What Foods Make Semen Taste Bad (Or Good)?

Discussion in 'Oral Sex' started by askl1290, Dec 2, 2014.

  1. askl1290

    askl1290 Members

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    What foods/drinks should a man avoid eating that could make semen taste *horrible*?

    What foods/drinks should a man eat that have a neutral or good effect?

    "All semen tastes horrible" is not really the type of answer I'm looking for.
  2. tinyclit

    tinyclit Member

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    All cum most definitely does NOT taste terrible. In fact, cum can taste pretty darn good! I like the taste of my husband's cum very much.

    From direct experience I can tell you that 1) caffeine makes cum taste and smell like chlorine and 2) pineapple makes cum taste sweeter. Oh and McDonalds breakfast burritoes make it taste and smell like wet flour dough. Caffeine is the ONLY one I've ever had any problem with. I got him to stop drinking caffeinated soda and his cum is good every time. The burritoes create that interesting taste which is not bad at all, just very distinctive. If he's eaten one, I'll know for sure the next morning when I swallow his cum!
  3. silk896

    silk896 Member

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    Not only makes pee stink, it makes semen taste foul.

    Other than that, no real bad experiences ..... tho semen does vary in taste from average to bluuugh! But that's only my opinion.
  4. birsha

    birsha Member

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    Put me in the "certain foods make it tast less bad" category. It can certainly taste worse than normal but I'm not sure I've ever thought it tasted good.

    Lots of alchohol the night before seems to make it taste worse than normal to me. Maybe it's the dehydration that's caused by alchohol?

    Unsurprisingly sweet things seems to make it taste sweeter. Which is probably why the old standby of Pineapple works.

  5. Jo King

    Jo King wannabe

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    Oh no, I drink a lot of coffee
    my wife's never complained so I guess I'm good
  6. bisafado

    bisafado Members

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    Pineapple juice is suppose to make it sweeter.
  7. riverman18

    riverman18 solid gold brass

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    And, believe it or not, vanilla ice cream.
  8. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    you probably know sooner than that if you share a bathroom with him..
  9. Lap Snacker

    Lap Snacker Members

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    We were in Hawaii and my wife was binging on of pineapple and passion orange guava juice. I went down on her one night and she tasted like pineapple juice (I didn't notice other flavors.) It was pretty entertaining and a lot of fun at how sweet it was (as usually it doesn't really taste like much.) So when they say that pineapple juice make a guy's cum taste like it, I totally believe it. Pineapple juice is a very dominating flavor which is why it's great in cocktails as it masks the flavor of alcohol.

    I would suspect something like Garlic could have a bad taste. I know that stuff is coming out of my skin pores if I eat way too much so it could end up in the semen.

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