Are women finally speaking out against misandry?

Discussion in 'Feel Good Feminism' started by Fueled by Coffee, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    Who's making assumptions now?

    It's just as ignorant to assume all the women in the blog are trying to sabotage everything feminism worked so hard for since the beginning. When perhaps there's a chance they're trying shine a light on the dark side of the movement before it gets too out of hand.

    However, if by "going against everything we've worked so hard for," you mean all the victimization of females/vilification of males, hypocrisy, myth of the wage gap. Then yes I guess you're right
  2. QueerPoet

    QueerPoet Senior Member

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    I grew up reading Gloria Steinem, and had mixed feelings about what she believed. Most of it I could appreciate big time, but some of her ideas just didn't ring true (IMO). Her most current books seem to contradict much of what she was writing when she first began to publish. In fact, she even has stated this herself, so I guess true wisdom really is one of the best things about getting older.

    Have you read Camille Paglia (a self-described dissident feminist)? Now she is really out there! Most feminists dislike her big time. I don't know what to make of her. Sometimes I think she just wants to provoke people (and is laughing all the way to the bank). :confused:

  3. Cherea

    Cherea Senior Member

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    So what? Feminism is called socialism in panties for a reason. So every misfortune should be redressed with taxpayer money? If I'm run over by a drunk driver, am I entitled to tax-subsidized healthcare? That's ridiculous.

    Also, rape is already in the books as a heinous crime. Put in place largely by men. Period. What feminists are trying to do is expand the legal definition of rape to include the entirety of male sexuality without due process or evidence based rulings. The very sexuality that women themselves have evolutionarily selected for, and continue to select widely.
  4. Cherea

    Cherea Senior Member

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    Of course she is hated by feminists. She respects men, their contributions, and men's sexuality. Although I would agree she plays up the controversy angle quite a bit. Used to be a fan, but she lost me at "I worship mother nature."
  5. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    I think that may be pushing it just a little.

    And if you look at the rape situation in both the military and many college campuses currently it is clear there is much that still needs worked on-at least in the aspect that authorities get called when people (yes, i did say people and not women, cause I know this happens to men too) report things (to schools or military personnel).... Whether anyone wants to call an issue like these a feminism issue or just, a HUMAN issue, whatever... I don't really care. My only point is it's clear that things still need improved ...a lot. (Not even to mention all the rape kits sitting around that haven't been tested.)
  6. Ernesto Apocaloptimisto

    Ernesto Apocaloptimisto self-banned

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    This is exactly what I'm talking about! Too many women ignorantly follow their evolutionary instincts even though the good aspects of civilization have largely eliminated the need for those instincts. Because of this trend, they end up breeding with and raising psychopath rapists.

    As corrupt civilization spread and wiped out the hunter/gatherers, psychopath rapists would have been more likely to be able to provide for a family than a peaceful inventor. As long as the psychos are around and our civilization is corrupt, the numbers of peaceful creative types will be relatively small in proportion to the psycho/destroyer/consumers. Society is ran by the psychos because live and let live types don't lust for power. As long as they are in charge, they will make change difficult. Now that there have been a few peaceful creative types around for a while, we finally have the technology and knowledge to easily live a peaceful, sustainable existence. Just have to get the psychos out of the way and we can all thrive. Killing them off is sinking to their level. Better to quit breeding with them.

    Anyway, I hope that someone starts the No Peace, No Pussy movement soon! I'd start it but I'm a man.....and a nerd....and a pacifist, so my opinions don't count. ;)
  7. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    I have heard of the term "eye-raped" before, which means checking someone out from head to toe. I always thought that term was a really dark joke , a rape joke. I never found rape jokes to be funny.

    I've read the statistic that 1 out of 4 women will experience rape is a myth. Instead, it's 1 out of 4 women may experience sexual assault. Which can vary from any form of sexual aggression. But instead the media exaggerates that statistic to make it sound more severe than it really is by naming the most extreme form of sexual assault (rape) and falsifying the statement. A lie like that can make the world sound like a terrifying place for a small woman; it's just another example of how propaganda can make women fear men and create more gender division.

    When I started my freshman year of college many years ago, we were required to attend an assembly where they laid out the ground rules. One of the rules was that after alcohol touches a girl's lips, the sex is no longer consensual, it becomes rape because she has impaired judgment. As a young pre-adult male, that made me extra cautious about going out and fooling around with girls. Having sex and regretting it the next day doesn't make it rape, but apparently to some people it is.
  8. QueerPoet

    QueerPoet Senior Member

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    Camille Paglia has a different take on the subject. A VERY different take. :wink:

  9. Cherea

    Cherea Senior Member

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    The "eye rape" lobby is an example of feminism's sheer disregard for freedom of speech. Women can tell 'em to get a life, stare back, flip the guy off, or ignore them. But no, feminists want the state to be in on every manisfestation of male sexuality which might be the least bit inconvenient to them.

    I've had my ass grabbed before. In front of my girlfriend, no less. Were I a woman, I could easily have made it into the sexual assault statistics. But since a pert blonde did it, I guess it's just cute.

    Here's an excellent article about what they are trying to do to boys on campus:
  10. Driftwood Gypsy

    Driftwood Gypsy Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    i really don't see what's so terrible. education and efforts to prevent rape and sexual assault are good. i don't see the big injustice....
  11. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    When you change the definition of the word to mean any form of sexual advancement made by a male to a female. You downplay the severity of real rape, and the victims' lives who've been affected by it. Not only that, but you'll likely create a generation full of paranoid young women who have zero trust in men, and young men who are too afraid to approach women for dates. Education would be good if it wasn't loaded with propaganda and lies.

    Perhaps this is the reason why feminism is dying in the west. You've got lots of outspoken lunatics who claim all P.I.V. sex is rape. You've got the rad-fems who insist on spelling woman with a Y, because they buy into the divide-and-conquer scheme by separating themselves from men as far as possible. And when someone asks what rights western men have that women don't, they aren't capable of providing an answer.
  12. Cherea

    Cherea Senior Member

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    ThePoetSappho is our resident anarchist who wants more state intervention.
  13. Driftwood Gypsy

    Driftwood Gypsy Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    if the state absolutely feels it must intervene, women might as well be granted equal rights.
  14. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    The only time the State "feels it must intervene," is when an inside profit can be made, or a voter demographic can be exploited.


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