How To Make His Orgasms More Intense

Discussion in 'The Orgasmic Experience' started by Miss Scarlett Blue, Jan 11, 2015.

  1. Miss Scarlett Blue

    Miss Scarlett Blue Guest

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    I love giving my bf blowjobs. He's my first sexual partner after a long marriage & I'm feeling like I'm finding sides of myself I want to explore further. My husband wasn't a BJ fan & said I wasn't very good. My bf described my first with him as life changing & I love giving almost as much as he loves receiving, but I'm always looking for ways to improve the experience for him. Are there any things I can do to make his orgasm more intense?
    Deejay88 and Dionysus89 like this.
  2. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    pop rocks...
  3. rocketman88

    rocketman88 Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Well i guess try experimenting with different lubes on him tingle ect, tease him more with it, try taking sips of coffee and cold drinks to mix up the sensation whilst you do it. I know this may not be suitable if he isn't open to this but a prostate massage or a finger up there can make it intense.

    some general tips, sorry its long, symbols mean penis:

    Though they take over completely during kissing, lips are a primary point of contact with your lover during all of oral sex and so must be as exquisitely soft and pleasing to the touch as possible. These kissing exercises must be as devoted to developing a velvet touch as they are to extending and strengthening lip movement. While developing mastery over the movement of the lips is extremely important to help them create a wide variety of sensations on cue, you never want to tone your lips so much that they become too firm or muscular. To keep your lips soft and inviting, make sure that you never perform lip exercises with tense lips. Pucker and tap your lips gently with your index finger. How soft do your lips feel? This is how they should feel when you perform the lip exercises. Avoid tensing your lips when you go through the motions of each exercise. For the first week of practice, you should do all of the exercises standing in front of a mirror, so that you can be sure that the correct parts of the lips and mouth—and nothing else—are moving. In the beginning, you should do each exercise separately, with a five to ten minute break in between. After the first week, the exercises can flow into each other. Each exercise should be performed every day for seven days to start, then switch to every other day for an additional week to train the muscles to remember their new skills. Kissing Exercises: Pucker Up: With your tongue on the Spot (see chapter 3) push your lips all the way forward until they open and roll their insides out, sticking as much of the inside of your lips out as possible. Then, keeping them fully extended, open and close your lips, bringing just the fleshy parts together to form a small circle. Touch them together five times. Practicing Pucker Up may make you look a little silly, and a lot like a fish, but trust this exercise—it will put you far ahead of the game by helping you find the correct positioning of the tongue and jaw. This exercise acquaints you with the soft insides of your lips—when you perform it, notice what potential the lips have to create soft, delightful sensations. Lip implants are popular because they promise exactly this sensation. But in order to deliver it, make sure to note the difference in texture between the soft, glossy inside and the drier outside of the lips. Many people make the mistake of firming up the lips, and kissing with only their rough outside edges, thereby missing out on the moist inner lips' inherent kissability. (You can feel how unstimulating this is if you simply close your lips and slightly roll them in between your teeth so that only the outer lip is exposed.) This part of the lip has no friction or engagement, both of which are absolute necessities for an erotically stimulating kiss. However, others make the mistake of rolling the lips out too far. This results in the "I felt like he was eating my face" sensation. When you kiss, the other person should be able to feel both the rough and glossy parts of your lips and never just one or the other. Similarly, during oral sex, the entire lip should be used for greatest effect. However, on a particularly sensitive clit, use just the glossy insides to avoid over-stimulation.
    Another issue that significantly impacts kissing and oral sex is the strength of the lips. Most of us never think of the lips as muscles, but lip strength is an extremely important factor for any kind of lingual caress. Pucker Up identifies and prepares you to use your entire lips, but if the muscles are weak the effect won't contribute much to your kiss. In order to give a really memorable, arousing smooch, your lips need to be strong and under your control. One exercise for this is called E like "Eat," O like "Swoon." (You can use your imagination for what kind of "eating" this refers to.) E like "Eat," O like "Swoon" With your tongue on the Spot and your teeth together, look at yourself in the mirror and pull your lips as wide apart as they can possibly go. Place your pointer and middle finger with the pads against the teeth, and start saying "eeeeeeeeee." Not "ehhhhhh," like "elephant," but a strong, sharp "e" like "eat." Keep looking in the mirror to make sure that your lips are the only things moving (that is, don't move your jaw, neck, or tongue) and that they are stretched widely enough so that they aren't touching your fingers. Hold your lips in this position for the count of ten. When you're ready, remove your fingers and pull your lips into a tight little circle with the insides of the lips pressing forward—as if you were trying to touch someone else with the smooth insides of the lips—and say "OOOOO" like "swoon." This will strengthen your lips, as well as the surrounding muscles. Do ten repetitions of these kissing exercises every day for a week. The more advanced exercises later in the book will build on them, both in chapters 7 and 10. Once you've mastered the exercises specifically for kissing, you can start practicing those intended for the much more powerful king of kisses: oral sex. Advanced Lip Exercises for Kissing The Saltwater Pump—Front: Pumping exercises increase your lip dexterity. Put one teaspoon of salt in half a glass of warm (not hot) water. Pump a mouthful of this back and forth behind your upper lip. Allow the shape of your lip to be changed by the pressure of the water moving in and out. Perform this for a full minute, pushing the salt water as far as it will go without opening your lips. The presence of the salt will make you aware of the exact places your lip expands with this exercise. Take note of how much your lip can actually stretch, because you'll be using the insides of your lips extensively in kissing and manipulating the finer points of your lover's anatomy. You should be using a half a glass of water to complete this exercise through a series of three to seven mouthfuls (depending on the size of your mouth). Do this three times a day for a week. Remember not to swallow the water. Stand nearby a sink or receptacle so that you can spit it out. The Lip Massage: Whereas the Saltwater Pump softens the deeper tissues of your lips, performing the same motions with air softens the surface of the lips, especially the delicate edges where your lips touch. It will also help you gain control over this crucial area for oral sex. This is the part of the lip that will hold the clitoris in place; it is also the part of the lip that is most responsible for stimulating the surrounding area during clitoral stimulation.
    Using your breath instead of water, push air behind your upper lip as firmly as you can. Again, do not tense or engage the lip muscles, but allow them to be moved and stretched by the power of your breath. Do this ten or twelve times during the day.
