Where Is The Line On Free Speech?

Discussion in 'Latest Hip News Stories' started by Nerdanderthal, Mar 15, 2015.

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  1. Nerdanderthal

    Nerdanderthal Members

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    French cartoonist Zeon was indicted by a judge in early March after a complaint was filed by the BNVCA (National Bureau of Vigilance against Anti-Semitism).

    The charges were "incitement to racial, religious hatred, by speech, writing, picture or means of electronic communication."

    He drew a cartoon of a baby in Gaza being slaughtered by an arm of someone in an Israeli uniform.

    Where is the line? Direct incitement to violence is unacceptable, but artists should remain unmolested until that point right?

  2. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    Key word is "indicted", not convicted. Doesn't sound like there should even have been an indictment, but if it is like you describe, zero chance of conviction
  3. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    A more important free speech case is likely to be the one about whether the SEC fraternity can be banned from a university campus for making racist comments, and individual members can be expelled from the university. I can see that going all the way to the Supreme Court.
  4. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    I don't see that going to the scotus. A legal expert said that since they weren't making the comments to someone who was black, and the university is public, they would pretty clearly win in court.
  5. Nerdanderthal

    Nerdanderthal Members

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    Four police officers showed up on a Tuesday morning and arrested him. As I said, shouldn't he be unmolested? Should those in power use that power to dissuade opposition?

    What do you think about Voltaire's quote regarding this matter?
  6. Nerdanderthal

    Nerdanderthal Members

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    There are all black frats. If there was a video of a black frat making racist comments what do you think would be the repercussions?
  7. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    If? It's not theoretical. You can find plenty of Omega Psi Phi video online.

    Those guys kick ass.
  8. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    I'm operating with the assumption that all of the information you are giving me is correct. It would be better for me to reasearch all of this my self, but I'm not willing to make the investment.

    Should a cartoonist be arrested for making a cartoon that criticizes Israeli policy in Gaza? No.

    On the otherhand, france has its own laws, we don't get to decide for them.

    Even the arrest is excesive, but I can't imagine this being successfully prosecuted.
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  9. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    Wait, so white guys say racist things = terrrible offense for which they should be punished

    black guys say racist things = they kick ass ?
  10. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    After black Americans have enslaved whites for hundreds of years, then released us to another hundred years of second class citizenship, we'll have something to talk about.

    Historical context cannot be ignored.
  11. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    So we should judge people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin...unless they're white.
  12. Nerdanderthal

    Nerdanderthal Members

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    I can't believe you're surprised by this. This is standard liberal dogma. Nevermind 99.99% of people in Africa are wayyyy worse off than even the poorest black Americans. Never mind Africans still enslave their own and Western Europeans were the first to ban slavery.
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  13. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    yelling fire in your home closet might be illegal, if someone video tapes it and puts it on the youboob..
  14. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    People are judging you by the content of your character right now.
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  15. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    This does not respond to the point I was making.
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  16. SouthPaw

    SouthPaw Members

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    The Muslim Conquests, many of which originated from Africa, took place over 1,000 years. White Europeans and white Asians were enslaved en masse. The Crusades were a response to these conquests.

    Blacks enslaved whites for over three hundred years in the Barbary Slave Trade. Many coastal towns across Europe and up into Iceland were wiped off the map.

    Many of this country's first slave owners were black. Slavery was actually introduced to the US by a black man named Anthony Johnson. Indentured servitude was the norm until Anthony Johnson, himself a former indentured servant released after he served the term of his obligation, sued to proclaim ownership of an indentured servant who'd served out his obligation. Johnson won, his case being the first judicial decision upholding lifetime servitude, a.k.a slavery, in the thirteen colonies.

    I've provided context. Can we now be offended by racists?
  17. SouthPaw

    SouthPaw Members

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    Has the Fraternity itself threatened to revoke its charter at that university? I've read about it happening a few times over the years pertaining to cheating scandals or inappropriate behavior by the chapter. I'd suspect the Fraternity itself, at the national level, would have behavioral standards and a means to enforce them to protect the integrity of the Fraternity as a whole.

    Serious question, I wonder how it's being handled at that level.
  18. Nerdanderthal

    Nerdanderthal Members

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    Who the fuck is distorting the history in schools to the extent that we see today? Multiculturalism. Egalitarianism. Support lies, avoid truth. Be more like KarenJ ya'll.
  19. Nerdanderthal

    Nerdanderthal Members

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    Well I'm getting shut down when trying to say anything about Baltimore so I guess that's one line where people shut down discourse.
  20. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    we reserve the right to shut down your race baiting.. thanks for playing though.
    1 person likes this.
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