Adrenal Fatigue

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Seeker26, Jan 24, 2015.

  1. Seeker26

    Seeker26 Members

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    Hi Friends, I thought to start discussion about Adrenal Fatigue, which is one of the most common, yet also one of the most undiagnosed health issues in our current times. I made a video which offers
    - a better understanding of our adrenal glands
    - the top 6 signs of adrenal fatigue
    - and how to best manage and over-come adrenal fatigue through diet, physical activity and reducing stress levels.

    ****DISCLAIMER - This video does not offer a conclusive diagnosis and treatment plan. It however offers you the tools to become more conscious of your health and well-being. *****

    ************ALSO If you are allergic to something, best to skip it. There are so many foods/remedies with same/similar nutrients and properties. So with research, we can find our right match. Nature has provided for us very well and given us multiple options. We just need to understand Her (nature) better.******

    I am very interested in hearing your thoughts, experiences and insights too. As Adrenal Fatigue is one of the least discussed yet one of the most prominent issues of our current times. Thank you :)
  2. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    I would recommend eliminating refined sugars and carbohydrates first and foremost. I definitely agree with you on the things you told people to avoid. I also agree with you on the importance of iodine, which is something almost everyone is deficient in. Iodized salt does not provide nearly enough iodine for a healthy thyroid, and it's the worst way you could possibly obtain it.

    I would have also recommended adequate magnesium levels. Magnesium is another important mineral most people are deficient in, which can also lead to adrenal fatigue. People should really be supplementing with highly bioavailable forms of magnesium like magnesium chloride and magnesium citrate, especially if they're not getting it from green, leafy vegetables, which do not provide nearly the same amount of nutrients they used to because of our depleted soils.

    Thumbs up on the avocados -- they're one of the best things a person can eat.

    I myself make a tonic upon waking every day consisting of Himalayan pink salt, apple cider vinegar and lugol's solution (iodine) mixed in water. Cortisol levels are at their highest when you first wake up, so starting the day with some pure, unrefined salt mixed in a little bit of water can help calm your adrenals and bring down cortisol levels.

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