People Do Not Have A Hand In Global Warming!

Discussion in 'Conspiracy' started by ruben100, Aug 19, 2014.

  1. ruben100

    ruben100 Members

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  2. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    yes .. there are ice ages, and the period after that could be described as global warming.

    they also however track things like the concentration of CO2 (which is a greenhouse gas) and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere though.


    in case anyone is interested: CO2 is a gas which is composed of one carbon atom bound to two oxygen atoms resulting from the combustion of carbon-containing fuels, most often fossil fuels. Some C02 is also produced by volcanic activity. Plants take in CO2 from the air along with water, and using sunlight in the process of photosynthesis create sugars (which can be further used to make starches) along with O2 (oxygen) which they release back into the air. Infact early in the earths history, the atmosphere contained mostly CO2 and nitrogen (and little oxygen) until plant life consumed it and produced the oxygen that we have today.

    Ever hear of the carbon cycle ? Releasing more carbon into the atmosphere than can be utilized by plant life results in an increasing concentration in the atmosphere which warms the planet.

    Facts and information may or may not be interpreted in the correct meaningful way, but I do not believe that scientists are deliberately lying about these things, or making this up.
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  3. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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    It's not a global conspiracy.

    The Chinese don't give a fuck about it.
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  4. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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  5. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    It's another excuse to regulate human behavior and tax the shit out of us. Do I believe global warming is caused by human activity? Not for a minute. That, however, does not mean there are not legitimate environmental issues. I just don't think global warming is one of them. A bigger issue for me is the government having the technology to manipulate the weather, then blame it on humans so they can push the agenda that masquerades behind so-called global warming. But I have been saying for years that the notion of global warming being man-made is total bullshit, and I have received a lot of flack for it. I will continue to stand by my words.
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  6. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    I always get my news from Facebook, too.... NOT!
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  7. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    complete ignorance
    When atmospheric gases have been measured going back millions of years and we see a sharp increase that perfectly coincides with the industrial revolution, and that human activity is the ONLY variable of noticable import in the time frame in question, doesn't sound like bullshit to me or any other intelligent, science educated person.

    technology to manipulate the weather......[​IMG]
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  8. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Sorry, but ice core samples show that C02 levels mag behind temperature increases by hundreds of years.
  9. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Doesn't believe humans influence climate change... believes HAARP is controlling the climate...

    Seriously dude?
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  10. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    Climate change is real. The jury is still out on whether humans are causing it.

    personally I think humans should stop worrying about who is right or wrong in this debate and start taking care of the environment. We have a responsibility to not destroy the earth. Even if we aren't causing temperatures to rise, we're still destroying our air quality, our water, natural habitats for millions of animals around the world. We're destroying land that indigenous cultures have lived on for a long time.

    I feel like people keep debating this man made vs natural warming cycle because they want to avoid taking any real responsibility for the state of the environment.
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  11. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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    No, the jury has been in for quite a while now, an overwhelming majority of scientists agree, it is man caused.

    Yet another study confirms the “overwhelming” scientific consensus on climate change

    I agree with the rest of your statement
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  12. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Seems humans do not want to take responsibility for anything. I like what you wrote.....and I tend to believe the scientists. People just do not want to change anything they do.....idling their cars....driving somewhere where they could walk....America could be alot thinner, as well.....
  13. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

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    Well, yes .. human activity has had real impact on the environment.

    The poling and wiring of the planet began in the mid 1800's, which coincides perfectly with science's claim that the magnetic field of the planet has been weakening for the past 200 years.

    What do people think is the primary driving force behind humanity's massive population growth, in such a short stretch of time? Of course, the answer is: electricity. Electricity has empowered both human activity AND it has completely altered the face of the planet itself. One cannot possibly look at Earth's transformation and think it has no impact or effect whatsoever. Those poles and wires are not natural (the Earth did not sprout them up).

    Electricity produces a vibrational energy. Anyone can hear the buzzing of electricity just by walking through a lit parking lot, or any other power house of electricity. That's just HEARING the effect of electricity.

    The two basic building blocks of life are chemical and electricity. Way too much focus on chemicals, not nearly enough attention on the impact and effects of electricity (which is near universally thought to be perfectly safe).

    What would happen to the atmosphere of the Moon if that little sphere were dug up, loaded with architecture and then plugged in to a power house of electricity? It's obvious, isn't it?
  14. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    since the moon has no atmosphere, im not sure what difference it would make, and im also sure if you lit up the whole moon with electric lights like Times Square that it would be drowned out by the light from the sun and would be hardly noticeable
  15. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

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    The point is: altering a celestial body from its original, natural condition to something so drastically transformed that it isn't possible to say that it has not had impact and effect on the environment. We're born on this planet as it is so it seems totally normal, but it isn't. The key factor is: the co-incident of a weakening magnetic field with the poling and wiring of the planet.

    The Moon isn't utterly devoid. To set up a massive powerhouse on that little sphere WOULD have impact. And that would be the basis for comparison, in order for humans to see Earth and "climate change" in a different way (electricity, not chemical).

    Magnetic field of the Moon
  16. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    Actually..... it is totally devoid.

    Your puny electric lights wouldn't do SHIT to the moon. There is to atmosphere, and it's magnetic field is not going to change appreciably.

    I mean, the jury is LONG in, global warming is real AND man-made. No question at all. But your moon example is still stupid, and there is NO reason to suspect any electrical reason for earth's warming.
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  17. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

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    Actually, it isn't totally devoid. Until recently, most everyone accepted the conventional wisdom that the moon has virtually no atmosphere. Just as the discovery of water on the moon transformed our textbook knowledge of Earth's nearest celestial neighbor, recent studies confirm that our moon does indeed have an atmosphere

    You don't know if my Moon is example is stupid - or - so fucking brand new to you that you haven't taken the time to THINK. Jesus Christ, Roo .. "Until recently, most everyone accepted the conventional wisdowm" and "discovery of water on the moon transformed our textbook knowledge". lol Get the point?

    Anyway, this isn't meant to be a debate about the Moon. I made a solid point and I haven't seen even one acknowledgement, in the past year that I've raised it up in various places.
  18. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    Of course there's SOMETHING around the moon.... but there's no appreciable atmosphere.

    News of the existence of water on the moon is not new, and not striking.

    No, you did not make a solid point - unless I'm misunderstanding you greatly. You seem to have said that electrical grids are causing climate change and that you could see this, or something, if the moon had electrical grids on it.

    Total bull.
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  19. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

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    No, what's total bull is your total mangling of what I said. And your stinky attitude, too. :p

    Not going to repeat myself. It's only a matter of time until "science" says what I've been saying for a while now (when it's safe for them to do so .. delicious frosted breakfast cakes for the people). And trust me, they eventually will. Just like I had been talking about that atmospheric collapse but NO WORD about it from "science" until YEARS after it happened. I wasted a lot of face and time talking to useless assholes about things that were SO far over their heads that they had NO awareness AT ALL! Maddening. Whatever, we're being slow roasted in a gigantic fucking microwave oven but shh, TV is WAY more important than what some twat bag named ginalee14 on the stupid fucking internet has to say! Oh, don't even get me started on those "strange sounds heard all over the world" (remember those?!). Fuck you all, I know shit that you don't! :alien:
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  20. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    It's only a matter of time until science validates my totally irrational beliefs, trust me - if you don't subscribe to my fantasy, it's just over your head.

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