Alert! Drug Worriers Have Escaped!

Discussion in 'Cannabis Activism' started by DdC, Dec 26, 2014.

  1. DdC

    DdC Member

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    Marijuana has finally made it drugwarrant

    Poor cannabis – for so many years, despite being extremely prevalent in use, it just couldn’t get any respect.

    All that’s about to change:

    Westboro Baptist Church hates pot: controversial Church to picket Marijuana shops in Colorado

    The controversial church plans to picket Pueblo West Organics located on 609 E. Enterprise Drive and Marisol Therapeutics on 922 E. Kimble Drive.

    The church claims marijuana shops are associated with sorceries because of their link to the drug trade.
    Anything they picket turns to gold. Look what happened when they started picketing gays. Suddenly gay rights seemed like an incredibly good idea.

    You really can’t buy this kind of help.

    From Westboro’s schedule of picketing:

    Pueblo West Organics (a/k/a Weed Store :( in Pueblo West, CO December 29, 2014 1:15 PM – 1:45 PM
    Westboro Baptist Church will picket Pueblo West Organics, to warn the living – it is a most dire warning … GOD HATES YOUR SORCERIES!

    And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all. And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee; And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth. (Rev. 18:21-24)

    Sorceries – pharmakeia far-mak-i?-ah sorcery witchcraft 1; 3

    1) the use or the administering of drugs

    2) poisoning

    3) sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and
    fostered by it

    4) metaph. the deceptions and seductions of idolatry
    Do you see yourselves in that promised coming destruction foolish USA?

    Doomed USA leads the world in your illegal drug trade. As if that were not bad enough, now the government sanctions those drugs. You bring down the wrath of God upon you! God Almighty will get his honor in your destruction! Westboro Baptist Church rejoices at the promised coming full, complete, final destruction! God is true and every man a liar. The mouth of the Lord has spoken of this event, so it WILL be!


    The Assassins of Youth: DARE † FRCn PDFA


    Parody or Serious Reefer Phobic Crusaders
    Another West Burro Babfest or just a spoofer? It is hard to tell when the government and a large following spew the same fears. A century of Hate, Yellow Journalism and Censorship.


    California Cops Are Trained ‘Marijuana Is Not A Medicine’


    Marijuana MAKES You Violent
    Brainwashed youths who basically belong in a religious cult

    Our mission is to completely remove all traces of the marijuana and cannabis crops from this world.


    The parents, described as “generally uninformed regarding marijuana health risks,”

    Drug Worriers – TV Ad: Parents Alarmed…
    Psychosis, Schizophrenia, Drop in IQ… D’oh My!

    Archeology: Ancient Temple Hashish Incense!
    Did Jesus Inhale?

    So Jesus toked too eh, meaning…
    ~ Westboro unaffiliated Baptist church
    feat. Bahá’u’lláh Kevin Abraham Sabet-Sharghi

    Calvina Fay Prohibition Inc.

    Cover-Ups, Prevarications, Subversions & Sabotage

    Ganjawar: Slave Labor, Rape & Pillage Deterrent

    Koch A.L.E.C. Drug Detention Centers


    Do you despise weed smokers? Do you hate the violence and death they dish out with guns? Go "Like" Americans for a Gun-Free Country now! Please help them spread their anti-gun message to the world.

    This emerging new community organization is focused on removing the instruments of death known as "firearms" from the grand land of America, thereby eliminating a massive amount of violence!


    Pat Robertson: Cannabis Waffles

    Have Faith

    Pat Robertson: Marijuana should be legal March 8, 2012
    Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson says marijuana should be legalized and treated like alcohol because the government's war on drugs has failed.

    The outspoken evangelical Christian and host of "The 700 Club" on the Virginia Beach-based Christian Broadcasting Network he founded said the war on drugs is costing taxpayers billions of dollars. He said people should not be sent to prison for marijuana possession.

    [​IMG] August 14, 2014
    A few years after declaring his support for marijuana decriminalization, televangelist Pat Robertson has recently stated his opposition to legalized weed.

    Robertson commented that the Colorado marijuana legalization was harmful to the state's children.

    New York Nine Year Old Girl With Dravet Syndrome Dies Without Medical Marijuana

    "Now everybody … the little kids are getting high. They've got marijuana cupcakes, marijuana soft drinks, marijuana gummy bears,"
    ~ Pat Robertson

    Collaterally Damaged Kids
    Watching little girls spasm with 300 seizures knowing cannabis can reduce them to 2 or 3 is unprecedented.

