Best Sequence Of Psychedelics To Do For A Beginner?

Discussion in 'Psychedelics' started by powerquest, Nov 10, 2014.

  1. powerquest

    powerquest Member

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    Greetings :D

    I love marijuana, but up until now I haven't had any opportunities to do "real" psychedelics. I've got a bit of a "psychedelic bucket list", but I've been wondering which order you would recommend going about my experimentation. Mention as many as you know in the order that you would recommend doing it with any substance specific or general advice you may have.

    On my bucket list: mushrooms, mescaline (San Pedro), morning glories/other LSA containing plants, salvia, DMT, ayahuasca, LSD

    Feel free to mention other ones too if I missed some good ones!


  2. aesthetic

    aesthetic Z

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    I would definitely do lsd or lsa before anything else. It's a really mellow hallucination and is mostly internal as where mushrooms, salvia and dmt tend to alter the environment around you; for most inexperienced users it's quite frightful and can cause you to essentially lose it. Makes your really question your reality, almost like realizing your in a dream; except your in real life and your actions and motives really do matter..

    Always have a baby sitter for your first hallucination! It's nothing like weed or prescription, your dwelling in the realms of fiction.

    :) happy trippppppppppppin :)
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  3. powerquest

    powerquest Member

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    Thanks deadringer! I just bought some morning glories today, hoping to use them the saturday after next.
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  4. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    LSA is not what you think.

    Your stomach will burn, you will get very sleepy and may be able to trick yourself that you're getting visuals, you may puke, and very well may end up sleeping through the "peak".

    If you have access to LSD or other psychedelics, maybe that would be a better first choice.

    If you know your substance is safe, (ie. real LSD, not nbome or something), you should probably shoot for a moderate to powerful trip in terms of dosing, don't shoot for a threshold dose. You don't want a shitty weak trip where you're trying to see shit the whole time, that's a waste of drugs and a waste of what should be a great experience for you. If you find yourself wondering about effects at any point, you are not experiencing the effects you're wondering about - if you think you might be at a certain level, you are not there - when you are there, you know it without a shadow of a doubt. If you think you saw the drywall pattern wiggle a bit, you did not, and you are not tripping.
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  5. MeatyMushroom

    MeatyMushroom Juggle Tings Proppuh

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    Humm, if you only eat 0.1g of shrooms you can say the same thing. Get some decent LSD and it will definitely alter the environment around you.. subjectively anyway. Your 1ft tall Jack Russell will still be his normal self, even if he appears to be 6ft tall and made of fluorescent silly putty.

    I'd recommend mushrooms or mescaline before LSD, considering the state of the market at the moment as mentioned briefly by Mr. shack. Plus, I lean on the side of acquainting yourself with the earth first. After that, I'd shatter it with the more contemporary perspective acid gives you, and go from there.

    But to be honest, it doesn't really matter. Just take care of set and setting, and know what you're getting.
  6. powerquest

    powerquest Member

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    Yeah, I keep going back and forth on the LSA thing. I would love to get my hands on some mushrooms but don't know anyone who sells. And I'm a bit anxious about LSD since I don't know anyone who sells, and even if I did I'd have no way of knowing if it's legit.
  7. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    I reccomend LSD
  8. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    LSD would be the best initiation into psychedelics, but as Roor said, don't go for a half-assed dose, needs to be 150 mics or higher to really get decent appreciation for the substance.
    Mushrooms would definitely be second on the list if LSD is not available. Start with about 3-4 grams for a good intro into psilocybin.
    Mescaline via a San Pedro extract is another rather easy and accessible option, especially if you live in the southwestern U.S. where it is sold as an ornamental plant, but be warned, it is not for the queasy stomach and WILL make you sick for the first 2-4 hours, but the remaining 12-18 will be absolute heaven.

    1)Two things most often lead to "bad trips";
    poor preparation and setting

    2)not taking enough of whatever substance.

    Threshold doses often lead to more anxious trips for first timers because they can often obsess over shit that on higher doses simply isn't important. (those who have been ther understand ;))

    tell that to the cartoons that left my TV and ran around the room....
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  9. powerquest

    powerquest Member

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    Mescaline would be my first choice (it's always sounded like the drug for me since I read Huxley) but I'm in a shared college dorm and have nowhere to do the preparation :( And dammit, I wish so bad I could find someone who sells shrooms.

    And another it bad manners for a person to ask his pot dealer if he knows anyone who sells other stuff? How would you go about it? Should I be buying something already as a pretext for the question (we're not really friends so I don't want to seem like I'm just asking random favors out of nowhere)? Do I pay him to give me a contact if he knows anyone? Etc. I don't know how to go about this. Help me haha
  10. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    It depends on your relationship and his opinion of psychedelics - lots of people would be offended, lots of people would be thrilled. It's fine manners to ask if someone's done a drug, or to bring up a drug, and you can go from there about the availability of that drug.

    Nobody here will sell you shrooms. There are places you can legally buy spores, but any crime you commit with those would be on you.

