Best/worst Activities For Going Barefoot

Discussion in 'Barefoot' started by gmdm22003, Dec 15, 2014.

  1. gmdm22003

    gmdm22003 Member

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    In your experience, what are the best activities (be they sports, groups, games, clubs, whatever) for people to feel comfortable going barefoot? Maybe along the lines of young barefooters to feel comfortable and accepted going barefoot?

    Conversely, what would be the worst such activities? I'm thinking of places or things where you SHOULD be allowed, or even encouraged to go barefoot, but for whatever reason are not.
  2. Laci

    Laci Members

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    I think good places to start going barefoot are:
    -At a beach party (clearly) since you wouldn't normally wear shoes on a beach anyways
    -Maybe at a park where there's lots of open green field to play games like soccer, football, frisbee, etc
    -Walking trails (preferably paved or at least with soft dirt trails) to hike
    -Festivals/Outdoor events, like farmers markets, arts festivals, music festivals, etc
    -Outdoor eateries
    -Have a bbq in your backyard or at a park or something, ask those who attend to be barefoot

    Bad places to go barefoot initially at least:
    -Throughout the city, there tends to be a lot to step on like glass, nails, wood chips, etc that would easily injure virgin feet, whereas someone used to it probably has hard enough soles to handle that kind of stuff
    -Public places where you may be scrutinized for your bare feet
  3. jwest09

    jwest09 Members

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    Maybe it depends a bit on what you mean by "good places?" If you mean, "places where going barefoot is encouraged," or "places where everyone else will be barefoot," I think the list is pretty limited. I'm thinking mostly of sports that require going barefoot, like swimming or karate. So, yes, pool parties, beach parties, stuff like that would be good. Sand volleyball also comes to mind. Maybe if you expand the list to include "places where you can get away with going barefoot without attracting too much negative attention" the list gets bigger, but only a little bit bigger. I'd say neighborhood parks and stuff for sure, and maybe some church groups or youth groups?

    Maybe I'm a little too self conscious, but as a young-ish barefooter, the only places I really feel completely comfortable going barefoot are at home, and at some of my friends' houses. I obviously go barefoot other places, but I always feel a little out of place.

    In terms of places where you should be able to go barefoot but can't, I have a really good example of that - Boy Scouts! I've been in scouts for a long time (hey, parts of it are fun if you ignore all the moral preachiness). Maybe its just the particular group I'm in, but they have an almost fanatical opposition to letting us go barefoot, or even wear sandals. The only places where they let you not wear shoes is in your sleeping bag, in the shower, or if you're swimming in an "approved" swimming spot. Otherwise, you have to wear closed-toed shoes and socks. Its really ridiculous. I've been told I HAVE to put shoes on for some really dumb stuff - like going canoeing or kayaking. Or sitting around outside my tent after hiking. Or wading in a creek. Or - yes, seriously - when doing a fundraiser where I sat in one of those "dunk tank" things where you fall into a tub of water. I don't understand it, really... I mean, sure, you COULD get a cut or sting or something on your foot if you go barefoot while camping or hiking or whatever... But do you know how many hours I've spent and miles I've walked in wet socks and shoes from hiking in the rain, or boating, or just walking through wet dew on the grass in the morning? That's how you are GUARANTEED to get blisters, so what's the difference? And then to be told you can't even go barefoot while sitting at a picnic table in your campsite to let your feet dry out...

    Anyway, sorry for the rant :)
  4. Shakti_Om

    Shakti_Om Local Pixie

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    WoW yeah, that sucks..I suppose it's just a product of the Health & Safety and claim minded western society. The Scouts have a duty of care and I imagine a constant fear of litigious over protective parents.
    We've just got to accept and respect some of societies 'norms', especially when you choose to be outside of convention.
    My life is unconventional, however my belief is that we all just need to accept mass culture. You can choose to live outside of it or avoid it, but you can't peacefully change a majority perspective.
    Just enjoy Scouts and be barefoot when you can. When you roll and flow with life happiness grabs you unexpectedly :)

    Shayla x
  5. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Cutting firewood... Generally not a good thing to do barefoot.
  6. charlie35

    charlie35 Member

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    I agree with what Shayla says and you probably have to go with it. I guess being barefoot isn't always the be all and end all if you are enjoying life otherwise. I was never in the scouts as it never appealed to me. Their attitude may also be a hangover from the previous generation. What you say about their attitude sounds exactly like my parents when I was growing up. I think this partly explains my desire to be bf as much as possible now.
  7. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    Cactus stomp.
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  8. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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  9. Shivaya

    Shivaya Y'a rien de trop beau pour la classe ouvrière.