    The Saltwater Pump—Side: Using the same ratio of salt to warm water as in Saltwater Pump—Front, push the water outward against the cheeks. Allow your cheek muscles to relax completely, then slowly push the water completely into them and maintain the position for a few seconds. Let the water blow back into the mouth gently, with still further relaxation of the cheek muscles. Alternate forcing the water in and out of the cheeks in this manner. Do this five times a day, filling and emptying twice each time. Monkey Face Slowly force salt water behind the upper lip, gradually building up pressure until the lip is completely rounded out. Make sure that the lip muscles are completely relaxed. Do this five times in a row, then perform the same process on the lower lip. Try this again using air to reach the subtler musculature. The reason for doing both is that while using water makes the lips more flexible, air makes them tangibly softer. Taking some air into your mouth, force it gently into your upper lip, as if you are blowing up a balloon. Hold to the count of ten, five times in a row on the upper lip, then the bottom lip, and then both. The Jug of Plenty: This exercise will give you some of the softest, most memorable lips on the planet. To perform it, you need an empty plastic half-gallon jug (or container of equal size and weight) and about four or five feet of string. Good cotton string is highly preferable to dental floss or thread. Place the jug on the floor, and tie the cotton string through the handle so that you can lift the jug off the floor with the string. Put one end of the string in your mouth, and bend over so that you are looking directly down at the jug. Lift the jug off the floor by puckering your lips and using them to pull the string into your mouth. Do not bite the string or use your teeth. (And you may want to close the blinds!) Some people start to suck as if they were eating a long piece of spaghetti. Instead, actively use the inner part of the lips to pull in the string, hold it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue, and then use your lips to pull in another segment. Lifting the jug six or eight inches off the floor will do. Your face should remain parallel to the floor. Lift and lower the jug ten times (each time should only take a few seconds). Be very careful when taking the string into your mouth. Do not perform this exercise haphazardly or while rushing.
    Button Up!: The purpose of this exercise is to get the muscles of your lips to strengthen by working against themselves. The idea here is to tone the lip muscles by forcing them to adapt to increased stress. For this exercise, you will need a button between the size of a dime and a quarter, and a piece of string as long as your arm. Thread the string through the button, and tie the ends of the string together. Pull the button with one hand and the string with the other until the doubled string is stretched taut. Place the button in your mouth, and position it equally between your top and bottom lip (but not touching your teeth). Holding the button with your dominant hand (left for left-handed, etc.), hold the string so that it is perfectly straight and even. Begin to pull your dominant hand slowly away from your motionless head with steadily increasing force. The button will attempt to escape your mouth by forcing your lips open—don't let it. Pull harder until you find the point where you lose the button. Try to remember how far away your dominant hand is when it pops free, so that you can set your goal for the next time just beyond that point. Do this five times a day for seven days, then three times a day for another seven. These exercises all help make the lips supple and soft, while maximizing their tone and energy so that they never tire of giving your partner pleasure. The energy you put into your lips here will show up in tenfold when it's time to give some luscious licks and kisses. Tongue-Tied: Let's refine your control and fine manipulation of the tongue. For french kissing, an excellent exercise is to look in the mirror and bring your tongue fully to a point. Would you want to kiss your tongue? It should be a healthy pink. If your tongue looks whitish, or even yellowish, make sure to use a tongue scraper after each brushing. Stick out your tongue and bring it to a point without touching your teeth or lips. Hold it in this position and make a mental note of its size and shape. Now relax and widen the tongue as much as possible, still without touching your teeth or lips. The first time you perform this exercise in the mirror, you may be surprised by just how versatile your tongue really is—it can stretch from a point less than half an inch long to four times that size without touching the teeth or lips. The concept of your tongue as a free agent, moving independently of your teeth and lips is particularly important for oral love, even crucial. While kissing, allow the tongue to move independently, but avoid making it sharp or pointed (at least until kissing has become extremely passionate and aggressive). Remember that a soft, wide tongue is much more inviting than a darting poker, and that each minute change of your tongue shape will be felt intimately by your partner.
    ------------------------------------------------------------- The tongue is a more complex muscle than you might think, and has a startling diversity of sensations to offer your lover. The following exercises will help you get in touch with all the possibilities. But first things first: though you might not suspect that a tongue needs a warm-up, the techniques you will learn later will require a E 26 level of flexibility and suppleness that can only be achieved after some basic training. Skipping the basic exercises can result in tongue cramps and even lockjaw, so don't skimp on the prelims. • Never, ever strain yourself while performing these or any other exercises. • The entire warm-up routine should take between five and ten minutes. • Perform the exercise once, except where indicated. BASIC EXERCISES: Nose Touch: Stick out your tongue and curve it up. Try to touch your nose. If you can touch your nose already, try to touch only the tip of your nose using the tip of your tongue. Repeat twice. Chin Touch: Stick out your tongue. Curve it down and try to touch your chin. See if you can touch your chin without the tip alone. Repeat twice. Up and Down: Open your mouth, keeping your tongue inside and behind your teeth. Move it slowly up and down, touching the tip to the roof, then to the base. Do not run the tongue along the roof or over the teeth. Pretend there is a toothpick between the roof of your mouth and the bottom of your jaw, and move your tongue along this perfectly vertical line. See how fast you can go while keeping the tip as the point of contact. Side to Side: Open your mouth a little. Let your tongue peek out. Move it back and forth to each corner of your mouth on a curved path (following, but not touching, your bottom lip). Do this four times. Peanut Butter: Open your mouth a little. Pretend you have peanut butter all over your lips. Lick all the peanut butter off your top lip, then lick it off the bottom one.
    Tongue Push: Keep your lips closed. Place your tongue against one cheek and push it out, while using three fingers to gently push against the tongue from the other side of the cheek. Repeat on the other side. Open Wide: Open and close your mouth. Letting your tongue rest on the bottom of your mouth, stretch out your cheeks but don't strain your jaw. Smiley Face: Keeping your lips closed, give the biggest smile you can muster. Think of the oral sex master you will shortly become. Sad Mouth: Keeping your lips closed, turn your mouth down as far as you can. Think of the fact that according to the McKinsey Report 60 percent of women report that their spouses give "moderately" satisfactory oral sex. Show Your Teeth: Keeping your teeth closed, open your lips and give a big smile. Say "extremely satisfactory" without touching your lips to your teeth. Kisses: Pucker your lips and make one long kissing sound, keeping your lips closed, by sucking air in through your tightly contracted lips for ten seconds. Raspberries: Stick out your tongue and close your lips around it. Then blow air out, letting your tongue and lips vibrate. This may tickle. Pops: Press your lips together and pop them apart, making a loud noise. Do not suck in—the popping sound is created by simply rolling your closed lips in very slightly, then allowing them to separate. Fish Face: Push your lips out to make a fish face (without sucking in your cheeks for dramatic effect). Open and close your lips a few times.
