Is There Any Way At All...

Discussion in 'Pharmaceuticals' started by theacidpulp, Mar 31, 2015.

  1. theacidpulp

    theacidpulp Member

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    6 prepare standard benzos for iv administration? i can't seem to find anything conclusive on here about the particular subject. i know they're soluble in alcohol, but i feel like that would burn my arm like crazy, not to mention the dangers of iv alcohol. so, is there anything i can do to say, xanax, to make it shootable without fucking around shooting up ever clear? appreciate if someone could give me a definitive answer. i've even heard some people say they just inject it with water and it gets them fucked up, are they just having an extreme placebo effect? any info appreciated, thanks

    p.s. i know, i know, the oral BA is the best on benzos and i get that i'm not going to get any rush from it. iv is just a particularly enjoyable method of ingestion for me. thanks.
  2. theacidpulp

    theacidpulp Member

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    i also know about plugging, i've tried it a couple times but it's just not the same.
  3. Terrapin2190

    Terrapin2190 I am nature.

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    Dude. No. Do not pass go, go directly to 'not doing that'
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  4. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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  5. theacidpulp

    theacidpulp Member

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    yeah, but what about prop. glycol? that sounds like it would work. are people saying no out of just a general aversion to the method? or do you actually know, like, sources cited-ironclad there's not a way to do it?
  6. theacidpulp

    theacidpulp Member

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    i know there must be a way because they sell valium in a suspension. what is the other ingredient in the solution?
  7. Deranged

    Deranged Senor Member

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    Try erowid
  8. theacidpulp

    theacidpulp Member

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    erowid was the first place i looked, but basically what they have on the actual vault page is the info i outlined at the beginning, about how you can dissolve it in alcohol but the combination in iv form is unpleasant and dangerous. maybe i'll take a quick look through the experiences page to see if anyone has prepared a successful solution.
  9. theacidpulp

    theacidpulp Member

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    nope, no stories of iv administration. at this point it's not even so much i want to bang it, i just want to know if i can. "i find that shit fascinating"
  10. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    the oral BA is close to 100% so there's no reason to do this, unless you are seeking the rush from the fast onset. most benzos have a reasonably fast onset orally anyway.

    don't IV alcohol, it will burn like a mofo and is probably pretty bad for your veins. if you can find a pharamceutical liquid solution for IV use then you could use that as is. i know many benzos are soluble in propylene glycol, or a 50/50 solution of propylene glycol and benzyl alcohol have seen liquid solutions that used this solvent (the 50/50 mix). this would be your best bet and safer than using ethanol or such.

    just an fyi, a lot of nonpolar stuff that won't dissolve in water, but will dissolve in alcohol will dissolve in propylene glycol, which is similar to an alcohol. (actually , IIRC propylene glycol IS an alcohol)
  11. theacidpulp

    theacidpulp Member

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    ^ thank you very much my friend, this is the info i've been trying to confirm. i have a lot of respect for people who understand that there is an ideal, where every shot is with a new syringe and all filters are micron, and reality, which can at times differ from the ideal greatly. and i'm lucky enough to so far not have any illness or injury as a result of my preferred ROA. you are a true campaigner for harm reduction principles, sir, and i think you stand as a good example to some of the others on the forum who don't seem to be able to grasp the concept that posts saying shit like "don't do it. five years in prison. my dog died and my mother lived in a shack. THIS IS THE WORST DRUG EVER." totally uninformative, unhelpful, and not at all like the attitude of a lot of the people on here seven or eight years ago.
  12. theacidpulp

    theacidpulp Member

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    also, if the glycol is alcohol, won't it still burn like a mofo once it gets all up in my body junk?
  13. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    it's an alcohol, it's a diol though, meaning it has 2 hydroxyl groups instead of one in an alcohol such as ethanol. propylene glycol has a sort of sweet taste and is non-toxic. the time I had the phenazepam solution, it was a 50/50 propylene glycol/benzyl alcohol (w/w) .. if it burned it was very very little, barely noticeable. straight propylene glycol would "probably" burn even less, i'm guessing the benzyl alcohol is harsher but idk, the heavier alcohols get the more they start to behave like nonpolar solvents.

    take note that this is PROPYLENE glycol, "ethylene glycol" is used in antifreeze and only a few milliliters can be fatal. propylene glycol is nontoxic, otherwise its somewhat similar to ethylene glycol.

    propylene glycol (propane-1,2-diol):

    benzyl alcohol:

    ethanol for comparison:

    and n-propanol (propan-1-ol)
    this is the 1-ol primary alcohol analogue of propylene glycol, notice lack of 2nd hydroxyl group.
    note: this is NOT isopropyl alcohol, but a close structural isomer.

    isopropanol (propane-2-ol):
  14. CannbisSouL

    CannbisSouL Smoke 'till you toke. Lifetime Supporter

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    That's isobutanol, not propanol. :)
  15. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    oops, it is!, my fault. i was looking so hard for a diagram that was drawn in the same way as the others that I totally didn't notice that it wasn't the same molecule, either that or 1-propanol wasn't actually the molecule i was looking for. idk, i was tryin too hard i guess. just imagine it without that last carbon at the end where it branches. you get the idea though ;)

    i hear propylene glycol can dissolve some other stuff too like synthetic cannabinoids ;) not sure how much fun those would be to shoot though ..
    1 person likes this.
  16. theacidpulp

    theacidpulp Member

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    i'm sure there's a million potheads out there who would love the idea of being able to mainline their pot. hell, sounds like it might be fun.

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