I Had The Note 2 Then Switch To Iphone 5. Should I Get The Iphone 6 Or Note 4?

Discussion in 'Stoners Lounge' started by jmt, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. jmt

    jmt Ezekiel 25:17

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    Heres the thing I had a Note 2 which I loved dearly and its specs. My account was managed by my friend who had me on a T Mobile account. He then told me that I was using too much data on T Mobile that he had an account on Verizon that was unlimited and would suit me better, BUT I had have to switch to iPhone 5. I switched to iPhone being promised that he would quickly get me back on the Note 3 (this never happened). This was all back in November when I did the switch. Its going to be TEN fing months on iPhone which I don't like. I can admit its a consistent product and truly understand why people like it. Its just that I don't like Apple in general. I really don't like the size and how controlling apple is with how you can't mod the phone. Yes the option to "jailbreak" the phone is there, but I just don't like iPhone. I can definitely say the iPhone app don't crash as much as Android. Now that Apple is copying Samsungs larger phones approach, I was curious to if I should maybe get there iPhone 6 since I really like large phones.

    Any suggestions? I feel that since the first iPhone its been the SAME SH1T. Just little updates on OS and little hardware upgrades.

    I kinda feel like going to the Note 4 that comes out next month.
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  2. vance2335

    vance2335 Banned

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    Read up on ISO 8, it's a big change. When I changed to a smart phone I have been an iPhone guy, I have used others but love my iPhone. So I say go to the iPhone 6 if you want a big phone. Take Apple out of the picture and just look at what you like better iPhone or Andriod and make the determination then.
  3. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    Get something open source.

    Fuck apple, they've gone from the awesome underdog with great software who supported the open source community and all that, to the standard evil big corp - but worse, because they have their apple image going for them. The iPhone was groundbreaking.... and the beginning of the end. We're now thoroughly past the end, in terms of when they're too evil to buy their crap in good conscience.

    Check out their patent on the device that would send a kill signal to all iphones and their recording devices, for use by law enforcement.....

    RIP steve jobs. Even when they got a little evil, couldn't hate jobs, at least they applied the same artistry to evil that they did to everything else. But now I have no problem hating them.
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  4. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    all the manufacturers can track you for the police....not just apple
  5. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    you people are a bunch of fuckin criminals ;)
  6. broony

    broony Banned

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    "i just don't like the iPhone'

    i suggest you move to the jungle with a machete.

    matches not included.
  7. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    i wonder why they took Diagnostics & Usage Data out of the settings app in iOS 8?

    kernel panics are something that i kinda want to know about ??

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