Only 13% Of The Medical Schools Surveyed Mention The Endocannabinoid Science To Our Future Doctors.

Discussion in 'Cannabis Activism' started by DdC, Dec 17, 2014.

  1. DdC

    DdC Member

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    Report: Federal Monopoly Obstructs Medical Marijuana Research

    “The results of the study are predictable, so no one should be surprised! Not one of the medical schools surveyed had a department of endocannabinoid science or an ECS director. None of them taught the endocannabinoid science as an organized course. Only 21 of the 157 schools surveyed had the ECS mentioned in any course. 21/157 = 13.3% In the United States of America, only 13% of the medical schools surveyed teach the endocannabinoid science to our future doctors.”
    ~ Survey of the Endocannabinoid System in Medical Schools”

    Who's Really Fighting Legal Weed
    3/4th of a Century of Gossip and Gutter Science
    A Very Lucrative Evil Hoax


    "Marijuana is beneficial to many patients"
    ~ Jocelyn Elders, USA Surgeon General

    Survey Shows Low Acceptance of the Science of the ECS
    (Endocannabinoid System) at American Medical Schools
    By David B. Allen, M.D.


    The discovery of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is the single most important scientific medical discovery since the recognition of sterile surgical technique. As our knowledge expands, we are coming to realize that the ECS is a master control system of virtually all physiology.

    However, research and education of medical students involving the ECS is being intentionally restricted by politics. No justification can be made for the restriction of the scientific study of cannabis and the endocannabinoid system.

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    Antibacterial, Analgesic and Antiinflammatory

    “The Endocannabinoid System”
    A recent study suggested less than 14% of our medical schools even mention the words “Endocannabinoid System”. The majority of physicians and other medical professionals have no idea this biological system exists. Amongst experts, it is believed the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is the regulatory system for all other biological systems.

    From the Beginning...

    How your body is built for cannabis “When a plant is outlawed that inhibits aging, including age related illnesses such as: Autoimmune Diseases, Cardiovascular Diseases, Osteoporosis, Neurological Disorders, and Cancer, the ability for the
    world to effectively treat and prevent disease through safe, nontoxic means is diminished.”


    “Learning about the Endocannabinoid System put the idea of medical use of cannabis in a whole new light. There are benefits of cannabis for all ages, in all states of health.”
    Jodi James, Executive Director Florida CAN
    Dr. Robert Melemede, PhD. Cannabis Science, Inc.


    The Future Of Marijuana In Clinical Practice:
    Q&A With Dr. Sunil Aggarwal

    New York Times Acknowledges Endocannabinoid System
    The mention of the endocannabinoid system in JAMA seemed sufficiently newsworthy to warrant a piece in the Autumn 2005 O’S. Denney expected the Berlin Wall of Ignorance to fall in a heap, but it’s still standing. (I should have offered to bet him.)

    Reynolds’ four paragraphs referencing endocannabinoids in the New York Times seems at least as significant as Nancy Pelosi’s headline-producing expression of misgivings about DEA raids on medical marijuana providers. Ending the fraudulent “War on Drugs” involves fighting on many fronts, and no battle is more important than getting the medical establishment to stop ignoring physiological reality.

    Some illuminating comments by Gerdeman, an assistant professor of biology at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida, can be found on the Eckerd website.

    Stylebook note: the abbreviation for “endocannabinoids” now generally used by scientists is “eCB.” But it looks odd and we don’t understand why the “e” should be lower case. “ECB” seems more logical.


    Why science hasn’t yet proved to the US government that marijuana isn’t as dangerous as heroin via @qz

    Many scientists say there is little basis to put marijuana in that category, and the DEA’s stance that marijuana has no medicinal use has been widely rebuked in recent years. But marijuana’s dangers and uses have not been definitively established within the scientific community, and that’s partly because of the very limited research done on the subject. Paradoxically, the drug’s schedule 1 status has hamstrung exactly the marijuana research necessary to change its classification.

    Marijuana cures cancer – US government has known since 1974

    Patients for Medical Cannabis

    The Economist: "If (Marijuana) were unknown, its discovery would no doubt be hailed as a medical breakthrough. Scientists would praise its potential for treating everything from pain to cancer and marvel at its rich pharmacopoeia; many of whose chemicals mimic vital molecules in the human body."


    Marijuana: the law vs. 12 million people
    Life magazine Oct 31, 1969. 25-35

    Should it be legalized? “soon we will know”

    Man has used marijuana both socially and medicinally for several thousands of years and yet today there is little scientific knowledge of its dangers or merits. In spite of our lack of knowledge, an estimated 12 million Americans have used the drug in recent years. Now we are in a near crisis caused by ignorance and the blanket of misinformation which governmental agencies have used to cover their ineptitudes.

    In the case of marijuana, we will know in a very few years how harmful it is or is not. If it turns out to be relatively harmless, we will be embarrassed by harsh laws that made innocent people suffer.

    That was Oct 31, 1969.
    Here we go again.
    Soon we will know?

    Sanjay Gupta

    Possibly the most-studied substance on the planet

    ~ Professor Lester Grinspoon, Harvard Medical School, USA:
    “Marijuana is one of the least toxic substances in the whole pharmacopoeia”

    The Politics of Pot

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