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    Good: Shower
    Bad: Shoe convention
  10. Shakti_Om

    Shakti_Om Local Pixie

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    Barefoot Cactus Soccer - That's definitely one to miss LoL
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  11. Barefoot-boy

    Barefoot-boy Member

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    I live in the area of the Sonoran desert, lots of cacti, rattlesnakes etc, wouldn't think of going barefoot there. Anywhere else around here is fine though.
  12. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    Dude..... barefoots cool, scouts is cool, but don't be that asshole.

    There are situations where it's appropriate, and situations where it's not. Using your brain and figuring out as many of those before it becomes an issue protects us all from looking like self-centered morons.

    You make it harder for all of us, and gain nothing for you - if you paid any damn attention in scouts you'd have a pretty good handle on how clumsy and slow and hobbled going barefoot in places you don't know is - sure, you can go barefoot, but not at the same speed and while maintaining he same safety and preparedness and versatility.

    Grow up.
  13. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    best sleeping, worst running around among sharp objects.
  14. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    Dude..... barefoots cool, scouts is cool, but don't be that asshole.

    There are situations where it's appropriate, and situations where it's not. Using your brain and figuring out as many of those before it becomes an issue protects us all from looking like self-centered morons.

    You make it harder for all of us, and gain nothing for you - if you paid any damn attention in scouts you'd have a pretty good handle on how clumsy and slow and hobbled going barefoot in places you don't know is - sure, you can go barefoot, but not at the same speed and while maintaining he same safety and preparedness and versatility.

    Grow up.

    As far as your wet socks, well carry some dry socks and wear good waterproof boots and be prepared, like a boy scout. Nobody wants to have to deal with you lagging (just enough to be a pita, not enough to lecture you for) and gingerly picking through shit and not being ready when you're needed for something and getting hurt when important shit is happening. If you're a boy scout be a boy scout, not some helpless defeatist wimp who sees that you can also get injured in shoes, and doesn't do anything to prevent this, and acts like it's some sort of toss-up, it's not.

    There are plenty of places where "freedom" is the only reason you need to go barefoot. If the supermarket tells you to put on shoes, tell them to take off their jackboots - but activities where you need to be dependable and keep up and may have others depending on you are a totally different matter (and if you say that it makes no difference or act like it's some sort of toss-up and there are pros and cons either way.... fucking grow up and put your shoes on, that's disingenuous. And if you say that your troop isn't going serious places or putting serious responsibility on you, yeah, that's because you're limiting what they can all do by your clowning around)

    There's youth groups for everything - if you want to go barefoot, I'm sure there's a hacky sack circle you could join or something - if going barefoot in fun places you shouldn't your thing, find someone with similar interests, I'm not saying you can't go hiking barefoot, I do, I just don't subject others to hiking with me barefoot. Stop trying to force them to match you, and find people you already get along with.

    And yeah, they might make you wear shoes instead of drying your feet off or whatever - cause you're THAT guy, who is already pushing it, who they don't want to have to deal with. If you just had your shoes off a bit longer than everyone else nobody would notice, but you're self-righteous and bitchy about not needing shoes, they already know what they're in for.

    Hope this helps.
  15. AstroShark

    AstroShark Member

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    this is just me ....

    Good Places-anywhere that invoves anything i like to do that 99 percent of people would do with shoes not trying to be a smartass when i say that i promise, thats just how i barefoot :D

    Bad Places-For me it would have to be really cold tempretures and where i work, it's the only floor i dont trust forwhatever reason plaus i am required to wear Steel Toe Shoes. :D
  16. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Are you just or does it hurt your feet to go bad places with out your feet off the ground
  17. jwest09

    jwest09 Members

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    So wait... I mention that I don't like being told that I can't go barefoot, even when I'm SWIMMING, or SITTING AROUND after a hike, or falling into a FREAKIN DUNK TANK - and I'm the asshole?

    For sure, I understand why we need to wear shoes at appropriate times... but you really think all of THOSE are appropriate times?

    Give me a break.
  18. gmdm22003

    gmdm22003 Member

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    I remember when that was on the radio!
  19. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    Well I already explained that, as though it's not obvious enough....

    You're THAT asshole - they've already had to deal with your bitching and moaning, they have no more patience for you, and don't want to give an inch, such that you don't gain any leverage and get to whine and challenge their reasonable requests at every step of the way.

    Also, I meant to edit my original post, but somehow double posted - the extra bit in the second would be good reading for you, you seem to need the reaming.

    -sincerely, a more serious barefooter than you, and a more serious scout than you.

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