    Lipstick Lady: Press your lips together and rub them back and forth, as if you are spreading lipstick around on them. Oooooh . . . Aaaaah Focusing all of your attention on your lips, very elaborately shape your lips into the small circle that accompanies an "oooooh" sound, and hold it for about ten seconds. Then, smoothly transition into opening your mouth as far as it will go and saying "aaaaah" for ten seconds. Do each five times. If you have successfully completed these warm-ups, congratulations! They are admittedly hard for sophisticated adults to perform. INTERMEDIATE EXERCISES: Now that your tongue, lips, and cheeks are soft, supple, and ready to move, you're equipped to practice more advanced exercises. These exercises apply directly to oral sex and simulate particular moves. Tongue Cluck: Put your tongue tip behind your top teeth and get the sides of your tongue up, too. Suck in and cluck, making a horse-galloping noise. See if you can get the middle to come down first, and the tip of the tongue last. Focusing on getting the middle of your tongue to come down before the tip will teach your tongue how to stimulate your lover using the soft underside of the tongue instead of the rougher taste bud side. Few people know how to do this, and as the smooth side of the tongue feels delightful on the sensitive parts of the body, this exercise is well worth the effort of mastering. Tsk-tsk: Use this exercise to train your tongue to use the area between the roof of your mouth and the taste bud side of your tongue to create more surrounding sensations on your lover.With your lips open, place your tongue tip on the bump behind your top teeth and suck in gently. If you hear a sound like a disapproving old woman, you're doing it right. Whole Tongue Suck: This exercise helps you teach your mouth how to focus on a specific area and to use sucking to heighten sensation. Suck your entire tongue up onto the roof of your mouth. Press and release, making a sucking sound. Repeat five times. Tongue Stretch: This exercise will give your tongue more dexterity, so that you can be sure to find your lover's hot spots. Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth while you raise and lower your jaw. You should feel your tongue stretch. Repeat ten times.
    Tongue Push: With your lips open, push your tongue onto the bump behind your top row of teeth for ten seconds. Relax. Repeat three times.This will teach you how to apply pressure with your tongue in a designated place, and it will strengthen your control over when and where your tongue applies force. Baby Talk: Place your finger between your top and bottom rows of front teeth and practice saying these syllables: "tuh, tuh, tuh, tuh"; "duh, duh, duh, duh"; "nuh, nuh, nuh, nuh." Notice how your tongue moves down with the center first, and then the tip? This will help you further develop your ability to stimulate your lover using the soft underside of the tongue. Your finger should have no teeth marks on it, and should not be wet by the end of the exercise. Crush That Candy: Using a small piece of circular candy (like a Skittle or M&M), use your tongue to press the candy into the bump behind your front row of teeth, without pressing your tongue into your teeth as well. Press the candy with your tongue steadily, until it breaks or dissolves. Do not repeat. For the health conscious, a Cheerio works exceptionally well. This exercise tones and strengthens the tongue, and if practiced regularly, will eliminate fatigue. The Tongue Push: KKK (Not That One) Keeping your tongue tip down behind your lower teeth, open your mouth and make a "k-k-k" sound by lifting the back of your tongue. When your lover is ready for more intense stimulation, use this tongue motion to stimulate them with the rough, taste bud side of your tongue. More Imaginary Peanut Butter: Pretend you have peanut butter all over your bottom lip. Stretch your top lip over your bottom lip and pretend to wipe all the peanut butter off, addressing the sides as well as the front. For supersensitive areas on your lover, the lip is a great substitute for the tongue. The soft inside of the upper lip can extend in the manner exercised to caress and awaken sensitive spots that can be stimulated more aggressively with the tongue later. Hold It and Blow: Practice blowing a cotton ball across a table through a straw held firmly between your lips. Focus on applying specific amounts of pressure with the air you exert from your mouth. This will both fine-tune the muscles of your mouth and teach your tongue to flatten at just the tip—an excellent position from which to initiate upward strokes over the clitoris (or other supersensitive areas) with definite feeling but not an overwhelming degree of it.
    Different Strokes: Pretend that you have whipped cream all over the roof of your mouth. Using the tip of your tongue, sweep it from front to back along the roof of your mouth. Do this for ten strokes, then change direction, now going from front to back and noting the difference in sensation. The basic exercises should be performed for two weeks, and the intermediate ones for an additional week. (This is because the intermediate exercises build on and hone the raw skills developed by the basic ones.) Take the Oral Sex Fitness Test in chapter 6 to figure out whether or not you're ready to move on. ----------------------------------------------------------- Really crucial tongue exercises may be fewer in but they are the most potent exercises in the book. So if you're short on time and patience, this is where you should focus your attention. While most of the exercises until now have been fairly specialized, focusing on certain moves, techniques, and parts of the tongue and lips, these exercises are the quick 'n' dirty guide to getting maximum strength and flexibility out of your tongue. Boyfriend's Delight: This exercise is designed to train your tongue to rest in the most energizing position possible. The correct positioning of the tongue will also help you to get maximum flexibility and range in the lips. Place a Cheerio on the bump behind your top row of teeth. Keep it in place by pressing with your tongue. Now swallow, without moving the Cheerio. You will need to significantly increase the pressure of your tongue to stop the Cheerio from moving, thus building the strength and correcting the orientation of your tongue. (You'll know you're done with each Cheerio when it begins to become soft.) This exercise is so fundamental to developing an agile, capable tongue that ideally you should go through a whole bowl of Cheerios. Barring that, try ten to fifteen. Try to keep your tongue in the same position for increasing periods of time—ideally, in fact, your tongue should always be in this position, with your lips closed and breathing through your nose. If you have trouble breathing through your nose, and often forget to keep your lips closed, try resting a twist tie (or toothpick, or plastic paper clip, or any small, lightweight item) between your lips. This gives your lips a "reason" to close, and if it falls out, you'll be alerted that your lips are open. In this way, you can become more aware of the state of your lips and their relationship to your breathing. To supplement this exercise after you've practiced it a few times, try to swallow every time with your tongue in that exact spot—regardless of what drink fills your glass or food fills your plate. These swallows are like push-ups for your tongue, and they're healthy for your whole mouth. The next time you go to give oral sex, you will be just as delighted as your partner is to see how masterfully you can create specific sensations.
    Boyfriend's Double Delight: This is essentially like Boyfriend's Delight, except this time you are going to use two Cheerios: one placed on the bump behind your top row of teeth, and the other placed about a half inch beyond that, toward your throat. This will activate more of your tongue by getting the midsection to keep the second Cheerio in place during the swallow. Once again, extend your practicing this exercise into each mealtime: every time you swallow, try to do it this way. It will help your digestion as much as your oral sex skills. But don't swallow the Cheerios—the object is to keep them precisely in place. Yet Another "Delight" That's right: add one more Cheerio. Place the third Cheerio another half inch beyond the second one. Just do the three-Cheerio swallow a couple of times to see if you can. If it's too difficult, that means you need to practice the earlier Delights. If it's easy, move on to the next exercise. It's Time Again: Checkpoint It can't be overemphasized how important a well-defined point is to oral sex, so go to the mirror for this one and make a mental note of what follows. Stick your tongue straight out as far as it will go, and bring the tip to the sharpest point you can make. Repeat three times. As you do this exercise, check whether your tongue is changing color. If it was grayish or whitish, the Cheerio exercises should be making it pinkish, the natural color of a healthy, vigorous tongue. Is your tongue rather bulbous instead of coming to a well-defined point? Does the tip, when extended, point either to the left or right of center? You should give special attention to this exercise until your tongue makes a well-defined point and these symptoms of a poorly pointed tongue disappear. Open and Close: Open your mouth as wide as possible and stick out your tongue as far as it will go. Make your tongue long and pointed at the tip, then draw it in slightly to shorten and widen it as wide as it will go. Repeat this five times. Oral Play This exercise will give dexterity to your tongue, enable you to use the tip accurately, and employ a well-defined point. Hold your lower jaw down with thumb and forefinger. Touch the tip of your tongue to the upper right molar, then the upper left molar, lower left molar, lower right molar, in that order. Raise your tongue to the Spot. Lower the tip of your tongue to the roots of your lower front teeth. Repeat six times. Open Your Jaw: Curl up your tongue and place it as far back on the roof of your mouth as possible. With your tongue locked in that position, open and close your mouth. Repeat fifteen times. This exercise will re-teach you how to have control over the movement of your jaws and eliminate involuntary movement.
