Are Some Events In History 'no Accident'?

Discussion in 'Conspiracy' started by Jimbee68, Mar 30, 2015.

  1. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    Let me start by saying, I am not the first person to put forth this theory, and I won't be the last. That having been said...

    I watch the History Channel from time to time. And I am especially drawn to the Ancient Astronaut theory. (In case you don't know, basically this theory says ancient and highly advanced aliens have been interfering in human life and culture, basically from the beginning.) Hey, there is clearly intelligent life in the universe elsewhere. And some of it got a major head start ahead of us. Where are they then? (This theory at least offers an answer to that question.)

    I should say, I don't believe in all of this theory. Some parts of it I find compelling. Some I don't agree with at all. But it does still make me wonder...

    Consider the asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs. What are the chances of something like that happening? And why has nothing like that happened since? And consider the human brain. No animal comes even close to us in intelligence. Surely that is no accident either.

    As I've said in the past, I have my own theory that some coincidences are not coincidental at all (like the Curse of Tippecanoe: These are coincidences that anyone can study for themselves--which I also think is no accident.

    But having a theory of your own puts you in a lonely position. And I don't like being alone. So I will put my eggs in the Ancient Astronaut theory basket for now.

    So then, how many of you believe in this theory? And how many of you think it is hogwash? Please give explanations and cites with your examples, if you can.

    :daisy: :daisy: :daisy:
  2. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    The North American crow has an intelligence level of a human 7 year old.... considering the size of their brain vs. the size of a human brain I would say they surpass us in many ways.
  3. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    I watched a few episodes of Ancient Aliens the other day, it certainly is entertaining. I find that Ancient Aliens relies mostly on a source of attribution called God of the Gaps . That is to say, phenomena in history and science which is shrouded a bit in mystery, one may tend to attribute (formally) to divine agency, or in this case extraterrestrial agency. Now where Ancient Aliens is somewhat ingenious and perhaps slightly disrespectful at the same time, is that they take advantage of the ambiguity in holy texts and myths and formulate that as misinterpretations of alien interactions as well.

    As Tyrsonwood examples suggest, there are animals which have brains that allow for functions which are comparable or superior to humans for specific faculties. Our brains are not even that much larger compared to other primates for our body size, however we do have certain brain areas which appear to be substantially more developed and usually account, in part, for the specific type of intelligence we have. I also think the fact we walk upright is significantly beneficial for our intelligence capacity, as it may allow for a more fluid communication between the Central and Periphreal Nervous System.

    Although it does seem world's apart in terms of what we perceive with most of the animal kingdom, it may be that we just need to further develop understanding in some of these areas, rather than attribute what we don't understand to aliens.

    As far as the asteroid is concerned associated with demise of the dinosaurs, I don't know the chances of an asteroid of that magnitude hitting the Earth, but considering that the dinosaurs were around for a few hundred million years before it happened, I think we can say that they got a fair cosmic shake and we need not resort to aliens being responsible for it. There is an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and then the Kuiper Belt at the edge of our planetary solar system, so it's not like we are totally left in the dark where these objects come from. The Earth's atmosphere can disinegrate many celestial bodies, I think there are some asteroids or meterorites which go by Earth's orbit every so often.
  4. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    All this alien shit is bullshit and is largely promoted by people with ties to the government. It is the ultimate red herring. I believe there are technologically-advanced civilizations that have survived past cataclysms underground, which is where most of this supposedly "alien" technology is coming from. All this alien shit keeps people looking up when they should be looking down. The 6-pointed star is a pyramid within a pyramid -- one which points up, and one which points down... AS ABOVE/SO BELOW.

    These "aliens" have guided the course of our history, except they're not aliens but an early form of human commonly referred to as neanderthal, which is commonly portrayed as dim-witted though nothing could be further from the truth. Fossil evidence has even shown they had much larger craniums than modern humans.

    But history is a lie, and so is everything you hear on the History Channel. What you should be after is the LOWstory, or the story of the owl which sees in the dark.

    I believe all the technology we believe is cutting edge is actually ancient and is simply being reintroduced over time.
  5. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    Ancient Aliens actually does suggest that there are Aliens species that might live underground.

