Any Men Use An Extender For Penis Growth?

Discussion in 'Genitalia' started by MarcIsHere, Oct 9, 2014.

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  1. MarcIsHere

    MarcIsHere Members

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    I've seen positive research about penis extenders increasing penis size. i came across this tool.nLooks pretty surgical but effective at the same time.

    it isn't for sale anymore and i don't know if it ever was. So have any men here used an extender with any success?
  2. LetLovinTakeHold

    LetLovinTakeHold Cuz it will if you let it

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    I have not peraonally, no.

    I would advise spending less time researching disk stretchers and more on building confidence and self esteem. It would get you a lot further.
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  3. vance2335

    vance2335 Banned

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    Yes it is called a naked woman.
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  4. MarcIsHere

    MarcIsHere Members

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    this is a forum for conversation. i would advise you converse cordially rather then just assuming people need to build confidence and self esteem just b/c they bring up a topic that may for some men lead to those things lacking. people can learn a lot of interesting stuff on the internet. forums are great place to discuss it. it is people like you that make it less fun.
  5. MarcIsHere

    MarcIsHere Members

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    oooh look at that! another useless post. if only it were more rare to find someone who has nothing of value to say about a thread topic. so many trolls.
  6. MikeE

    MikeE Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Penis extenders are as effective as breast enlargement creams. (i.e. not at all)

    You've got what your parents gave you, if you want more (or less) you've got to have an operation. But its probably not worth it.

    Save your money.

    On the other hand, pulling your penis, stretching and tugging on it is fun. So don't let me stop you from doing that. Just don't spend any money.
  7. vance2335

    vance2335 Banned

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    Don't get your panties in a bunch because you can't satisfy a woman with 3". Your asking about a dick extender...really?? Why not just eat some magic beans while you are at it?
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  8. MarcIsHere

    MarcIsHere Members

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    who was talking about spending money? i'm just talking about an interesting topic that is now gaining medically back evidence and am looking to see if any men in here have done this themselves. read closer please.

    i'm assuming you are talking about yourself? i am asking if any men here have any experience with this. as i said above the subject is starting to get medically backed evidence showing it's efficacy. just b/c you aren't able to partake in a conversation about something that is not socially normal for men to talk about doesn;t mean all men who show interest in learning new things can't. you are troll. enjoy that sad life. i have no interest in magic beans to obtain anything either as i am not posting about partaking in any body modification programs myself.
  9. vance2335

    vance2335 Banned

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    Listen sally this is not gaining any medical backing, you just want to try to take 3" and make it 6". Guess what not going to happen.
  10. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Lol, awesome.
  11. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    It's actually people like you that make forums less fun.

    That website's either a joke, or one of the world's laziest scams. Did you actually even read any of it?

    There is NO medical evidence, or ANY OTHER evidence, to make it look like stretching your dick is a good idea.

    Even if it works, I want that thing to last.... don't you? Think about the kind of tissue that it is, and it's pretty obvious why stretching it is a really bad idea.

    You need to grow your brain, not your dick.
  12. MarcIsHere

    MarcIsHere Members

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    lol. you're funny and most sad. troll.

    how do i make a forum less fun? there are a million topics on here and i am trying to add and discuss? if you arent intereseted in something don't participate. i reqd the reseach studies as well as some website and forums. took a few hours of time spread out. just like reading a book. a book is a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers. google that great definition for you.

    there are multiple studies that have been performed by various hospitals or research groups. instead of only typing into your browser. type in google next can find abstracts of a millions studies about any subject. even full studies for free. spend a few $ and you can get some that arent free about any subject you may be interested in.

    if you would think about what kind of tissue it is there is no reason to think stretching is bad. many variables at play. amount of tension. time under tension. blah blah blah i'm not going to rob you of finally teaching yourself something.

    who is the person who comes here and insults people? it's you. grow your brain troll and enjoy your sad life. no one who does what you do lives a happy life off of the computer
  13. vance2335

    vance2335 Banned

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    The only person who has the sad life is you.
    1 person likes this.
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