Intelligence, Beauty, And Wealth.

Discussion in 'Games and Contests' started by themnax, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    you will be born with one exceptionally good, one exceptionally bad, and one completely ordinary.

    which of the three do you choose to be which?

    i choose exceptional intelligence, ordinary wealth, and being hit with the ugly stick.
  2. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    I choose you not tell me how to be born.
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  3. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i think the wealth and intelligence are pretty much interchangeable, and then the beauty has to be the bad one. if you're born into wealth, you don't really need to be more than smart enough not to lose all your money, and you can pay for plastic surgery. of course, if you're a super genius, you should theoretically be able to earn enough money to pay for that plastic surgery. so then you're wealthy, smart, and good looking. the only problem there being that often smart people don't want to have to go through all the misery involved in making a ton of money.

    so in theory, high intelligence, average wealth, and terrible beauty should be your best bet. in reality, you're probably slightly better off with high wealth, average intelligence, and terrible beauty.
  4. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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    I'll take the money and buy the rest.
  5. BeachBall

    BeachBall Nosey old moo

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    I don't need wealth. If I've got intelligence, I can earn wealth.

    So I'll take exceptional intelligence, average looks, and filthy poor :)
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  6. puggybear

    puggybear stars may twinkle-but I shine!

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    I'd take the looks-it'd make a change from being 'yours' {you KNOW what I mean}
    Then have enough intelligence to hire the uber-intelligent BB...
    ...who gets me ace top-paying modelling work,so I become rich. YAAAY!

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