Why Are Men Attracted To Breasts?

Discussion in 'Genitalia' started by shoeless joe, Sep 14, 2014.

  1. shoeless joe

    shoeless joe Member

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    Why are guys attracted to breasts? The explanations I've heard are that:

    1. Developed breasts on a woman show that she is fertile and that they can feed offspring.

    2. Because they remind the men of when they were breastfed by their mothers as infants.

    The first explanation makes the most sense to me. Does anyone know the reason? I don't have a backround in biology so I don't know.

    I personally have never been much of a "boob guy", as in I don't have a strong preference for large breasts. I like all sizes, small, medium, large. :)
  2. Heat

    Heat Smile, it's contagious! :) Lifetime Supporter

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    I always thought it was because they were fun to play with. :)
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  3. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    We seriously need reps back.

    neg reps, specifically.
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  4. shoeless joe

    shoeless joe Member

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    What are reps?
  5. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    you'll never find out....but neg reps are when someone makes a lame statement like your op

    men aren't attracted to all breasts....that's just dumb..and who gives a flying fuck if there is a grain of truth to your op and Freud based theories .....

    what difference does it make.........

    breasts don't make the woman.....the woman makes the breasts.

    the whole woman....

    her heart.......

    her brain.....

    her thoughts.....

    also..........what is your theory on why my lesbian friends are totally attracted to breasts just as much as me?

    and if it is because they were breastfed then why isn't every woman attracted to breasts?

    and what about gay men.....I don't see them at the peeler bars throwing money at women's boobs....the theory falls apart there

    regarding fertility....

    dude.....zillions of people DO NOT WANT CHILDREN.so why the hell would they be attracted to a fertile body.....again.....silly
    1 person likes this.
  6. Ahmad Rashad

    Ahmad Rashad SenĂ³r Member

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    I thought it was cause we were originally attracted to dat ass. And the bewbs shape resemble... Dat ass. Could be completely wrong but I remember reading something like that in some magazine while I was on the Jon.
  7. MikeE

    MikeE Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Let's not kid ourselves.
    Most men know that the woman as a person is more important than her breasts.
    Most men think that tits are nice. Nice to look at, fondle, and kiss. They are one of our favorite pieces of human anatomy.

    As for the OP's functional explanations for that attraction, I'd disagree.

    Sexual attractants, like breasts and peacock tails, aren't necessarily functional.
    A pea hen isn't attracted to a peacock's big tail because the male is healthier. (They aren't healthier. A female who preferred smaller tails would have a wider selection between equally health mates.)
    She is attracted because pea hen's like big tails and are attracted to them. That's the way pea hens are wired. How that got started might have to do with functionality. It might not. (I recommend Steven Gould's book, The Panda's Thumb)

    If men's attraction to breasts has a biological basis, it isn't related to the woman's fitness to breed. Men will peak down a poor woman's blouse just as readily as they will down a rich chick. It's just the way things are.
    If there is a biological basis. Perhaps it is more culturally based than biologically.

    On the other hand, it may be a reasoned decision that something that fits in the hand so perfectly, warmly and softly is worthy of being lusted after.
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  8. silk896

    silk896 Member

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    Over analysis.
    Boobs are great in every respect, and we've got 'em and men don't!
    Ergo, they are attracted to them.
  9. RickIsHere

    RickIsHere Visitor

    Really all you need to know on the subject...

    If the OP is beyond the age of 15 then he should easily be able to understand that a girl's breasts are the first sign of sexual maturity during puberty, and so her breasts are one of the first things most males notice at the onset of puberty. Duh!

    Not all men are fixated on breasts, though of course many are (perhaps the majority).
    Personally, I find EVERYTHING about women to be fascinating. And that includes of course all aspects of the female physique.
    I don't happen to be attracted to large breasts myself, but to each his/her own.

  10. secret_thinker

    secret_thinker Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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  11. naturegirl1

    naturegirl1 Member

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  12. BigBimbo

    BigBimbo Member

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    I used to think I was a leg man. Didn't really have a thing for boobs to speak of, but then I had a religious experience with a woman who had giant tits and I haven't been able to look back since.

    Biologically, breasts are an obvious secondary sex trait of human females. Human females tend to find the secondary sex traits of human males attractive as well; strong jaw, muscular development, facial and body hair (sometimes), the appearance of which in males also correlates with the production of viable sperm in young males. Developed breasts DO correlate well with reproductive age. Another thought is that large breasts have more mammary tissue and may make larger quantities of more nutritious milk, so the allure of big boobs may be partly based on natural selection over millions of years of hominid development...
  13. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    This one irritates me more than the you are a guy you are supposed to like boobs thing.

    A lot will act like theres something wrong with you cos you hate kids, fuuuuck that shit, kids are horrible little monsters
  14. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    Not wanting your own is fine. Not being able to be around other people's = grow the fuck up. If you don't like adults, you have to actually handle them, if you don't like kids, you don't have to take them seriously or be bothered, none of what they do is remotely bad compared to bad adults, or anything that can't be easily ignored or avoided.

    And yes, I thought that before having my own.
  15. secret_thinker

    secret_thinker Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I have one of my own but I still don't like being around others kids. And it annoys me that just because I'm a woman people will assume I want to hold their baby and then ask if I'm clucky.....ummm no!
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  16. RickIsHere

    RickIsHere Visitor

    naturegirl1 -

    I intended to type that breasts are the first outwardly-visible sign of a young girl's sexual maturity obvious enough that adolescent boys can notice.
    And for what it's worth, I was seriously focused on girls long before that time of life.
    I can't recall a time in my childhood that I wasn't interested in girls (and now, women).

    I mean come on OP, this is all textbook stuff.
    Even I understand this, and I'm an engineer, not a behavioral psychologist.
  17. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    it's short for "repetitions." it's a weight lifting term. as in "i'm doing 3 sets of 8 reps each."
  18. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    Or reptillians. Like the illuminati.

    Who, quite possibly, want us to believe that we like boobs, when we in fact don't.

    Why, well, they're reptile people, I'm still working out their motives.
  19. -Yggdrasil-

    -Yggdrasil- Einherjar

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    Shows she's fertile? Lol. How's that attractive? That means bitch gone get preggerz. Fuck that.

    They're tits. Tits are good. /
    1 person likes this.
  20. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Ehh, well thanks for proving my point

    I am definately ungrown da fuk up

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