    Getting in the Groove: Stick out your tongue. Now groove it. Bring it back into your mouth. If you're having trouble, use a straw to roll the sides of your tongue on. Repeat ten times. Keep in mind that a groove (pulling the center of the tongue down below the bottom row of teeth) is unlike a roll (where the sides of the tongue roll together). Grooving the tongue, unlike rolling it, is not genetically determined and can be accomplished with a little practice by virtually anyone. Rolling Around: Place the tip of your tongue down behind your lower front teeth with your mouth open. Make sure it is touching the teeth right at their roots. Hum so the center of your tongue touches the palate. With the tongue in this position, rotate it from right to left. Repeat five times. Watch in the mirror to make sure your jaw doesn't move. This exercise will straighten and firm the muscles in the center of the tongue. Weight Lifting: Place the handle of a spoon on the center of your tongue. Keeping the spoon steady, push upward with the tongue and hold for a count of three. Relax the tongue, and then repeat four times. Do this three times a day. As you become proficient in this exercise, try to keep the tongue back in the mouth, perhaps just over the front teeth. This is the kind of weight lifting your boyfriend dreams of. If you've completed these exercises, your tongue is the most agile, strong, and delicate it's ever been, capable of quickly transitioning between feathery love tickles and intense, aggressive stroking before he has time to say "aah." But now that you have such a big strong tongue, what are you going to do with it? ------------------------------------------------------------- Blowjob techniques: The Silent, Sexy Approach: Don't say anything and simply go to your man with a knowing look in your eye. Begin kissing him, murmur how unbelievably sexy he is, and make sure to rub your breasts well into his chest and touch him intimately with your hands as you start to caress his hair, neck, and then his penis through whatever clothes he's about to take off. Move decisively. Oral sex requires the performer to take charge, and a great way to start is by getting your man relaxed in the position that will be most comfortable for you. Once you start directing his motion to a nearby chair or bed, he's unlikely to put up much resistance.
    The Teasing Approach: All too often, oral sex is initiated by sucking directly on the penis, as if there was only one goodie in the man store. However, with the singleexception of the sudden quickie (where his orgasm is strengthened by delighted surprise), stronger, deeper orgasms are created by beginning with a tease. Or two. start by planting gentle, light kisses and nibbles on his inner thighs. A great deal of teasing can occur prior to this point, but the way you tease is more a matter of creativity than skill, so this aspect is up to you. By hook or by crook, once you've reached the genital area, it's time to start employing the more subtle arts of your tongue. The trick here is to move deliberately and slowly, even though you're coming on to him full speed and making him crazy with excitement. Give lingering kisses, and nibble your way down from the chest. Go about two steps slower than you know he wants you to. Slowly enough to create some exquisite exasperation, but quickly enough to keep him aroused, allow your tongue to come at least two-thirds out of your mouth for a full lollipop-style lick around the perimeter of the genitals. This should be taken at a count of about one second per inch, and should not involve motion in your jaw. After this approach, retreat back down his thighs, leaving him twitching with desire. THE GENITAL MASSAGE: A nice way to get a firm erection in place is by massaging his genitals—a delightful series of sensations that will get him hard if he isn't splitting his pants open already. Remember that males hit their sexual peak around age twenty (while women reach it closer to thirty—a cruel joke), so if your partner is significantly beyond his twenties you might need to cheer this one "up," so to speak, before hitting him with the magnum blasts you'll be learning later in the chapter. To perform a great genital massage, start by rubbing and pressing his genitals from the outside of his pants with your hands or thigh. When you start to feel a response, slip down between his legs and unzip his pants. Reach in and touch him. If he's rock solid, he's dying for it and you can plunge right in. If he's soft, he might be a little nervous. Take his penis gingerly into one hand, and while pulsing it slightly between your palm and fingers, lean up and kiss him. A long, tongueful, sexy kiss. Is there any response from down below? Is there a little jolt through your hand? At this point, any movement is good movement.
    SETTING HIS STAGE: Pull out his penis and grasp it firmly with one hand at the base (though not too firmly—hold the penis about as hard as you would a baby chick that you don't want to crush, but can't let escape from your hand). If it is entirely soft, use your hand to gently massage it upward, as if you are gently molding it into the desired erect shape. Remember that this is not necessarily a comment on his level of attraction to you. His desire may be off the charts; his penis isn't always going to comply. Don't act surprised. In fact, don't be surprised. Some guys just take a little longer to warm up.
    Once he's semi erect, hold his balls in one hand and his penis in the other. Squeeze him gently toward the bottom of the shaft while you coat your lips with plenty of saliva. Run your tongue all over your lips, until they're almost as wet as the inside of your mouth. Look up at him and make eye contact. Men are visual creatures, and who can blame them for wanting to watch such an intimate kind of pleasure? FIND HIS HOT SPOTS: Learn from an Expert: To find out what he likes best, one direction you can take things in includes a little participation on his part. Squeeze some lube onto your hands and rub about half of it on his hands. This is a nice moment for hand play, and will warm the lube before you place your hands around his penis. Place your hands in a praying position around his penis, making sure that your fingers are pointing at his chin and the tips are touching while your thumbs come upright together. You have to be between his legs for this one, as the exact angle of your hands is important. Once your hands are well positioned, ask him to place his hands around yours and control the motion and speed of your palms. Even if you speak different languages, this is sure to communicate exactly which types of touches—including pressure, speed, and direction—he likes most. Search for the Holy Nerve Centers: Another option to find his hot spots is to simply go scouting for them yourself. The Lip Massage (page 38) has perfectly prepared you to locate the most jam-packed nerve centers on your man's pleasure wand. Every penis has its sweet spots—e.g., the glans or frenulum—but the exact location of the truly astounding sensation makers varies on every penis. If your lips are both as soft and as they should be after performing the Jug of Plenty exercise (page 39), and as controlled as they should be after performing Button Up! (page 39), you should have no trouble conducting your hot-spot search. Avoiding the head for now, use light suction to pull about one-half inch of the skin of his shaft into the moist insides of your lips, and simply run along the edges of the shaft a few times. Some men have unusually sensitive spots here in places you wouldn't necessarily expect. Then move your light, mobile suction all around the base of the penis and the underside of the corona. Meanwhile, use your hands to provide rhythmic up-and-down motions. Scan the entire surface area of his penis for the spots that elicit the loudest sounds from him. Think of yourself as a metal detector—except you're looking for something more precious than pennies! Once you've found a couple of spots that make him moan, twist a little, or knot up his eyebrows like he just had a difficult realization, he's putty in your hands. From here, you have a few choices on how to proceed.