    This is interesting assertions. I don't believe mainstream scientists really view neanderthals as dim-witted, that is mostly a popular media depiction as far as I'm aware. One of the reasons I've heard that neanderthals may not have been as "efficient" as modern humans is that they are generally believed to have short, extremely stocky bodies, so they may not have been as able to express the same fine motor coordination in hunting, collecting items, or escaping predators the way modern humans could have, at least without expending a significant amount more of energy.

    Eventhough neanderthals may have had bigger brains in size, Perhaps neuronal connections, cerebral folds and the development of white/grey matter play roles in the discrepancy of efficiency as well, but that is mostly speculation on my part.
  6. Sleeping Caterpillar

    Sleeping Caterpillar Members

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    Neanderthals had problems communicating, our language is much more advanced despite having a smaller brain
  7. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    I have a problem communicating with neanderthals regardless my pea brain and facility with language. Our language is an abstraction from primal sentiments. In a way it gets in the way because of the varied evolution of meaning. That is the nuanced way we use words is locally impressed through our specific environment. An octopus emotes through skin coloration, a sort of naked mind form of communication, all interior landscape expressed in overt physical form. You could argue that our experience of things is like our skin coloration, that is what we see is an interior landscape of connections presented in overt physical form.
  8. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Events in history are historical accounts and have nothing to do with accident or perfection.
  9. Fairlight

    Fairlight Banned

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    Some events in history are planned by elites and some are largely haphazard wayward accidents.The two modes of history react and influence development of human culture.Historical materialism ensures evolution of society.During the Communist era in Russia they developed five year plans for economic,industrial and social progress.

    I am sympathetic to ancient alien theories and there is some compelling evidence.I have entertained several youtube videos on the subject which I found fascinating,but am not entirely convinced.

    I certainly believe in some anomalies in the mainstream accounts of ancient history
    and am open to alternative accounts of the development of human civilization,but use my discrimination to sift through what believe is possible and what seems to farfetched.
  10. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Most real "accidents" can be attributed to carelessness/thoughtlessness. But by design, hidden or otherwise,designating wars,

    assassinations, political machinations and other nefarious human endeavors have NOT been "accidents," but are and have been well planned for the benefit of some group or individual. Weather or machinery failure can cause real accidents.
  11. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Take the recent plane crash--that was no accident. It was carelessness on the part of the airlines "background checkers."
  12. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    All historic events past and present and future planned have all been planned by alien beings. They have like this big diary and keep our world interesting by throwing laser darts at a big solar calendar of theirs and then they pick and choose events to surprise us all with.

  13. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    accident, no. only in the sense of conflicting intentions. but distorted, disguised, swept under one ideology or religious rug or another, frequently. not all historians are outright lyiers, but those most offten published in text books tend to come rather close to it.
  14. slappysquirrel

    slappysquirrel Senior Member

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    my view is that ancient aliens, finds whatever sounds compelling in some ancient culture somewhere, and adds a lot of sparkle to it. basically they are trying to sell a tv show. you should watch hangar 1 its much better
  15. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    I reccommend reading Chariots of the God which is written by an author that is occassionally featured on Ancient Aliens.

    I just finished the book and if nothing else, it was entertaining. I discovered a few events which are shrouded in mystery, such as the cause of the Tunguska impact event at the beginning of the 20th century and the disappearance of a US air force pilot in the 60's, as well as a lot of the mysteries of antiquity which Ancient Aliens frequently discusses. However the book was written in the 1970's and some of the faulty pseudoscience and erroneous predictions really stick out, often heavily relying on the aforementioned "God of the Gaps" assumption I discussed in post #3. There was a particular chapter I didn't care for regarding mummyfication and the concept of afterlife, which Of course the author attempted to tie these practices and beliefs with Aliens. The correlations felt quite forced in that chapter but the rest of the book addressess some fascinating events, many of which shrouded with in some degree of mystery.

    It's interesting to see the progress and perspective shifts of the general Ancient Astronauts theory from the 70's to the show Ancient Aliens today.
  16. AiryFox

    AiryFox Member

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    The Onion already posted this.

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