Holy Chit Chatman

Discussion in 'Stoners Lounge' started by Tyrsonswood, Oct 24, 2014.

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  1. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    So... Chat
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  2. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Okay.... Place seems empty.
  3. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    Robin: "Gosh, Batman, this camel grass juice is great...
  4. wyldwynd

    wyldwynd ~*~ Super Moderator

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  5. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    To late to get started on anything tonight... I don't want to be up until 12:30 soldering, again.

    I did get that cabinet out of the car though... Things are gawdawful heavy
  6. Mother's Love

    Mother's Love Generalist

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    since i got stuck having to be quiet i emptied a big bucket and went out back to gather apples. it was rather pleasant. then i was talking to the neighbor and suddenly PAIN! SHOCK! OW! her dog bit my hand which was resting on top of the fence. got me really deep in one spot. nearly passed out. taught the boy first-aid for shock. i think it will be ok, the owner saw, and her husband came by to check on me a little later.
    i dont want them to have to get rid of their dog, shes a rescue, she was abused. thats not her fault. but we have to move fencing up higher on the list. my hand is throbbing. the puncture/ laceration i am pretty sure is from a back tooth, so its wide, and the outside of my left hand feels bruised all the way through, like its some crush damage. i think she roughed up the bones/ tendons as well, nothing feels excruciating now, but certain flexes of pinky and ring fingers, and to some extent middle finger as well are very deeply sore to attempt.

    so anyway will harvest more apples tomorrow, we are going to make cider. mom made baked apple slices for dessert. yum.
  7. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    you should go to hospital get a tetanas shot.. get that checked out.
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  8. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Biting is one of the primary tools of contention for vertebrates. It's no fun getting bit, (mostly.) I had a girl friend who contracted malaria from a visit to the okavango delta. The debilitating bite of a mosquito.
  9. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    I haven't had a tetanus shot since I was a kid...
  10. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    that dog needs a few tobasco dipped treats
  11. Lynnbrown

    Lynnbrown Firecracker

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    OMG!!! :( ML, that just purely pains me to hear! My thoughts and prayers are going to you and your hand, and even that dadblameshittin dog. :)

    But I do understand about not wanting to have to cause the dog to be put down (yet). Apparently, its very territorial...I was bitten pretty badly when I was almost 10 yrs old, but even then I knew it was really my fault, and the dog wasn't put down. For what its worth the dog and I became friends after...it was my great uncle's (like a grandfather's) dog.

    Anyway,...I just want to tell you how my heart goes out to you now.

    Yeah, that's the truth. Tetnas shots are good for lots of things. I'll never forget getting a $376 tetnas shot when I was bitten by the snake (for those rusty fangs on that baby snake I guess :dizzy2: ). but it did strike me 4 times.

    Still, I shouldn't, don't mean to make light...please, please get that shot.

    I don't mean to sound bossy...I just <3 you too much not to speak up. :)
  12. Lynnbrown

    Lynnbrown Firecracker

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    This little collie that helped Uncle Fred work the farm had puppies and I was explicitly warned not to go out in the yard near this particular chicken coop because she had had puppies, and she For Sure wasn't wanting to see me. I fully and totally understood that. :)

    However, I was even bull-headed before the age of 10, :D (that's what they call it around here) back then, and I slipped out in the yard when the adults finally, at LONG LONG last were "resting". I walked back and forth, back and forth...but some ways away from Brownie and that coop.

    But I just kept up that dang walking...

    Poor Brownie eventually got tired of all that walking that was getting just a little bit closer each time and finally ran out and bit my legs. :yikes:

    I fell down and she quit biting, I still remember. I got up...to run away basically and she started again.

    By this time, my aunt realized something was happening and as she was running out the back door and down the (rather steep) concrete steps, she fell and hurt her leg too. lordhavemercy

    The cavalry arrived and everything was fine...I had little scars for years, and I can still find a couple or 3 if I try;

    but mine still didn't do what Mother's Love's bite might have done to her hand.

    I never did get to see those puppies.
  13. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    actually I spelled tetanus wrogn.. ;)
  14. Lynnbrown

    Lynnbrown Firecracker

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    According to the spell checker that comes with my Mozilla Firefox , my tetnas is wrogn too. ;)

    I'm glad you got it right with tetanus, because I was too lazy to look it up and couldn't come up with anything else...I'm afraid mickey d's is going to take away my last brain cells.

    Working the front is for sure going to test my, my everything. [​IMG]
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  15. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    Ty, got it right and hasnt had one in many years..
  16. Spectacles

    Spectacles My life is a tapestry Lifetime Supporter

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    I had to get a tetanus shot in 2008 when my dog and I were attacked by a pit bull in our apartment building. I was unlocking my door when a guy and the dog came in the other end of the hall. The dog was not on a leash. The dog started charging at us and I could not get my door open fast enough. I was more worried about Sunny (my dog) since he had to get stitches in his ear and on his neck. Dog bites can hurt for a long time. Keep it clean.
  17. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    one time when i was a kid the family took a trip to the intrepid in ny and while we were there Chauncey Howell was doing a report for the news. and all i could think was damn he looks much smaller on tv. i mean he was towering over everyone.
    so just now i looked him up and i wonder if i got the wrong person, i cant find a picture of him with his trademark suit, although he still always has the bowtie. but the main thing looking at him now is that he dosnt look that tall on tv again. i think he was just standing next to some short people when i saw him in person.
  18. wyldwynd

    wyldwynd ~*~ Super Moderator

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    How long do tetanus shots last....last one I had was around five years ago
  19. eggsprog

    eggsprog anti gang marriage HipForums Supporter

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    dreary gross day today. at least it is kind of warm though.
  20. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Get fresh outside and enjoy a comfy chair and the warmth inside. Its a great autumn day!
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