Best Way To 'coast' In College?

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by I'll Be Waiting, Oct 16, 2014.

  1. I'll Be Waiting

    I'll Be Waiting Guest

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    I'm not sure what slang word would be more applicable than 'coast' in the U.S, but l have been quite inefficient over the years. I'd like to try and beat the system and save myself some stress for a change. I always have this idea that end of term is far away, and therefore to motivate myself to study, I try and immerse myself in a particular topic. Anything will become somewhat interesting once you get into it, but this method takes time. This reason combined with the fact that I don't study enough anyway, explains why there is often many topics uncovered nearing exams. Because the lecturers rarely refer to the exam papers, I get this idea in my head that I should try and learn, understand and memorise each lecture's material. But of course, it would be better to take an attitude of looking at the exam paper relatively soon, and choosing your answer from the information giving, as opposed to memorising the information given.

    I also think it's really important to know how the marks are distributed within each module. For example, if you're getting really confused about the way you took your results during a write-up for a practical, and if it's only worth 2%, then you can fudge, knowing that if you're disciplined later on in the year, you'll be just fine. But of course the interesting thing is that people who coast, usually aren't disciplined about matters anyway, so often end up showing up to class for the unimportant lectures, and missing the vital classes.

    If you're studying a new topic, it may often be the case that once you've grasped the main concepts, you may not need to read any further. Although that may be the point when you're properly broken in, and may find it easy to motivate yourself to read more... because most of the procrastination is over starting a new topic. But, none the less, if you know that it's not important in the greater scheme of things, or if it's taking up you're time from other important things, or even if it's just causing you stress, then it's not important

    I'm not sure whether I'm looking for advice from nerds, or coasters!! But if you do have any wisdom that is somewhat unique, that I mightn't have thought of myself, please share.
  2. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    I found it helpful to study in small bursts fairly far in advance. For example, read over your notes/texts for about 30 minutes a day, one week before the test. That way, you don't end up dreading endless cramming sessions.

    As for papers, I usually write them all in one sitting, about a week or two before they are due. Then, I read over them slowly, editing as I go.

    I dunno, it worked well for me. I never stressed over school work.

    And if you absolutely dread work and find yourself procrastinating, your probably studying the wrong subject.
  3. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i dunno, college is such a joke anymore anyway it seems silly to stress over it. just go to class, do most assignments sometime before they're due, and put the right answer on your tests (this is the easiest part; it's usually multiple choice and most multiple choice questions have 3 nonsensical answers and then one correct answer that is basically word-for-word something that was already written on the board, or a handout, or something).
  4. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    if you dont know the answer, it's probably C
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  5. I'll Be Waiting

    I'll Be Waiting Guest

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    One thing that might be helpful. Supposing you prepared an answer on a question from a past paper to the lecturer. Having seen your style of answer, that will mean that this subject area will be on their mind, and from there they might subconsciously inspire them to have that topic in the exam. The lecturer may actually be in the process of writing the exam when you're presenting you're sample answer. If the lecturer knows the exam has been written, and you've asked a question that isn't coming up, then if you listen closely to what he/she's saying you should get the hint that they're telling you to avoid this subject area.

    Also the fact that a student took the initiative and showed an interest by preparing a question might make them feel that this student deserves a reward. You'd be surprised how little students are inclined to interact with the lecturer and give feedback on a module. I know this because whenever I do, I often hear my query clarified at the next lecture.
  6. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    With the ridiculous amount of money people spend on a dumbed-down education, it might be worth at least trying to learn something while you're there, even if it is all pointless bullshit.
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  7. Carlfloydfan

    Carlfloydfan Travel lover

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    Ugh, I would just go into a library and rent some books and learn stuff on my own if I could do it over again. of course most "paint by numbers employers" want some kind of degree to prove you are "worthy" so that could backfire too. Kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario..But I guess that is the whole point of life today, confuse the crap out of everyone in ever y regard. suppose the best option is to learn a practical trade. If solitary, even better!
  8. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Be an athlete at the University of North Carolina.
    :sleeping: :scholar: [​IMG] :hitsfan:
  9. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Or any college football team. They all do the same thing with their athletes. They make it seem like this is a new thing when it's been going on for years and is far more widespread than they would have people believe.
  10. Carlfloydfan