    THE LITTLE TEASE: When you're ready to begin taking him into your mouth, move your hands down to his balls and part your lips very, very slightly. Come very near his %&*$#—but don't touch it yet! Look him in the eye as you get closer and closer. Continuously massage his balls with your hands, and don't stop until you absolutely need those hands for something else. Blow some hot, soft breath on him. Stick just the blade (the first third of your tongue) out and get even closer to taking him into your mouth. Once you're sure your tongue is dripping wet, start a long, soft stroke from the bottom of the shaft to the glans. Start on the underside, because this area is much more sensitive than the top. On your way, it can be a fun addition to turn your head sideways and pretend to take a bite of him, very gently setting your teeth to touch his flesh. When you reach the meatus, wet him again with your tongue, and use your lips to spread the moisture around if necessary. A wet %&*$# sounds and feels much more erotic than a dry one, so don't skimp on the moisture. Repeat several times, traveling up and down. Try to touch a different band of the shaft with every lick as you spread the sensations of warmth and moisture. BACKSTAGE: Meanwhile, you may want to change your ball massage by lightly scratching them with the tips of your nails, changing direction or stroke style (from back and forth to a soft circular or sideways motion). You many also want to reach back behind his balls to get at that supersensitive area, the perineum. The muscle that causes erections originates here, so don't be surprised when this stimulation creates a major response in his penis. KNOWING WHEN IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON: After you've licked his shaft enough times to make it sopping wet and acceptably hard, your man's going to start squirming if you don't get serious. Teasing is great, but keep checking his face to see when it's about to become too much. When he looks like he's squirming in line for the bathroom, things have gone too far. The first head toss or torso twist is the sign that it's time to get down to business. THE RING: Now that you've licked him from bottom to top, on one of your upward strokes place the fingers of your right hand (or your left hand, if you're left-handed) in a ring formation at the base of his shaft. (If he's really big, it's okay to use both hands or a "double ring," but one hand is preferable because it allows you to keep engaging his balls and perineum.) Make the ring tight enough to completely conform to his shape, but loose enough to easily slide up and down. You want to keep this ring throughout your blow job, because it will stabilize the penis and give it the feeling of being completely encased when you take it into your mouth. When the ring is in place, use it to move up and down in time with your other motions.
    GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS: As you complete your upward tongue moves, keep going up and continue your warm, wet lick over the top of his %&*$#. Linger at the meatus. With a sharp, pointed tongue, apply pressure to the meatus and try to stick your tongue into it if possible, while beginning to work your hand(s) up and down his shaft. But don't suck the head just yet. Run your tongue around the bottom of the corona, making frequent passes at the frenulum (this is the tender skin directly facing you). THE COTTON CANDY STRETCH: Squeeze the shaft and look to see if any clear liquid comes out of the meatus. If some does, dip your tongue into it and then pull your head back. This precum will stretch with you and look incredibly erotic to your partner. Now that you have a long line of the stuff, dive back in like it's your favorite food and close in on the glans as if it were the head of an ice cream cone that you want to utterly devour. Take the entire head into your hot mouth, hold it between your lips for a few seconds, and listen to him moan. THE GRAND ENTRÉE: This is getting to the part of the blow job that always gets close-ups in porno films, and for a good reason: it feels fabulous. With your tongue angled on the frenulum, take as much of his %&*$# into your mouth as you possibly can, with your hand(s) firmly encircled around his base to compensate for whatever doesn't fit. If you bend your neck so that there is a straight line from his %&*$# down your throat, you should be able to take in more than you thought. Hold him deep within your mouth for a moment, and simply feel his strong %&*$# inside your mouth, knowing that you are in no danger of losing your breath. If you learn to feel comfortable with it, this sensation can become fantastically erotic, and may eventually excite you as much as intercourse. At this point, you can slide your lips to encircle the glans and flick your tongue against the frenulum. Your man will be getting restless, wanting more complete penetration, but don't let him run the show. He may think he wants it all right now, but then it would last only a few minutes and his orgasm would be below a five on a scale of one to ten. If you hold him at bay through a few more key moves, that baby will reach a ten out of ten every time. TAKE HIM TO THE EDGE: Moving as fast as he can handle it, take him fully into your mouth (with the blade of your tongue pressed fully forward to maximize frenulum contact) and slide up and down his %&*$# as rapidly as you can—without having him orgasm. If he comes close, slow down or even stop for a moment. Then, get back to it. Again, if you can't fit all of him in your mouth, use your hands to complete the sensation of deeper penetration. Just remember to keep your hands in time with your mouth.
    AND PUSH HIM OVER IT: When he gets close to ejaculating, keep doing whatever got him to that point. Most men have orgasms from the rhythm of sucking on the head combined with the rhythm of the hand on the shaft and base of the penis. However, all men are different, and if another move has brought him to the cusp of climax, you can use that move just as easily to bring things to a head. If you have trouble identifying when he's going to climax, watch for the thrusting of the hips, moaning, the swelling of the glans, the clenching of the fists, and right before the climax you'll be able to feel what's coming in your right hand. For most men, a drop or two of fluid of extra precum will appear in the meatus immediately prior to takeoff. Of course, vocalizations ("Oh god, I'm gonna come") and mattress-slapping are pretty clear indicators. Good Things Come to Those Who Wait: To get him to climax with more intensity, maintain positioning and light suction, while you mange him with nuzzling and massaging motions similar to those in the Button Up! exercise. Releasing the tension in your hands, but maintaining a firm lick, open your mouth to come up and over the head and take the entire penis into your mouth, including the shaft just beneath the corona. Once here, your lips should first become light and airy, the closest thing you'll get to a literal "blow" job. This will send him into writhing bliss, especially if you lube up your lips, roll them out like in Pucker Up (page 35) and then pull upward so that your full, moist lips make contact with the entire underside of his corona. To drive him fullyinsane, press the blade of your tongue forward so that it makes extra contact with the frenulum. Once you've done this a few times, surprise him with a pointed, aggressive tongue that dashes into his hot spot the moment you land on it, surrounded by the hot, juicy pressure of your lips, which are still conforming to his shape. Suck here about as hard as you would to keep a silver dollar stuck to your mouth, and top it off with a little pulling up over the glans. If he's uncircumcised, sandwich the glans in the shaft skin and take a few short up-and-down motions over the head to finish. Repeat a few times, and you've got a climax on your hands. ------------------------------------------------------------- Advanced Techniques: There are almost as many different ways to suck as there are things to suck on. I've lost count of how many kinds I've come across, but here are a few to help you develop a repertoire. The Cumming Circle: Place his hard %&*$# in your mouth like you're going to start sucking—but don't tighten your lips around the shaft. Instead, making sure your lips are extremely moist, begin a circular motion with your head. Your teeth should be covered by your warm, wet lips. Switch between clockwise and counterclockwise motions, moving in a slow and stealthy manner. Make sure the bottom of your lips (rolled under to protect him from your teeth) makes contact with the coronal ridge. If performed correctly, this technique can elicit multiple orgasms in men who are used to one-stop shopping.