    Marijuana Stops Child's Severe Seizures


    9 Reasons Why Sanjay Gupta Changed His Mind About Marijuana

    "It is not good for people's health,
    ~ Pat Robertson

    Scientists Re-Re-Re-Discover Cannabis Stops Metastasis In Aggressive Cancers!

    The Politics of Pot

    Granny Storm Crow's List January 2014


    it is destroying their minds
    ~ Pat Robertson

    No Physiological Deterioration
    Marilyn Bowman, in a battery of psychological tests on chronic cannabis users in Jamaica in 1972, found "no impairment of physiological, sensory and perceptual-motor performance, tests of concept formation, abstracting ability and cognitive style and tests of memory."

    These Jamaicans had smoked anywhere from six to 31 years (16.6 mean average) and the average age at the first puff was at 12 years and six months.

    Using Pot To Save Brains!

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  2. DdC

    DdC Member

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    and it is destroying their lungs
    ~ Pat Robertson

    Researchers at the University of California (UCLA) School of Medicine have announced the results of an 8 - year study into the effects of long-term cannabis smoking on the lungs. In Volume 155 of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Dr. D.P. Tashkin reported: "Findings from the present long-term, follow-up study of heavy, habitual marijuana smokers argue against the concept that continuing heavy use of marijuana is a significant risk factor for the development of[chronic lung disease. ..Neither the continuing nor the intermittent marijuana smokers exhibited any significantly different rates of decline in lung function" as compared with those individuals who never smoked marijuana.

    Researchers added: "No differences were noted between even quite heavy marijuana smoking and non-smoking of marijuana."


    and the addiction is pretty heavy.
    ~ Pat Robertson

    The Science of Marijuana, by Dr Leslie Iversen of Oxford University's
    department of pharmacology, found many "myths" surrounding marijuana use, such as extreme addictiveness, or links with mental illness or infertility
    are not supported by science.

    Cannabis less harmful than aspirin 20 Oct 2000
    Cannabis is a safer drug than aspirin and can be used long-term without
    serious side effects, says a book by a leading Oxford scientist.


    Pat Robertson turns against marijuana legalization 8/13/2014
    Jacob Sullum has a good post explaining why Robertson’s reasons for changing his mind are far from compelling. Robertson cites protection of children as his main reason. But, as Sullum pointed out previously, pot smoking among teenagers in the state has actually declined slightly since legalization, at a rate faster than the decline in the national average.

    A Very Lucrative Evil Hoax

    Jeff Mizanskey, Life for Pot in Perspective


    Pat Robertson Renounces Marijuana Legalization
    Because 'the Little Kids Are Getting High'
    Jacob Sullum|Aug. 13, 2014

    Collaterally Damaged Kids

    Who's Really Fighting Legal Weed

    Federal Law Strips Aid for 190,000 Students

    Family of toddler severely injured during botched Ga. drug raid faces $1 million in medical bills: interview

    The parents of a toddler who was severely injured during a surprise SWAT attack say they are buried under $1 million in medical bills caused by a stun grenade lobbed into their boy's bed.

    When Are You Allowed to Toss a FlashBang Grenade Into a Baby's Crib?
    ATLANTA - A family says a SWAT team raided their home in the middle of the night and seriously injured a 19-month-old boy with a stun grenade. Alecia Phonesavanh told Channel 2's Ryan Young her child is at the Grady Memorial Hospital burn unit, and is in a medically induced coma...

    "It's my baby. He's only a baby. He didn't deserve any of this," Phonesavanh said.
    Phonesavanh told Young the grenade landed in the child's crib; she showed him a photo of a charred portable crib.

    Before SWAT Team.


    After SWAT Team.


    God's Word : Thou Shall Not Murder Pat
    Abortion is murder. Now, beyond that we're looking at euthanasia. We want to begin to terminate the lives of the elderly or those who are 'terminally ill.' We have moved from a culture honoring life to a culture that begins to exalt death.


    Pro Life? WTF? Not even anti abortionists.
    Tobacco and alcohol use by pregnant women has adverse effects on the fetus. Tobacco use causes an increase in SIDS and miscarriages. It is estimated that 3700 children die by the age of one month because of complications from the mother's smoking during pregnancy.

    The study examined pesticide exposures based on recall by farm families and reported histories of spontaneous abortions among women living on the farms. The study found strong evidence that a woman's exposure to pesticides in the three months prior to conception or in the month of conception significantly increased her risk of spontaneous abortion.


