Abandoned Cat Lover's House

Discussion in 'History' started by Justin_Hale, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. Justin_Hale

    Justin_Hale ( •_•)⌐■-■ ...(⌐■_■)

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    Warning: A deceased cat was found during the filming of the interior of this house.


    The person who entered this abandoned home (TikiTrex) was unaware of what she would find when she entered the house.

    She (TikiTrex) calls herself an 'Urban Explorer'. She likes to enter (not break into) abandoned houses, haunted houses, and just about any kind of abandoned building. I've only seen 6 or 7 or her videos so far, but they were good enough to make me want to share one of her videos here.

    She tries to deduce what was going on when the last occupants left the abandoned house (and when) as she films. And she is so respectful, she will cover up names of people with her hand as she reads a document or note, etc.

    I've only been in a few abandoned places myself (just to look around and scavenge a bit). TikiTrex seems to be on a quest for knowledge and history.

    And if you think she's just some dumb person who could get hurt doing what she does, she seems to have a back-up person around. She even ran off a biker in one abandoned house in Florida, and then she just kept on exploring the house, lol.

    I think her motto is: If there is a 'No Trespassing' sign on the front door, that means look for another way in.
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  2. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    That was so very interesting. She does a good job walking around and explaining, and seems very respectful , as well.
    Weird, how the house was abandoned so quickly, and a cat was found dead. Maybe she died in the house? Weird. It is very sad how terribly vandalized it was in the absence of any living inhibitants....those are the vulture people......
    Wall paper made me a little dizzy at times......but what beautiful potential this house has still. I wonder what will become of it.
    I wonder what state this is in. Do you know?

    Thanks for sharing this, Justin.
  3. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Nice house.... Well it was. It's a shame someone didn't take it over after the lady died... Maybe they (family members) tried but found it to costly to maintain.
  4. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Then why wouldn't they sell it, if it was too costly for them to maintain?
    Pretty soon wild life will find it a home of refuge....squirrels and what not, wth rooves caving in......
  5. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    I'm sure they already have...
  6. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I was in Stan's mom's abandoned house today....and talk about someone who has saved everything for almost 100 years......It is going to take a team of many to sort and clean all of that out. I got sick and dizzy today after spending only 2 hours there....looking through some things. I just could not do it anymore. Unbelievable what is stored in that house, and I thought I had too many things here.....nothing like this......and alot of it should be thrown out.......I do not envy the work that needs to be done there.....

    As it is, I am going to have to sweep through this place and get it minimalized already.
    I do not like too many things.
  7. Justin_Hale

    Justin_Hale ( •_•)⌐■-■ ...(⌐■_■)

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    TikiTrex puts whatever information she finds in the description below her videos.

    And if you go to her channel she has many more cool vids to see. All the ones I've seen were available in high definition.
    If you take a few seconds and put them on HD, then full screen it, you won't miss as much of what's there.

    Also, if you go to Wallyworld you can get a 32" TV on the cheap and get a converter cable for your PC, if you have an S video slot, etc.
    Trust me it's worth every penny for watching videos, movies, and stuff like that.

    I'm also cleaning out all my stuff right now so no one finds a mess like that after I'm gone. I wouldn't want someone else to have to clear
    out all of my junk.

    I had to work on an elderly ladies house one time that was so full of junk that there were mostly just paths to get around the inside of her house.
    Scary part was she had just moved in within that same year. I wonder how many family members she burdened with moving all of her junk to
    her new house. There was NO way she got all of the things in her new two story house collected there in less than a year. No way.
    Almost half the house was piled up so high you couldn't see over it.

    I hope she paid people (movers) to move it all, as there was at least an 18 wheeler full in there (maybe two), and her house wasn't very big.
  8. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I agree with that, Justin.....some people do not want to deal with the fact they may die some day....and that someone else will have to be burdened with all there is....and sometimes it is very burdensome to other people......

    It is no picnic looking through someone else's junk, either, when most of it should have been thrown out.....

    My mom always prepared and got everything she had to minimal bones......just things she held on to for my brother and me, and now I am holding onto much of it for my brother......The keeper of stuff here for someone else or other....makes no sense.....
  9. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I'll get rid of a few things, and I will be all right here....LOL

    If someone walked through my home being abandoned, they would not be freaked out...no horror elements here......unless you walk into the doll room....that may terrify you! lol

    Annabella, new movie coming out about a possessed doll. hahahaha
  10. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    one time me and a friend entered this abandoned, supposedly haunted house. there were huge holes in the floor and there was something red smeared on the walls in the bathroom. we were being loud as fuck in there, and when we got up stairs we entered a room and there was a bed, there were several 40 oz malt liquor bottles bein used as candlestick holders.

    when we looked at the bed there was a body in it, we were like oh, shit, a dead body! when we got a little closer we shined our flashlights on him and then suddenly he goes "UGGGGGGGHHH". That's when we started to haul ass out of there. Pretty sure it was just some homeless guy takin a nap, but we thought it was some dead guy .. a ghost or zombie or something.
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