    I'm not saying don't take LSA, just that it's totally different from LSD and that you'll probably be disappointed if you've heard it compared closely to LSD. I'd like to think that something better can be broken through to, but it'll never be even close to comparable, I'm pretty sure.
  11. powerquest

    powerquest Member

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    Trust me, I wasn't looking for sources on here! Just expressing the frustration of not having any contacts. But thanks for the feedback.
  12. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    LSA can provide a rather powerful experience, problem is the amount you need to consume for that is also going to make most people very, very ill.
    that's the reason it is still legal and barely abused.

    Same goes for any cactus concoctions, better have a steel stomach....
  13. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    Well I'd consider the stomach upset a given, but for me it seems like the trip really starts happening at about the point where staying awake is, though easily possible, highly uncomfortable.

    I've had a few reasonable trips with it and plan to repeat it at some point, but as an introduction into psychedelics it's shitty.
  14. powerquest

    powerquest Member

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    Yeah I know the cacti give bad nausea but the reward is much higher and more consistent than LSA plants by most reports I've read.
  15. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    I have not done LSA too many times because I have had access to LSD. But when I did the LSA it made me feel kinda like I was on MDMA. The happiness was not as intense but my pupils were huge, no visuals, and I felt very talkative. LSD usualy brings that happy vibe but not so much the talking like MDMA would. I did feel sick but it passed really quick.

    In my opinion mushrooms would be a good drug to start with. The trip will be much shorter then LSD or Mescaline so if things get rough on the first time you don't have as long to wait. And that would be my main concern with a first timer. You really have no idea what a trip will be like until you do. I know personally I thought I knew because growing up you see it in the media, but those accounts are often made up by people who have never done those drugs.

    I don't think any drug is "better" than the other. All the psychedelics listed have the ability to rock your world and each time the set and setting could create something different. For example your 5th time with LSD can be more powerful then the first 4.
  16. powerquest

    powerquest Member

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    I tripped on mushrooms yesterday. An interesting experience...

    I was with five guys in an apartment, all of whom i like, including my twin brother who has also never done psychedelics before and WASN'T friends with them. He started having a bad trip and didn't want to hang out with the other guys, so i had to try to pull him through it in the freezing cold stairwell of my friend's apartment, which was a creepy place to begin with. Before i realized he was having trouble, i was doing ok, hanging halfway between awesome and scary, which i was enjoying, at least to some extent. I still had some anxieties because everything seemed so thoroughly ALIEN to me that i was having trouble making sense of concepts that before i took for granted. I kept saying to myself "what did i think this was going to be?" because i was hoping to have some kind of euphoric epiphany about the oneness of the universe or something, when really everything was just so fucking WEIRD. But this was ok and i was enjoying myself, even with the little bit of unsease at the back of my mind. I felt i was encountering everything for the first time. All of the guys were playing instruments and i took a few turns on the drums, but what really struck me about it was that we all seemed like cavemen just amusing ourselves by interacting with objects. My friends thought this was funny too.

    But then when i had to talk my brother out of his bad trip, that sort of brought me down with him because we have a really strong bond as it is and it was kind of unavoidable. I kept trying to talk him into coming back inside but he didn't want to because he didn't feel comfortable with my friends. At that point we both had a tough existential crisis where nothing in the world seemed to make sense and we didn't know where we came from but wanted something safe to come back to. It took me to a place where i was asking myself what it was to be human. It was all surreal and disturbing. But i had to keep myself from going all the way down that rabbit hole in order to help my twin...playing a kind of "voice of reason" role. I had to keep reminding him that we both took a drug and that it was just showing us a strange world, but that even if things didn't make sense now, they would when we came down from the trip. He had trouble accepting that at first but eventually i got him to come back inside at which point his mood improved drastically. He said that he got something out of it, even if it was scary. I just felt like it was my fault for inviting him to trip for the first time with a bunch of guys he had never met. That was stupid of me, and it was my responsibility to try to help him through that.

    But by that point, my trip had lost all of its momentum so i was sitting there more or less sober for the next hour or so. I was only tripping for three hours tops. At this point I felt happy enough though that i was "back". Then we all had a smoking circle, which definitely helped to take the negative edge off the night. I got to have some good post-trip conversations with the other guys and we felt really connected when we were smoking. A good bonding experience. It also made me realize just how great cannabis is. I had never realized how therapeutic it can be until last night. :D

    My first impression of the mushroom was that it's a very "down the rabbit hole" sort of trip, and that the mushroom's personality is very neutral. It's not your friend but it's not sinister either. It's just neutral and it kind of says "enter if you dare". Under different circumstances (if my brother hadn't been there) it would have been an awesome trip. The thing was that i never got a chance to really just soak it in because i couldn't do that while trying to hang on to "reality" (in an uncomfortable environment) in order to help my brother. It was a tough experience but i'm glad i did it. I just wish it had lasted longer so that after the tough part i could soak up some positive things too.

    I think i'm going to come back to mushrooms in the coming fall, in nice weather. Next time i want to trip outside during a sunny day. I feel like in that environment, the "strangeness" aspect of the trip would be much more pleasant and expansively beautiful. I think i'm going to try either acid or mescaline in the spring when the weather is nice. Until then, no more tripping for me. :D

    Thanks for reading.

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