    The Pole Dance: Once you've found his sensitive spots, you can drive him further into a pre-orgasmic state that will lead to a more powerful orgasm without immediately provoking one. To do the Pole Dance, position the taste bud side of your tongue a couple of inches below his hot spot, widen it, and fully apply it to the erect shaft so that the curve of your tongue completely adheres to hiscurvature. Slowly move your tongue upward but not directly touching the spot you found. (If his hot spot is at the base, proceed directly to Pulling the Trigger, described in the next section.) Then, unless this gets a wild response that you want to explore, begin to twist and turn your deliberate, lickful self around and around his shaft, as if you're a tightly wound ribbon unwinding on his pole. The movements are long and circular. This slow Pole Dance is an excellent time to lightly tickle and bandy your fingertips about on the undersides of his testes, his perineum, or his anus (if he likes that). In general, you want to contrast the sensations one part of you is creating (the intense, wide pressure of your tongue, in this case) with what the rest of you is doing (the light, playful dance of your fingers on his nether regions). Pole dance up and down, with varying speed, about three times. Pass over the hot spot as if you could care less. This is a great way to tease your man into a hungry, deeply aroused state. Pulling the Trigger: If you've found some hot spots, but want to take him further into the outer realms of exhilaration before he climaxes, stave off the temptation to suck like mad. Instead, pull your mouth slightly back while using your hands to keep him stimulated (one firmly placed at the base of his penis, the other providing light up-and-down caresses). As you pull your mouth back, extend only the very tip of your pointed tongue to lightly explore the little gold mine you may have found. Use your pointed tongue to explore the area immediately surrounding it, and experiment with different pressure and strokes (pointed to wide) levels until you've found the spot where his body jerks like he's having a slight electric shock. Now use just the most pointed tip of your tongue to give unbearably light, swift flicks to this specific area, while massaging his testicles. The Butterfly Flutter: This famous move from porno films can easily be worked into your repertoire. The best position is for you to kneel between his legs. Or use the Going to Church position and kneel in front of him while he stands. This is a really sexy technique, because the positioning makes his %&*$# feel thicker in your mouth, and you have more room to experiment with other areas with your hands. Essentially you are creating vacuum pressure on the %&*$# with your mouth, but only enough to pull it slightly into your mouth. Wrap your lips firmly around his hard %&*$#. Make sure to cover the head and a little bit of the shaft. Gently flick the meatus (or just the tip in general will do) with your tongue. With your lips open just so that you can touch the tip of his %&*$# with the tip of your tongue, make an up-and-down movement with your tongue without ever losing contact with the head. Essentially, you are fluttering your tongue in your open mouth over and over the frenulum. After several minutes, you can switch to a more basic blow job to finish him off.
    Fun for Two: This is a variation for when you're ready to have some fun yourself. Go as far down on his %&*$# as you can comfortably, with your lips firmly wrapped around his %&*$# the entire time. Once you're down, open your mouth as wide as you can and suck in as much air as your lungs will let you. While sucking in this air, let your mouth travel up to the glans. The upstroke should end at his head just as your lungs are filling with air. With your mouth still open, let the air out of your lungs slowly through your mouth as you travel slowly back down the shaft. This technique is fun and lighthearted, and incorporates temperature as his %&*$# is cooled on the upstroke and warmed by your hot breath on the down stroke. The Thirty-Second Orgasm: Of course it's not ideal, but sometimes you have to get your sweetie off in a hurry. This very easy way to do so simply requires a solid understanding of your partner's anatomy. Place your lips around the head of your partner's %&*$# just beneath the coronal ridge, and wetly twist your lips around the corona alone at the back of the head of his penis. By sucking on this area of the %&*$# continuously, you will produce a fast, forceful orgasm that doesn't even require you to bob up and down. The other great use of this technique is as a revitalizer when your man is flaccid but you want to play---a little bit of this stimulation will have him raring to go in no time. Deep Throat: Finding the Right Position: The most important aspect of any deep-throat position is that it allows for your throat and mouth to be in a straight line—this means leaning your head all the way back. Mastering the reaction to gag is the one and only trick to this position. Because of the way your mouth and throat are situated, he will be in control. You won't be able to move or offer any stimulation other than that of keeping your mouth tightly closed around his fully inserted %&*$#. If you lie on a bed with your head on the edge, and tip your head sharply back, your lover will be able to insert more of his %&*$# in your mouth—comfortably—than you ever thought possible. In fact, one of the greatest complications of this position is the tendency for pubic hairs to tickle your nose! He needs to have his legs spread widely enough apart so that you have maximum movement and access. Maintaining this relaxation during the entire sex event is crucial, because in this position the man must generate all of the motion. He will move back and forth just like intercourse—except for the first time, he will be able to move as deeply into your mouth as he wants to. When you've mastered this position well enough to feel relaxed and comfortable, don't forget to use your hands to reach around and massage his buttocks and tickle his testicles.
    If you have trouble mastering your gag reflex, work on completely relaxing your throat in the way described in the Tensing and Relaxing section of chapter 8. You'll need to maintain this relaxation during the entire event, so make sure that you try this with someone you really trust, and approach it with a "practice makes perfect" attitude. Have him insert his %&*$# inch by inch, while you relax your throat muscles, breathe through your nose, and find the most comfortable way to proceed. It is easiest to relax the throat muscles on the exhale of a deep breath. There is no room at all for him to move side to side, so when he's starting to climax you may want to place your hands on his hips to steady his motion. Remember that it can take some couples the better part of a year to truly master this technique, so don't be discouraged if it takes some practice. Whether it is easy or hard for you and your partner has more to do with the shape of your anatomies than your skill as an oral lover. How to Put on a Condom with Your Mouth: While the condom is still in its wrapper, quickly make sure that it has an air bubble inside the wrapper (otherwise it might be punctured) and check the expiration date. If these make the cut, very gently open the package, being especially careful not to press too hard if you have long nails. Pinch the condom by the tip (and make sure you're not holding it upside down, especially if you've had a few drinks). Place the entire condom in your mouth, with the ring behind your teeth and your tongue pressed against the reservoir tip. The blade of your tongue should be flattened wide enough to cover the entire tip. With the condom in your mouth, drop a little lube on your guy's tip. If you're concerned about the taste, use one that's flavored. Lower your head, and use your tongue to press out all the air from the reservoir tip against his glans. This can be a fun opportunity for a little frenulum action as well. When your tongue has pressed out all the air, release the ring of the condom and place your lips above it, unrolling it down the length of his shaft on one long, gently pressing motion. Conform your lips to his shape, but be careful not to bite. Too hard.
    1 person likes this.
  4. rocketman88