    Carlfloydfan Travel lover

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    What happened at UNC?
  11. Monkey Boy

    Monkey Boy Senior Member

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    Wake up at 5am and study every morning while drinking tons of coffee.
  12. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    Or simply be any athlete. People will make exceptions for you, shower you with mindless admiration, act as if your shit don't stink. And if you're really talented, they'll pay you more than the most skillful doctor on the planet. Want to be like you when they grow up. [​IMG]
  13. Monkey Boy

    Monkey Boy Senior Member

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    I was an athlete and didn't get any special treatment. Of course I wasn't on the football team.
  14. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Some of their classes were so fake that they didn't even meet but once per semester. Major NCAA sanctions are expected, and several people have already been fired and/or quit.

    I've been in easy college classes with athletes before, but at least we all had to show up most of the time.
  15. neodude1212

    neodude1212 Senior Member

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    I guess it kind of depends on what you choose to study.
  16. *Yogi*

    *Yogi* Resident Racist

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    Start drinking heavily and stick to a strict drug regiment!

    I was a 'professional' student for many years. Was easy to do, Never really paid any out of pocket, Even going on spring breaks. Don't know if what I did will work for you, But did a few friends so we could still do not shit and have fun!

    I wanted to be X. So I found something in my past that I knew and was good at for a 'fall back' like needed in this second depression. Start there, Take a full load, Then cash back in and drop a 2-3 classes/credits. That way you can focus on the main classes and have free time or more study time if needed. When you pass those, Its time to change majors/minors and pick up the classes dropped, Pick 2-3 new ones to drop and finish up the original and get you're paperwork.
    In the mean time you are working toward the main X? major, But dragging it out along with acquiring more degrees/certifications! Keep on the gubment free loans, Pell and other grants. I also went with max student loans, And kept rolling them so I could get more $$ anytime I needed it.
    I owe a fraction, But good luck on them getting it from me! Its been years and will be many more. On the plus side, They know students cant get jobs to afford anything, So they are starting to settle for little to nothing or just write it off. I have a good lawyer so ill pay him and walk away laughing!

    But if you need to just free up time or want to chill in college for 2-4-6 years, Easy to do with all the loopholes they have and cant be closed. IMO high dollar education is a scam, A piece of paper don't mean shit if you have no street smarts or common sense dealing with todays idiots. That's where its always fun to show up the 'high and mighty' educated dumbasses who only have paper to to back them. In some areas, Paper is starting to walk compared to the worker who can do both and cut out the high priced morons!
  17. Bassline514

    Bassline514 Member

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    I guess I'll be a frustrating case for you, I have photographic memory and have a natural hability to just rock in class even if I'm a total slacker. For college, I figured out if I kept myself up to date with the homeworks and lectures, pay a minimum of attention in class and dare to ask questions when I don't fully grasp something, everything is gonna be fine (and it was). With my ADD staying focused can be quite challenging tho, so that's why I invested in a good tape recorder. Best gift I did to myself, ever.
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  18. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    I have ADD as well, and the only way I can learn is my way. It has to be something I really want to learn, but I seem to do better learning on my own vs. having someone teach it to me or assign me with pages to read in a boring text book. I have learned far more on my own than years of college would ever teach me, but we're brainwashed to think college is so important because you need it to get a good job. And that's true for most people, but let's at least be honest about it. I have said it before and will say it again, college is to enlightenment what McDonald's is to real food. Yes, there are some areas where real knowledge is taught, particularly in those of math and science, but most of the other stuff is pure bullshit. There is no real value in college other than needing it for reasons pertaining to financial "success." I am not fazed by highly educated people. In fact, they're some of the LEAST critically thinking people I've met because they have been brainwashed by academic dogma, which in many ways is quite like organized religion.
  19. Bassline514

    Bassline514 Member

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    Pressed-Rat indeed! I tend to believe college's goal is to produce workers, not people capable of critical thinking. Unless you study something for the sake of cultural benefit (such as the degree in botanics that I'm completing slowly but surely, useless to get a job but oh so interesting), college is not about enlighting people at all.
  20. Sitka

    Sitka viajera

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    Welfare queen.

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