes etc.

    I haven't told anyone else in my life, other then this forum.

    Perhaps maybe I'll eventually come out I guess.
    Honestly, though, I don't find it a necessity to tell people your sexual preferences unless it calls for it.
  3. QueerPoet

    QueerPoet Senior Member

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    I was 14. I knew only boys (not girls) turned me on. However, I did not have my first sexual experience w/another male until I was 16. He was a thirtysomething psychologist, and I was a naive teen absurdly happy that someone with so much education actually found me attractive. Huge mistake. He turned out to be a total jerk.

    P.S. I met him at a gay youth group. He was supposed to be an advocate for gay/lesbian teens. Looking back, I don't think advocate is the right word. Live and learn :)
  4. jsb

    jsb Member

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    When I looked between my legs and saw 2 sets of balls. That's a joke. Seriously, when i was about 15 I discovered i liked to suck cock but i still loved women,
    i guess that makes me bi.
  5. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    When I was about 13 I met my life long partner. I think it's a beautiful story.

    It begins in Australia. The folks had just moved here and us four sisters were sent off to Saturday schooling to learn English. We were enrolled in schools all different and not together. On my first day of high school I was utterly alone. The eldest sister and the second youngest (me) went to separate schools from my youngest and second oldest.

    So there I was in a role call where they call out names and you say yes you are here. I sat on my own in the back left corner and she was sitting just next to me. She was a few years older than me which back when I was 13, a 16 year old was OLD! And she noticed the pendant around my neck, Mjolnir. She asked what it was and what it meant, hearing my accent, knew I was interesting, different, foreign. We were friends quickly and I didn't know any better. I hung out with her older friends at lunch times. She showed me all around the school and I befriended her friends. We grew as close friends. When I was about 14/15 I guess I knew she meant more to me than just friends. I longed for her and my heart hurt because of it. We remained awesome friends and somehow we just clicked into a relationship. We never really asked we just did. We were friends become lovers. We engaged in sexual activity when I was 15/16 and really took that leap at 16. She knew all along she liked girls. I didn't. And maintain that under completely different circumstances I may have not been gay or grew up to be gay. If we'd stayed at home maybe I'd have met a boy. A different school even, would have changed dramatically.

    I'm now 29 years old and we remain as close as we were the day we first met. :)
  6. i was vvery young well under 10
  7. Momdadimbi

    Momdadimbi Members

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    I always kind of knew cuz my older bro and cousins use to tease me about it. But I never admitted it. My first crush that I can remember was in first grade on a kid named Carlos. I just thought he was cool and always wanted to be around him. Later, in life...after I gave my bro a bj, and he taught me about masturbation, I KNEW FOR SURE.
  8. alexiscd

    alexiscd Members

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    ??????Deep inside of myself I knew all my life having desires and experimenting since teen years with other guys,, I found out later in life and accepted it with coming out to the wife and my kids it was hard and intense but well worth it making my life whole and fulfilled sexually
  9. I am bi-sexual. I was 13 when I sucked my first cock and still sucking now
  10. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    I always kinda knew, but it's one of those situations where you don't realize you've always known until that one defining moment. For me, that was the first time I kissed a girl.

    I'd kissed boys before and it didn't gross me out or anything, it just didn't really do much for me. But when I kissed a girl, I went weak in the knees and got all warm and tingly. I didn't know you could get, like, instantly wet from a kiss!

    That's when I knew. I was 15 years old and I realized those were the sensations I was supposed to feel when I kissed someone.
  11. Addicted2MEN

    Addicted2MEN New Member

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    I think I realized I was gay the exact moment I sucked my first dick.
  12. jpdonleavy

    jpdonleavy Members

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    You seem totally normal, articulate, bright and all the other good things. I think being bi is very widespread but most bis are closeted . . . and then, of course, there's the question of where they sit n Freud's 1-6 scale.. Thanks for your post, pengu:)
  13. jpdonleavy

    jpdonleavy Members

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    You're a very good looking guy. Sorry your first experience was with a jerk.
  14. jsb

    jsb Member

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    I have always thought I was straight, I loved women I jacked off to pussy when I was a teenager.I got married. Even when my 13 year old friend and I started giving each other
    blow jobs I thought I was straight. It wasn't until the first time I bottomed and looked between my legs and saw his balls swinging as he fucked me that I really thought to my self
    "I really am Bisexual" I enjoy sucking cock, I enjoy swallowing loads of sperm, I enjoy getting my ass stretched and fucked and enjoy a nice wet pussy to eat and fuck.
    Bimechanic likes this.
  15. jsoze303

    jsoze303 Members

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    i knew when in high school a close friend and I were curious and locked our selves in his room and took our pants down and stroked each other. I got so turned on i told him i wanted to suck him and he said ok, i got rock hard sucking him and i liked it
  16. Bryce

    Bryce A nut busting poster is a happy poster!

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    I’ve been bi for as long as I can remember. I mean, going back to grade school! Although I never came out as bi until I was 30. Being in the military at the time I came in, being “open” was illegal. But in addition to finding girls cute (and wanting to put my wiener in them), I also curious about other boys penises. They fascinated me for some reason because they were all so different, and I didn’t get to see them very often. So I was always trying to sneak peeks and see what other guys had. Somewhere around 12-13 (puberty age) is when I actually started to find boys “cute” too. But I never pursued them. I mainly just stuck to girls thinking that it was a “phase” I’d grow out of. But I obviously never did.
  17. IAmMaxieHearMeRoar

    IAmMaxieHearMeRoar Maxie Lee Courtland-Colton

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    I've pretty much always known

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