    rocketman88 Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    you are welcome :) I sent this as extra advice to a woman I was involved with, need to to as she was wonderful at oral. I do the same I have a book called she comes first which gives great advice to men in how to give good oral to women.
  5. MochaMood

    MochaMood Member

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    Does he do pelvic floor exercise (kegels)? Get him as hard as you can, then get him to do a kegel. Have him flex and hold. Notice the increase in blood flow despite his boner. Use your hands to force blood toward the tip. When it seems like he needs to relax, either put a cock ring on him, or use your hand to trap the blood. Let him rest. Tease him while he regains his stamina. Then, get him to do it again, and repeat the cycle. His erection will appear and feel unusually full. Do as many cycles as you like. Then, get him off however you wish. When he is about to nut, get him to bear down like he is trying to poop. I wish I knew a sexier way to describe it. It is like the opposite of a kegel. Have him bear down for the duration of his orgasm. Should be intense, and may draw you closer due to the intimacy of working together at his pleasure.
  6. Jadeviews

    Jadeviews Members

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    Of course there is and you can do that without giving him a blowjob. Foreplay us so important and it should be done slowly and passionately. If you get it right he might just explode as soon as his or is touches your vagina. Then you have to be skilled enough or just know how to stop him from coming for just a while,
    2 people like this.
  7. MisterWiki

    MisterWiki Members

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    jadeviews is correct.. in my opinion.

    or you could read the book posted above haha literally.
    I have experienced the most satisfaction from changing the usual mood.. not even anything my girl does specifically.
  8. ozjohn39

    ozjohn39 Member

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    Orgasms more intense?

    Easy, get to my ripe old age, learn ALL about edging, practice it, let yourself cum, and then, BAM!

    Rinse and repeat!
    AliceNY likes this.
  9. almasty1891

    almasty1891 Members

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    Do a threesome where he gets to see you fucked and cumming while you give him a BJ...I used to rarely last long but it would be explosive intense and more semen than any other time
  10. augiedog

    augiedog Members

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    getting a bj while being fingered in the ass makes for a fantastic orgasm
  11. Backchat

    Backchat Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    You could try some serious sexual foreplay before you give him a blowjob, so as to increase his sexual excitement which in turn will make him have a better orgasm. Men are very turned on by looking at women who dress in a provocatively sexual way, so think about dressing up erotically when you give him a blowjob. I guarantee he will have an incredibly intense orgasm while he is looking at your beautiful body and that sexy underwear of yours. Look at him to when you're giving him a blowjob. eye to eye contact is a very powerful sexual turn on for men as well as women.
  12. Jason_Hunt

    Jason_Hunt Members

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    Try to do some Kegel exercises. It will strengthen your vaginal muscles and perhaps tighten your vagina. Squeezing the sexy muscles will make his shaft feel tighter inside of you. That should do the trick.
  13. markthehannah

    markthehannah Members

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    Someone posted here in another thread that pulling on his big toe when he starts his orgasm increases the intensity of his orgasm. Either there's some nerve connecting his toe to his penis or it's a stretching thing. Since a guy's toes curl when he has a particularly good orgasm, perhaps making the muscle stretch more there gives feedback to his centers or something. I've never had it done but it sounds awesome.

    Also yes, a BJ with a well lubed and well timed finger up a guy's butt will send him soaring. Best to talk about it with him first, though.

    And edibles. Have him eat some a couple hours before his BJ. At least doubles the sensation of orgasm, and the length too.
  14. Dionysus89

    Dionysus89 Members

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    With that attitude you are sure to make them more intense. ;)

    I think enthusiasm and paying attention to his reactions. Also ask him lots of questions.
  15. whiterussian

    whiterussian Visitor

    My wife gave me fantastic blowjobs for 15 years, but in the span of a few months my orgasm intensity at least doubled. It was when she learned to deepthroat and take cum directly down her throat. Something about being balls deep in her throat feeling the ribbed texture of her esophagus drives me over the edge every time. Being able to stay there and empty my balls down her throat without her even flinching makes the whole experience unreal. Consequently, I worship her and treat her like a queen.
    AliceNY, Python 8 and mondoglove like this.
  16. nz male

    nz male Senior Member

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    Guys, try using a firm fitting steel penis ring over the scrotum & base of shaft - it makes for much harder erections & very intense orgasms. I can recommend this method.
  17. juliekatt

    juliekatt Members

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    So I literally just went around asking this question to see what any of my friends knew, as he had his 24th birthday last weekend and I had planned a special night for him. Checking this board would have been way easier :daisy:

    Its funny, everyone I know has some different trick to make their guy's orgasm really good, or something they read in Cosmo that they haven't tried yet or whatever. Some of the answers here I heard in my "research" for sure (especially the one about sticking a finger up his butt while giving him a bj).

