Concern About Stds

Discussion in 'Free Love' started by cockadoodle, Jan 12, 2015.

  1. cockadoodle

    cockadoodle Members

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    So I haven't had sex yet even though I want to and have had plenty of opportunities, but I'm seriously scared to death about catching some STD out there. How can I handle this problem so I can get what I want and feel safe?

    It's not like people are going to announce their infected. Even if you ask they could lie just to get you in bed. And I know a condom would help but only for where you're sticking your penis, not for oral.
  2. AussieDude

    AussieDude Members

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    Don't do oral with one night stands. It's against the law in many countries to lie to someone about your STD status. If you know you have an STD and lie about it to someone and they catch it.... you're going to court.
    So, just use a condom, avoid oral. I know that sucks, but that's the price you pay for one night stands. Other option is to find a nice girl to be your girlfriend, who has been tested and you know is safe. And maybe at some point, they'll get some other birth control, so you can throw away those condoms.
  3. cockadoodle

    cockadoodle Members

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    Young people do oral all the time with multiple partners, so I'm told. I suppose you could use a condom in that case but not for on the girl.

    I want to just have one girl so I don't have to worry about it but before I do that I'd like to have my fun before that door shuts.
  4. MochaMood

    MochaMood Member

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    Do a Google search to find out what a dental dam is. Buy some at a pharmacy. Eat all the pussy you want.

    This is what abstinence only sexual education produces. I feel badly for teens at this point. Even their parents can't teach them to protect themselves because they don't know.

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