    Chemical Cotton vs Organic Hemp
    Unlike cotton, hemp is a non-polluting crop that improves the health of the soil it is grown in. Every year, tons of pesticides are used to grow cotton--as well as growth regulating and defoliant chemicals. All these chemicals wreak havoc on our environment, and are dangerous to human and animal health. Rain washes the chemicals into streams, rivers and lakes. Marine life is killed, habitats destroyed--and drinking water supplies for humans and animals are contaminated. Today, traces of pesticides can be found in the drinking water of most large cities.

    Drug Worriers preferred methods of treatment…
    Celexa, lack of emotion, loss of memory,
    Behavior change similar to drunkenness, convulsions, (seizures)

    Thalidomide v Cannabis
    According to an FDA letter to Celgene dated April 21, 2000, "Celgene has also represented to physicians that Thalomid can be used to treat various cancers, for cancer patient 'weight loss,' and to promote a feeling of'general well-being' in these same patients."

    n 1957, the drug thalidomide was approved for use in Europe as a treatment for morning sickness caused by pregnancy. Thousands of women took the pills, assured by the drug maker that they were safe.

    Unfortunately, the drugs had primarily been tested as a sleep aid for elderly patients -- not on pregnant women. By the time its tragic side effects were known, it was too late to help the than 12,000 babies born with severe birth defects.

    Today, it is known that even one capsule of thalidomide can cause devastating defects, including the development of flipper-like limbs.

    Marijuana, either inhaled or ingested has also been widely used as an appetite stimulant. The Munchies...


    Pat Robertson: Eric Holder ‘elevated’ sodomy over the Constitution, so impeach him
    Televangelist Pat Robertson was visibly angry on Wednesday as his called for Attorney General Eric Holder to be impeached because, he said, the “sodomy” rights of homosexuals had been elevated above everyone else.

    Robertson: Impeach Eric Holder For 'Elevating' Sodomy Above The First Amendment
    Pat Robertson today endorsed a campaign to impeach Eric Holder because of the attorney general’s stance on marriage equality.

    'Relax Your Muscles as Much as Possible' October 27, 2002
    According to the outfit Common Sense for Drug Policy, which maintains the Web site -- Welcome | Drug War Facts -- there are now approximately 77,000 state, local and federal inmates imprisoned on marijuana charges.

    According to FBI Uniform Crime reports on numbers of marijuana arrests, in 1991 there were 200,465 arrests in the United States for marijuana possession. But far from being "phased out," arrests for marijuana possession rose steadily through the 1990s, reaching 646,042 in 2000 It may even be to your advantage to develop skills in oral sex so that guys you have to deal with will be satisfied with that alone. Don't feel guilty about it; you're just trying to save your life….". More than half of all federal inmates are now nonviolent drug inmates.

    According to the government-funded National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, 800,000 to a million youths between 12 and 17 tried marijuana for the first time in 1991. But in 2000, according to the same survey, 1.6 million youths between 12 and 17 tried marijuana for the first time. "If arresting more people is supposed to stop kids from trying marijuana, it seems not to be working," comments Bruce Mirken, spokesman for the Marijuana Policy Project in D.C.

    What's life like in our prisons for those 77,000 marijuana convicts? Let's steel our nerves and go visit the Web site Just Detention International, where the Los Angeles outfit "Stop Prisoner Rape" has posted the little plain-talking handbill it has prepared for young men entering our prison system, titled "For Prisoners: Advice on Avoiding HIV/AIDS."

    The group's handout -- targeted primarily at heterosexual men who have no desire to ever be involved in homosexual activity -- advises:

    "HIV/AIDS transmission during a sexual assault is a serious concern. The following are practical tips for reducing your risk. ...

    … It may even be to your advantage to develop skills in oral sex so that guys you have to deal with will be satisfied with that alone. Don't feel guilty about it; you're just trying to save your life ..."


    "I just think it's shocking how many of these young people wind up in prison and they get turned into hardcore criminals because they had a possession of a very small amount of a controlled substance."
    ~ Pat Robertson
    Robertson now claims that he never supported the legalization of marijuana, only its decriminalization.

    The MJ Legalization Movement Loses Pat Robertson


    The Psychedelic Secrets of Christmas

    The True Spirits of an Old-Time Christmas:
    Wantonness, Misrule and Chambering

    Don't Just Question the 10 Commandments;
    Question the Entire Bible via @HuffPostRelig

    Santa's Red Mushrooms

  3. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    psychosis is rampant
    someone has to stay sane
    I'll volunteer but I need help
    anyone enjoying sanity step forward
    1 person likes this.
  4. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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    It's the prices that are un-godly
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  5. expanse

    expanse Supporters HipForums Supporter

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    I'll do what I can, however sanity has never been my strong suit.
  6. DdC

    DdC Member

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  7. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    exactly who is to say but you

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