
Discussion in 'Women's Forum' started by sultrysue, Oct 31, 2014.

  1. sultrysue

    sultrysue Guest

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    I have for some years enjoyed sexual freedom with the full permission and support of my wonderful husband due to his ED brought on by his strong medication for chrons. He said he understood I was a passionate person and would rather I was open and honest with him than have secret affairs.

    I have been seeing the same sexual partner for a little while now, usually on Friday and Saturday evenings and we seem sexually compatible. My husband enjoys being my submissive maid on my date nights and very much enjoys helping prepare for my lover and me being slightly dominant towards him. Recently my lover however seemed to disapprove of this side of this intimacy towards my hubbie and said he would like me to stop saying that my husband shouldn't even see me in my lingerie let alone see me nude or assist me bathe and prepair. My husband says he understands but if I allow this my husband will be getting no gratification whatsoever that I know he enjoys.

    Should I allow this or find another sexual partner?
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  2. pansymaid

    pansymaid Guest

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    Wow,, your husband should come first as your No1 and as your loyal maid relationship wise.
    However it is vital that YOUR needs are met first in all of this as you have been so kind and considerate.

    Should you ever need another hard working "under maid" please feel free to call me!
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  3. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Unless the ED isnt about chrons and you are just trying to spite him
  4. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Your husband is number 1, you two. Its about you both.
    Get a new lover..
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