Average Number Of Sexual Partners In A Life Time...

Discussion in 'Free Love' started by Doctor Dave, Aug 16, 2014.

  1. Doctor Dave

    Doctor Dave Member

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    I read a statistic in the Almanac saying the average number of sexual partners in an average woman's lifetime and it broke it down by ethnicity.

    African-America woman = 6 men
    white woman = 5 men
    Hispanic woman = 2men

    Anyone have any thoughts or reflections on this?
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  2. -Yggdrasil-

    -Yggdrasil- Einherjar

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    Nope. Does this upset you?
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  3. TheSamantha

    TheSamantha Member

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    A friend of mine is married to a Mexican American. So that whole side of the family is Hispanic. He says Hispanics are very sexual people. He says in their culture, they're encouraged to have sex from an early age. He said his father in law let his wife date a 29 year old man at age 14. His sister in law has five kids by five different men. She also had sex with a 15 year old when she was 23. Another Hispanic he knows has seven kids by seven different men. His brother in law had sex in a room while his mother in law was in the livingroom. They could hear the orgasmic noises coming from the room and just ignored it. The mother in law was married to the father in law at age 13. I don't mean to make Hispanics look bad. I like the fact that they're supposedly comfortable with their sexuality.

    I also don't buy this idea that black women are promiscuous. I don't know any who live in the ghetto though. But I think most black women are getting AIDS while married to a cheater or a down low brother.

    I really think most black women are total prudes. My sister is celibate until she gets at least engaged. All of her friends are celibate too. They listen to rules like the 90 Day Rule that come from people like Steve Harvey, Oprah, and Iyanla Vanzant. Black women enjoy rap music in spite of the lyrics because they like the instrumental, they like to dance to it, and they feel like the rappers aren't talking about them. That's an opinion in the minds of virtually every black woman in the US.
  4. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i'm sure it is...
  5. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    The previous place I worked, there were two black secretaries who had never been married or lived with anybody. Both had kids.
  6. MochaMood

    MochaMood Member

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    I'm not sure you understand ye word promiscuous. A woman with whom I grew up has never been married, never lived with a man, but has three children from the same man. She is never going to end up married to him. She has had two other partners, but has been celibate for a few years, preferring to focus on other aspects of life. Sevral other women on that block are also single mothers,but I don't know most of them well enough to know how many partners they have had. The ones I do know have had few partners, but chose to engage in unbarricaded sex, and keep the resulting offspring. I sleep around, have been married, and have chosen to not yet get pregnant. I'm the promiscuous one, not the single mothers I know.

    In my experience,black women are extremely conservative, or totally liberal, sexually speaking. I have seldom met one who would discuss sex with me who was walking a line in the gray area. I'm very liberal, and most of my female friends are just not. They are aften fascinated by my stories, but could never live my life. Not even the ones from my same ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds. And me? Add up all those averages and double it and it still isn't my number.
  7. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Just one: don't adjust your life to this info as if it were certain.
  8. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    No, that's too complicated for me.
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  9. Cherea

    Cherea Senior Member

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    I was aware of the numbers, but I'm at a loss as to what reflections I might profer.
  10. Si69

    Si69 Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    load of balls....in a lifetime! ? Sure there are women/people who have only one or two partners over their life but on average I bet it is between 10 & 20.

    I'm 63 and only lost my viginity at 18 and between girls n guys I reckon I've had at least 120 partners. An average of 2.66 per annum.

  11. JakeTheJock

    JakeTheJock Member

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    If you count oral sex, Im sure that average would be much higher.
  12. Blackeyes28

    Blackeyes28 Members

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    well...of course these are statistics results. They don't surprise me at all, given that I know lots of Hispanic women and I know that they take relationships and dating very seriously.

    I think that there's nothing wrong with having lots of partner in the entire lifetime. It just happens.
  13. jameske91

    jameske91 Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Take your time
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  14. MikeE

    MikeE Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Consider a woman who gets married, becomes a widow and marries again.

    I find the 2 partners/ Hispanic woman to be suspicious.

    I wonder when this data was collected and analyzed. In that same vein, did they count lesbian partners or did those count as 0?

    My take away is that Hispanic women are more likely to lie to sex researchers than other ethnicities.
  15. buzzgunner

    buzzgunner 180 grains of diplomacy Lifetime Supporter

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    Maybe I missed it above, but what are the averages for men? I'm going to be 59 next month and I've only been with 3 women my entire life. I'm sure that I'm WELL below the average for a white American male.
  16. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    What about asian women? 345 men? lol.
  17. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    so basically, there should be more gay men?
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  18. maxtazm

    maxtazm Members

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    men can share the promiscuous women :crowngrin:
  19. Lizabethrose1

    Lizabethrose1 Members

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    This number seems very low to me. in my experience in having these discussions with my friends and fiancé it seems that younger people in general have more sexual experiences than before. Because contraceptives are so common, why not experiment? If sex is done safely and with an age appropriate person then it can be mutually beneficial for personal enjoyment as well as sexual education. I wonder when this statistic was pulled? There is no date attached, so this statistic could be less of value in today's world if it was from 10 years ago. With so many contraceptives on the market today, I believe people are having more sex than ever before. Especially with a greater understanding and acceptance of many other types of sexual orientation. There are also many different types of sexual enhancement options today, from play items to outfits, movies, sexy fames and toys. There are countless items for couples, partners and causal lovers/hookups to enjoy to enhance the feel and experience of sex. All of these things must account for higher numbers in today's society and its love for sex. That brings me to a new point, with the amount of sex and sexuality displayed in marketing of today, where children are sexualized from a young age and socially matured to think of sex sooner, the experimental rate must go up. Lastly, any polls based on sex are innately skewed. When interviewed, people have the ability and/or tendency to lie when possible so they are not embarrassed of choices they have made. So, no matter the statistics there is always a large chance when related to sex that they are inaccurate.
  20. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    because it still needs to be consensual?

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