I am worried about my sexuality! Serious q, please reply!

Discussion in 'Love and Sex' started by Mgordon, Jul 28, 2014.

  1. Mgordon

    Mgordon Guest

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    This is not a troll post , i'm very honest and serious. One of reasons I joined his forum just to ask this question.

    I am straight , I was always. I have had a sexual intercourse with about 10 women past 9 years. I'm 24 years old.

    Due to fact I've watched so much porn and I have naturally high libido and I am very sexual person also I have noticed strong desire to suck a penis and I am turned on by shemales but with feminine looking face , not masculine.

    So here i goes , try to understand , I would have sex and suck a penis from very attractive shemale , but not male.

    Male is a turn off , esp multiple man.

    But I am incredibly just turn by thinking getting railed and sucking a penis from beautiful feminine looking shemales with nice penor.

    Explain my situation please.

    I am dead serious
  2. MikeE

    MikeE Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    I'm not going to explain your situation, because you are serious.

    It sounds like you are looking for a box to put yourself it or a label the pin on yourself. "Mgordon" is the only label you need.

    I do want to make one comment. When you go looking for your fantasy, you'll get a lot further if you avoid the term "she-male". Pre-op transexual is a better term. She-male is derogatory. You aren't meaning it that way, but ... head's up about terminology.
  3. Mgordon

    Mgordon Guest

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    How about you explain?
  4. Alternative_Thinker

    Alternative_Thinker Darth Mysterious

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    Actually, he just did, even though he said he wasn't going to.

    I'm with Mike on this one, you seem to be focusing too much on putting yourself under a particular category. You are aroused by what arouses you. As long as no one is harmed in the process, why worry? Take a deep breath, embrace your own sexuality, and enjoy life. :)

    All the best.
    1 person likes this.
  5. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Likely, if you'd never seen a transgendered woman pre op in a porn, you'd have no attraction to a person you knew was transgendered, based on your terminology.

    So, media created desire.

    Nothing more.
  6. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    Hey Vlad Putin thats you isnt it?
  7. Lannes

    Lannes Members

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    Labels....boxes.....Try to avoid them. It's all just sex. I'm a married grandfather. Spent most of my life having no interest in sex with guys. Then one day - surfing the net for porn - I noticed myself lingering over cock-shots, thinking: "I wouldn't mind sucking on that!" I explored the subject further, and eventually acted on it.

    I still love sex with women. Men themselves don't turn me on at all. I have no desire to kiss or cuddle a guy. I just enjoy stroking, licking, sucking dick and swallowing cum. Something a woman cannot give me.

    I wouldn't worry about it, if I was you. It's like eating italian all your life, and then realising you have a craving for chinese food.
    1 person likes this.
  8. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    i think that will be the new metaphor for gay sex...eating chinese food.
    is he going out with that guy?
    yeah he will be eating chinese food tonight.
  9. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Thought thats what this thread was about
  10. Vince921

    Vince921 Members

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    I became attracted to penises in my forties, when I talked to my wife about it she admitted she was curious about women to, we both tried out our fantasies and are happily bi
  11. StopitJoanJett

    StopitJoanJett Members

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    They say that you'd be more attracted to penises the more you watch porn.
  12. lonewolf83

    lonewolf83 Members

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    i know how you feel. Your watching porn and when you see that that hard cock being sucked by that porn star you wish you were doing the sucking. Yet you cant stomache the thought of kissing a man. i sometimes think about putting a soft dick in my mouth and feel it grow. Havent done it yet, im in relationship and i am loyal (i don't do that double life stuff) My advice to you would be to do it. There are glory holes at some adult book stores (not sure if you want to go that route, it is anonymous thought). Or you can put out a personal ad or something lay out what you want. You only live once. Play but play safe. Let me know how it went, if you chose to act on it.
  13. MissEmma

    MissEmma Member

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    I think it is important to note that not all trans women seek gender reassignment surgeries, therefore saying "pre-op transexual" may not be fitting in all cases.

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