    Which, speaking of butts, was what pretty much everyone said would give him the "ultimate" orgasm (or so they heard). MY butt that is. Funny too cuz he has been basically obsessed it with since we met (I am pretty proud of it, so I don't blame him!). But he never really asked me seriously and when he'd joke about it I'd say "hell no!" and he kind of let it go. Basically, ow.

    But so many girls I knew (apparently) had tried it and they all basically said its not as bad as they thought and it really was amazing for him and they're happy they gave that to them. And that they are gonna doing it again on special occassions. I started googling for tutorials and stuff and it still kinda made me think "ow" but I thought why not. Try it once.

    So I combined THAT big surprise with a few other tips I learned. Baked a pot cookie for him (in an apron and a thong, kind of a hint). Also made him promise no orgasms for 48 hours before his birthday. That one I took his word for of course. But I did tell him I had something special planned, and he better not ruin it so I think he stuck to it. Oh, also, any girls reading this and thinking "I'm gonna try this with my bf!" you need to prepare. I got a set of anal dildos where they start out really small and then each one is slightly larger so it teaches you how to let it in. Definitely worth doing so his penis isn't the first thing you've had there. Also waxed, did an enema, there is some prep for sure. I did extra squats at the gym too cuz why not. But still, he had NO idea.

    After the pot kicked in for him, I told him to go shower, and when he got out I'd I have a birthday surprise waiting for him. So I changed into nothing other than a bow and a kitty ears headband (don't judge!), the bow going around my butt of course. And I was actually excited - all that week working on my butt getting it ready it was really like worshipping a part of me and having it appreciated. I don't know, it's hard to explain. When he got to the bedroom and looked at me, I threw my hands up and yelled "happy birthday!" and then turned around and did a dorky butt dance. He didn't get it at first, of course, so i had to come tell him to touch his present and put his hands on my cheeks and he was like "Whaaa??!" REALLY?!" It was like a kid on Christmas morning it was adorable. But I told him he was gonna get a bunch of other "treatment" first but that he couldn't cum or he wouldn't get my butt. That was the only rule, he had to hold out (I probably would have let him anyway but it was a good motivator for him).

    And so began all the tricks I'd learned. Started with a slow handjob with oil. Too slow to make him orgasm or really get close. Now I know this all seems like torture but one of the big tricks I knew even myself is guys orgasm way harder when it's been a while or when its been built up slowly. So this night was all about building him up slowly toward the ultimate. I would stop completely and just have him roll back and I'd tickle his balls, then his asshole. Then start up again. Then when I thought he could handle it without cumming, i stroked and got a finger really oiled up and slid it up his butt really slowly. He was high as a kite and this seemed to really take him to a different place. I stared in his eyes and kept my finger there massaging his prostate and sloooooowly stroking his penis for maybe 15 minutes straight. He was in a trance and it felt really cool to be that connected to his body. I could feel every flutter when he'd get closer to orgasm and then when he'd relax. He even started vocalizing more and it seemed like he was letting himself blow off steam by making noise to allow himself to not orgasm through all this. He's always had amazing control but I know even he was having a hard time. It probably wasn't helping matters by telling him to just hold on, he'd be in my tushy soon :p

    So after about a good half hour of building up like that, I assumed the position I'd practiced (mid-bed, head comfortably down on its side on a good memory foam pillow, butt up, back arched in). Anal oil (with a bow around it too) was on the dresser and he got to work. And like my friends said it was not that bad even at first. Yah it feels kinda weird and you gotta breathe and let yourself open up (a lot like yoga) but it also feels spiritual in a way and I can see how it can be sexually gratifying for some girls. And the pleasure it gave him had me grinning from ear to ear. He was in HOG HEAVEN. I think they need to make a happy emoji icon for "guy in his gf's butt for the first time in his life while high on pot cookie after a year of being obsessed with her butt" cuz the smiley ones just don't cut it! :crowngrin: And it clicked for me. The thing he liked the most about my body was actually directly giving him pleasure for the first time. That's gotta be an amazing feeling.

    I was impressed he actually was able to hold on long enough to really enjoy the sensation of moving in and out of my butt, having it pressed against his lap all the way, having it bounce on him in short hops, he was just in a happy happy trance and I'd really never seen him light up like that! When I could tell he was really at getting close, and this was gonna be it, I started an "orgasm countdown" another trick I'd learned. He was going to start his orgasm in 30 seconds. Which meant he had to last 30 more seconds which was gonna be tough at that point! He did tho, and with my butt as high up in the air as I could get it, he grabbed on to my hips and had the most bone shaking, ecstatic, euphoric orgasm I'd ever seen him have. The spasms were quick and strong and didn't even start slowing down until a good while into it. I rhythmically clamped down in between orgasm spasms as much as I could and it seemed to definitely add something to it for him because he'd howl when I did that. It drained him completely. After what must have been like a full minute of hard cumming he just collapsed and we both laughed.

    THAT, ladies, is how you give your bf a birthday orgasm!!! :gorgeous:
  18. markthehannah

    markthehannah Members

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    Damn! Your bf is the luckiest man alive. I've always had a thing for my better half's butt, but it's been 'exit only' and she's been very clear about that! Maybe I oughtta show her your post!

    So what did he have to say about it? Was it as mind-blowing for him as it looked?
  19. timberjunk

    timberjunk Members

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    THAT WAS YOU?!?!?!?!

    I read thatt book just before I got married!! didn't get to put it into practice for a while, but when I did, boy did it help me learn how to please her!
  20. juliekatt

    juliekatt Members

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    Haha feel free to show her. Or tell her it really isn't as big a deal as she thinks it is. But don't push her. That's one way to never get what you want with a girl.

    He could BARELY move afterward and the next morning he said his balls were still really numb and his dick was sore from the contractions of his orgasm. He said it was the most amazing orgasm he ever had and that it had as much to do with the actual feeling of being inside my butt as the buildup I made sure he had leading up to it. Since then I've given him a few BJs and now they always include a finger in his butt right at the end and let me just say his dick is sore the next day after that too now :daisy:

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