Dreads On A White Guy Yes Or No?

Discussion in 'Dreadlocks' started by Mark darkest, Dec 26, 2014.

  1. Mark darkest

    Mark darkest Guest

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    Currently growing my hair out for locks but getting proper negative feedback, my hair is about 4 inches at the moment in good condition. I'm 38 with a good job and a long time partner and I feel like I need to do this but seem to be getting belittled or accused of having a mid life crisis. Heads blown!
  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Don't conform to societies perception of what a man should look like. You tell those fairies that you're head is now 3000 years old and you are a Spartan warrior! Nothing less than long hair indicates a weaker man, a merchant, bumbling along on his travels selling tapestries and clay jugs.. they are worthless, regarded as less of a person than a woman who has the capability of bearing warrior children. ;)
  3. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    In the land of the bald head (natural or self inflicted) you are sure to get flack if you have dreads.
  4. Mark darkest

    Mark darkest Guest

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    well I've got at least another 6 months of growing to do, But I must admit the more my hair grows the stronger the urge is to start locking. One life and all that ...
  5. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    Don't do it.


    Short hair will lock - very, very slowly.

    It's basically an issue of odds. Your hair is much more likely to start a knot, and thus a lock, if it's longer. Your odds get pretty much exponentially better as your hair gets longer.

    I don't regret locking my short hair, but in retrospect, the ten months it took to totally lock resulted in short silly shrunken locks, when if I wanted it to lock now (hair's as long as it wants to get) I think I could have a respectable head of pretty mature locks in less than six months, and I think all the hair would be in locks inside of two or three months.

    Just let your hair grow, and you'll see what I mean.

    Yeah, people will probably make "white guy and dreads" comments. So? You'll get told that you're being racially insensitive and disrespecting people's culture, some rastas get pretty serious about it - to which I say, fuck you, stop disrespecting my germanic tribal and viking heritage, with your bullshit made up religion that was only originally a cover for highly racist (understandable, when considered in context, but still, not something that I'm going to alter my behavior out of respect for) black nationalist movement. I have thousands of years of history of locks in my heritage (so do africans, but it's not exclusive to them, in any way), while rasta have 80 years of confused made up "religion".

    White people "making" locks is pretty silly, but so is black people "making" locks. If your hair naturally does that, there's really not much anyone can say - hey, you have to comb your hair, because only black people are allowed to not comb their hair?
    3 people like this.
  6. Reverand JC

    Reverand JC Willy Fuckin' Wonka

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    "I'm a white Dread,
    I'm a white Dread so,
    I got a ring,
    Hang it through my nose,
    I got a little game,
    Take it to the park,
    Don't care who plays,
    Long as the game is on,"

    Janes Addiction

    Rev J
  7. r0llinstoned

    r0llinstoned Gute Nacht, süßer Prinz

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  8. volunteer_tommy

    volunteer_tommy Elongated Member

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    I have long hair without dreads and I still get an earful for it from folks every now and then. They'll either get used to it, realize it's completely your choice, or they're not worth being around
  9. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Those haircuts are fairly 'in' at the moment. And why not? It is not like the SS had a monopoly on a haircut. They just were in fashion then too. Now, having a hitler moustache that is what really gets you stigmatized these days :( :p
  10. Deranged

    Deranged Senor Member

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    I wanted to get dreads if and when i ever grow my hair out again but starting to think im getting too old for that. I wish that i knew what i know now when i was younger
  11. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    You're never too old for dreads, unless maybe you are lacking hair (so it seems you're still good to go) :p

    Almost everybody has that feeling sometimes! ;)
  12. extreme-duality

    extreme-duality Members

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    The fact that youre even asking implies that perhaps you have your own reservations about it...that being said; if it's what you truly want to do then why not? its your life, live it how you want. on a personal note; not a big fan of dreads at all, even when tastefully done, but again, who cares what i or anyone else thinks- you're the one who has to accept you at the end of the day.
  13. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    It makes sense to get informed when one has even a little bit of doubt. After all, we're not talking about taking extensions. Locking up naturally takes a while (especially when your hair is still short) so it seems sensible to look into the pro's and cons before actually starting with it.
  14. DesertChic

    DesertChic Members

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    I am 38 and have kids and a husband. I sat on the fence about getting dreads for about a year. I now have dreads, did them 5 months ago. I would not go back, as much as they are bothering me right now, for any reason! I love them. I have only had positive feedback said to my face. Not saying I havent heard things said behind my back though. I say if you want them get them, if you are overly concerned about what others think, dont get them. I dont really care if people like them or not, its my head! Good luck on your decision, oh I would do alot of research first! :D
  15. Rivehn

    Rivehn Member

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    Just started to dread my hair almost done with it, I work as a personal trainer and my clients love it but I can tell you even know it's not anywhere close to being done over already had the weird looks coming.

    GLENGLEN Banned

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    Too Old You Say, Your Profile Says 29, I Have Had Dreads For 5 Years And 5 Months And I'm 67.... :yikes:

    Cheers Glen.
  17. Terrapin2190

    Terrapin2190 I am nature.

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    What are you implying?! That's it. I'm never cutting my hair ever again.

    I think dreads are cool on anyone... though I've never seen dreads on a person with red hair. That would be interesting! haha! Again, I rely on personal preference. A lot of thimes though, I see dreadlocks as a fashion statement.

    Yes. Time is an herb.
  18. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I imply that men should have long hair. :D
    Dreads are cool. I've never done them because I don't want to chop my hair off, I worry it will trigger an imbalance and will not grow again. :D
  19. deleted

    deleted Visitor


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