Is Acid Good For You?

Discussion in 'LSD - Acid Trips' started by Mrs. Writer, Jan 30, 2015.

  1. Mrs. Writer

    Mrs. Writer Newbie

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    I always wanted to try this drug but I just don't want to OD or something :) ...can this happen?
  2. MeatyMushroom

    MeatyMushroom Juggle Tings Proppuh

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    Since when were you a transvestite? :O !!
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  3. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    There is a possible "od" level of LSD but it's thousands of hits. However you might be sold something called NBOME which is cheap LSD substitute. This drug is much more dangerous and you could possibly OD on a small amount. People who determine a dose of LSD are generally taught how to do it properly. That along with it being a safer drug means at worst you get weak stuff. NBOME does not travel though the same networks and REALLY requires someone to get the dose right. Its very easy to overdo it. Look for a numbness in the mouth this will be NBOME.

    LSD has no risk of brain damage or anything else they told you in school. The risk comes from the extreme psychological experience you will have. This can be rough for some people but when it is over you will not be damaged and many people consider it worth it.
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  4. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Depends on your long term basic state of mind. I've seen a few that went over the edge never to return. (at least as long as I was around them.) I can't imagine that L would be

    as it was in the 60s-70s these days, given the junk that people will sell to make money off others. Good for you? Lotta' factors play into the answer to that question,IMO

    Efficacy of what is ingested, set and setting, a proper guide to rein in the feeling of becoming lost, (it happens!) , your mind set at the time, etc. Of course some people don't care

    about any of what I mentioned and just go for it. I was 28 the first time I took it and I ended up alone, but I handled it. It was 'good' for me because I dumped alcohol for 20 some

    years after taking my first hit. Needed to, for sure. So, I hope this helps you find your answer, although I'm not an expert by any means.

    Oh yeah--almost forgot to mention---after the initial dose--ALL the next ones I did were STILL learning experiences of one kind or another--AND FUN!!! Take care.
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  5. Bud D

    Bud D Member

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    It takes about a quarter of a gram of needle point snorted to die. As far as records indicate. Way more than what is needed. Try meditating if you don't already. Learn what good days feel like when you are aware of your inner being. Don't take it for changing bad into good. I find shrooms are the easiest for first timers. You can take a small dose and not get in too deep. Lasts less time than acid or cacti.
  6. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    what records?
    there has only been one documented case of LSD overdose in which 8 people snorted what they believed to be cocaine. The exact amount ingested is not known, but all survived with hospitalization and were released in 12 hours with no lasting harm, physiological or otherwise.
    Then the only reported death suspected to be from an LSD overdose the amount that they determined was ingested was around 300-350 milligrams, or about 3,000-3,500 average doses, so approximately the amount you mentioned. But the exact cause of death in that case was never conclusively determined as the person was found dead outside in the elements.

    If you have other documentation we would love to see it.

    @ the OP, how dare you don the moniker of Mrs. Writer if you have never tried LSD?

    I wonder what Greg thinks of this, flattered, amused or annoyed?
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  7. hillbillyhippy

    hillbillyhippy Member

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    Never took acid before but love listening to stories. If I want an acid trip I'll put on some GD and play with a kaleidoscope
  8. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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    Not even a remote resemblance
  9. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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  10. Mrs. Writer

    Mrs. Writer Newbie

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    What is this talk about transvestite? Thanks for the advice by the way.
  11. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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    They are having fun at your expense because we have a HF member, MR Writer. Don't let it bother you, Nephi's just trying to make a stupid inside joke.
  12. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    like its a bad thing to be a Transvestite .. [​IMG]
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  13. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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  14. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    ask a silly question...........................
  15. Mrs. Writer

    Mrs. Writer Newbie

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    Mmm this acid sounds amazing. And sexy. How to know if it's pure though? I've never done mushrooms either...
  16. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I've heard--just heard, mind you---that Oregon State has or had a program to test drugs for purity. No names--just numbers for ID and results. Been since the 70s that I partook,

    but I wouldn't trust nowadays, that what you think you have is WHAT you have. Like most "scenes" in life, the old saying--'the bad always drives out the good', is germane to the drug scene,IMO. --------if you know someone reliable who has partaken--and can vouch-------------------

    If I were you, I'd read up beforehand. But of course that's kind of a clinical way to approach it. Personally, I just "jumped on in," and I'm OK-I"m OK-I'M OK-I'm OK-I'm OK-I'm--
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  17. IMjustfishin

    IMjustfishin Member

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    anyone ever have those unstoppable fits of laughter that really work out your abs? my cheeks and abs hurt the next day from laughing.
  18. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    You can get an ehrlich reagent testing kit if purity is a major concern. This will not guarantee that you have LSD, however this will let you know that you do not have the aforementioned dangerous NBOME chems or any analogues (NBOH, NBF) which all have several particular chems in their subsets (I.e. 25i-nbome, 25c-nboh)

  19. Mrs. Writer

    Mrs. Writer Newbie

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    What should I try first? LSD or Mushrooms?
  20. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I would think that with mushrooms, at least you know what you have. Not subject to the whims of those who don't give a shit about what they sell to others. So my vote is: mushrooms.

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