Marijuana Is The Beer Of Drugs

Discussion in 'Cannabis and Marijuana' started by OutAndAbout, Oct 8, 2014.

  1. OutAndAbout

    OutAndAbout Members

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    Yeah, sure I have tried it and maybe I will try it again, but I just wasn't that impressed. I've had beer as well and I think the effects of the two on me are comparable. And, yeah, I'll drink beer once in awhile if it is of good enough quality. And yet I crave something stronger, much stronger, but I have learned how destructive drugs can be where the rest of life gets destroyed and all you care about is the high. My wish is that we had safer highs available, highs that one did not get tolerant to or have withdrawal effects. You might not believe this, but I have grown so tolerant to some drugs that I can take an amount that would kill a fairly sizable number of people, I can take half a gram of d-amphetamine with absolutely no cardiovascular effects, the only effects of taking such a dose are mental, and of course the withdrawal is hell unless I can titrate down, but I can take 0.3 grams with no withdrawal symptoms. I like the barbiturates and benzos as well, but again, I quickly develop tolerances to those drugs as well and the withdrawal symptoms from those can be quite hellish. I am thinking of expanding my drug use to include psychedelics, but I have always been afraid that I will have a bad experience or do something dangerous and stupid.
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  2. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    IMO the effects of alchohol and THC are not comparable at all.

    If you're searching for the "perfect drug" with absolutely no negative effects associated with it I don't think you're gonna find it, if you ever do, let me know.
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  3. Cannabliss88

    Cannabliss88 Members

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    Beer is the marijuana of alcohol lol. But on some real shit I've been a heavy pothead for years and for some people in my boat, the irritability, nightsweats, insomnia and lack of appetite are nothing to sneeze at.

    Sure it probably saved my life, prevented me from becoming an alcoholic, turning to other drugs or other forms of self harm but it eventually became an unhealthy addiction in my life like anything can so people should know the dark side of even the most seemingly benign substances.
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  4. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    beer is the beer of drugs...
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  5. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    You need better weed...

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  6. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    If you think that half a gram of amphetamine doesn't have any cardio effects on you, you'll have to excuse me for noticing that you're entirely unqualified to speak on the effects of any drugs. You could probably fuck up a trip report on tylenol.

    It's not a seemingly benign substance, it is a benign substance.

    It's not something that needs a caveat, even if some people can abuse it. People abuse and develop serious problems with everything under the sun.

    How fucking low do you want the bar to be set? It's benign - it requires mental gymnastics to say otherwise. It's harmless, but that doesn't mean you can't hurt yourself with it, if you try: you could be crushed to death with it.
  7. Cannabliss88

    Cannabliss88 Members

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    Roor, you keep smoking that blessed herb. A sacred herb indeed but even water can drown ya
  8. Cannabliss88

    Cannabliss88 Members

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    I have to let go of what doesn't serve me anymore and smoking every day was never a good thing for me.
  9. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    Not trying to get on you too badly about it everywhere you go.

    I'm just saying there's lots of bad ways to use good things, but it's not a reflection on the good thing. I've mis-used weed from time to time myself, but when you look at it in comparison to other stuff, it's pretty hard to find something that's as harmless as it is, much less something with as many uses and benefits in so many ways (from concrete to medicine).

    As for me smoking, I wish. It's too dangerous (in the legal way) and expensive right now. But we're all headed in a better direction, as far as that goes - as long as we don't lose our drive.
  10. Cannabliss88

    Cannabliss88 Members

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    Yes indeed. A most spectacular herb and one I know I must treat with respect. She is a living plant teacher but her beauty fades when you cling too tightly. Kind of like a beautiful man or woman.
  11. broony

    broony Banned

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    The title of thread, the OP user name, and all that nonsense type is a riddle.

    Talk about expanding your mind with other substances but hates withdrawals from others.
  12. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    Please do not begin to use psychedelics because you have already, in the above post, indicated that you are an irresponsible drug user and would most likely do some stupid assed shit while tripping that would end up on the six o'clock news and then we would all have to deal with your stupidity.

    Please stay away from psychedelics.
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  13. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    "I can take a strip and not have any cardiovascular effects, but the withdrawal symptoms are hell"
  14. TopNotchStoner

    TopNotchStoner Georgia Homegrown

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    I was gonna type these exact words.
  15. OutAndAbout

    OutAndAbout Members

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    No, I wasn't trying to compare it in a literal sense. What I mean is that it is similar in the respect that one has to do a lot of it in order to get a pretty strong effect. For instance, I get no effect from drinking six servings of alcohol. I would probably have to drink 10 or more servings to get a significant effect and then the next day would suck. The same thing would be true with weed. I would have to use so much of it to get a significant effect that I would be sick the next day. Whereas if one were to drop even just four tablets of meth into a water pipe and inhale through their nose that would seriously fuck a person up. I think you can better understand what I am saying now.
  16. OutAndAbout

    OutAndAbout Members

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    No, I am not saying that half a gram of amphetamine has no cardiovascular effects. That amount is probably enough to kill ten people if divided among them. What I am saying is that I have become so tolerant that I can take a ridiculous amount and it no longer has cardiovascular effects. In fact, the only way I could cardiovascular effects back is probably if I took a dose high enough to put me at risk of serious harm and I have no plans to do that.
  17. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    You are wrong.
  18. OutAndAbout

    OutAndAbout Members

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    I am sorry, I meant to say three people, not ten. And that assumption is based upon it being their first use of the drug.
  19. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    I think you probably need better weed, and possibly better alcohol if it takes that much to fuck you up, else you need a tolerance break. also, "four tablets of meth" does not tell one much without knowing the total dosage consumed.

    also, I know for a fact that some tweakers do sit around and smoke meth almost constantly in a similar way to stoners smoking pot throughout the day and spend the rest of their time driving from one pharmacy to the next on a grand mission to acquire enough pseudo ephedrine tablets for the next "shake and bake" meth cook that will take place that night. it is up to the user to determine when they are " fucked up enough", all drugs have a threshold dosage, or the amount it takes to be able to "feel it" and for weed you should be able to discern the effect from one hit, as well as for one beer. some people don't seem to think they are fucked up enough until they are so fucked up they are physically incapable of drinking more but that doesn't mean they didn't feel it long before then or that more modest doses have no effect.
  20. OutAndAbout

    OutAndAbout Members

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    I get tolerant to drugs pretty quickly. The poster above made the assumption that I have been using amphetamine for years when the truth is it only took three months for me to get that tolerant and I decided that I should discontinue use just because of the danger of using such a high dose and because such a habit was getting to be quite expensive. I've only tried meth once, through a water pipe, and that drug is so powerful I was afraid to try it again. But, yes, I like to experiment because I want to enjoy new perceptual experiences, but I am not and have never been an addict. Sure, I have gotten withdrawal symptoms from stopping some drugs abruptly, but I have managed to find a path to getting rid of those symptoms. I again want to emphasize the MAIN point: MY WISH IS THAT THERE WERE SAFER HIGHS.

    Thanks again for the insightful comment, ace-k (is that a reference to the artificial sweetener?), I get your point as well. There are stronger alcohols and there are stronger kinds of weed and different people have different tolerances. HOWEVER, I believe that we should seek SAFER HIGHS as well as highs where TOLERANCE and WITHDRAWAL have little or no significant chance of occurring. I guess we will just have to agree that the miles of each will vary.

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