Older Lesbians

Discussion in 'Lesbian' started by jerrilynn, Jan 15, 2015.

  1. jerrilynn

    jerrilynn Members

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    I'm 57 and have FINALLY accepted who I am and what I want out of life.
    As I've scrolled through so many of the posts in different areas I noticed that most have been in the late teen to 30s age group. First of all, I think it's great that that you discovered your happiness at a young age. I wish I had, but the main thing is I've found it.
    I may have overlooked it or not scrolled back far enough but I haven't found any who have given their age who are, in my age group (50 plus). I'm sure they are out there. I would love to get to meet any and "pick your brain" about being an older lesbian and any issues that come along with that.
    Thank you in advance.
    By the by, I really feel comfortable here. Thanks for being here.
    Isla Rose likes this.
  2. missmadam

    missmadam Members

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    Lovely post. I really feel for u. I'm not a lesbian but have had a few encounters I really enjoyed. Hey, better late than never... Enjoy your newfound self. You have lots of catching up to do and I know how THAT feels.
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  3. jerrilynn

    jerrilynn Members

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    Thank you so much for your response. Better late then never is so true. I feel so much more at peace with myself. I'm finally happy with who I am and being more open about it.
    I definitely plan on doing some catching up. LOL.
    Thank you again for your support, missmadam.
  4. silk896

    silk896 Member

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    You are not alone - even though I am probably on the bi spectrum and have been aware of that when I was in my mid-20's.
    I am far more female oriented than the other way. I have certainly had far more female lover's/encounters over the last 15 years than with guys.

    Which makes me entitled to say you are far from unique. Most of my female loves have been with women who have "discovered" their real self later in life - certainly in their 30's and 40's.
    Social/peer pressures and expectations play havoc with us as teens!

    Enjoy the freedom you have found, because you deserve it.
    2 people like this.
  5. jerrilynn

    jerrilynn Members

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    Thank you for your kind words of support. It helps to know that I'm not the exception to the rule. And those pressures don't change much with age. You just learn not to give shit. LOL
  6. Rosie1955

    Rosie1955 Members

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    I thought I was the only one! I realised I was lesbian when I was about 55 (now 60), but I find it so hard to meet women. Women of my age just don't want to know what they perceive as a novice at my age. I think they assume that you're just curious. My libido is raging. I haven't been near a man for over 20 years. I am lesbian. Please, all you older lesbians, don't judge us just because we're slow at realising what we are/were for so long.

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