Easy logic proves you are of Spirit.

Discussion in 'Agnosticism and Atheism' started by hickey, Jun 24, 2014.

  1. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Is the fact you are alive a personal belief? Belief informs perception and we can believe things that are not true. Perception is not knowledge.

    The future is not defined but it is fashioned from memory. Every instant consists of cycles of respiration. There is inhalation and exhalation and a pause between or a period of high and low slack wherein we make a present choice of how we want the world to appear as we take our previous model, memory, and add to it, intent. To have a future fundamentally different from the past we make a different choice in the present.

    The proof of religious people, conspiracy theorists, and politicians is that belief informs perception, not that perception is knowledge.
  2. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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    For certain people life is an illusion. Belief and perception influence each other. Perception is knowledge to those who believe it is.

    In short: everybody makes their own reality. Nothing you can do about it.

    If you mean by "fashioned" that the future is influenced by the past then I concur. But there are too many factors shaping the future.

    See above.
  3. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Everybody creates the quality of there own experience to the degree we intend but we share a consensual reality and you certainly can recognize it. I don't mean influenced by the past. Memory is always living tissue and the future only exists by virtue of the backstop of conception. That is there is temporal order even though there are no discrete or not present times. Temporal order becomes apparent to us via conception or the thought comes first. What people are certainly illusionary, perhaps lilliputions or straightforward politicians?
  4. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    may not be undifined to itself, but certainly not limited by, nor to, what anything human thinks they know about it.

    what is being missed here, is that the combined ego of the human species, does not and cannot, over ride the diversity of the real universe, of which even all of us together, are only one very small part, after all.

    (we don't live in a universe that HAS TO give a shit. and considering the pettyness of our own egos, even combined, we should be very greatful that it does not)
  5. hickey

    hickey Member

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    Logical and easy is Spirit.
    Spirit affords life and an allowance of its nature to be in. The same. It can come from no substitute or deceiver. You are in Spirit. All else too, souls more so (in a concept now best forgotten).

    (Nobody created themselves or this world. We did concept the Word ....the name for this principle impermeable is Spirit. Only one. One is All that is required in a word.
    Truth be holy)

    (Don't believe, conceive consciousness, conception now.)

    PS- Current perceptions of the obvious leads to our practices of the oblivion.

    Wisdom is truly found by those who practice excesses.

    Drop all beliefs like leafs from a tree. They do no good.
    Listen to yourself. Its all there for you....and most is way better ignored - it taint really real.

    (Forum spin sh*t; hold in hand, throw at wall)
  6. Anaximenes

    Anaximenes Senior Member

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    Hey, anyway, what of the tough logic, hard nosed positivism? The ego is only a tally amongst the humanity for finding out the believers for truly they, usually misguidedly, can't help believing in. Maybe, for the point of failing the easy logic (deliberately), there is physical reality explanation for the souls of the world.
  7. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    how is it saying words are not real to say that a word and what it represents are not the same thing? have you ever actually seen a real cat?

    yes, words ARE things that actually exist AS WORDS. they are NOT however, the things they name or represent. how is this not self evident and obvious?

    (would a picture of a stick figure stroking a piece of paper with the word cat written on it, be a picture of "the dope" petting a cat? is this a question i should even have to ask?)
  8. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    easy logic also 'proves' the 'spirit' we are 'of ', is undefined and undefinable.

    (as if 'logic' 'proves' anything. it just doesn't 'prove' any less then the absence of logic would. and of course the absence of logic 'proves' nothing at all)

    proof, REAL proof, is a function of reliably consistent and repeatable evidence. NOT games played with words.
  9. Monkey Boy

    Monkey Boy Senior Member

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    Why would truth depend on the eye?
  10. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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    It's a figure of speech.

    Also: if I poked you in the eye hard enough the truth would be that you'd go blind.
  11. Mountain Valley Wolf

    Mountain Valley Wolf Senior Member

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    Themnax had it right----how do we go from void to it----that is the real prboblem.

    While this is good, it starts out with a fail as well: Just because we as humans cannot perceive of a state of nothingness, does not mean that such a state is impossible----though because such a state is inconceivable, it is not logical from a human perspective.

    To explain away consciousness as an illusion by deomonstrating the illusion of consciousness that exists within technology is to completely do away with experiences of a supernatural nature. While much of such things are controversial and even subject to debunking by science, there are those cases that are not. Spend time in ceremony with any group of indigenous people who still hold onto their traditional beliefs and such the idea that consciousness is an illusion becomes challenged. Stay with them long enough, and at some point such an idea will be thrown completely out the window.
  12. Piaf

    Piaf Senior Member

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    I am.
  13. Mountain Valley Wolf

    Mountain Valley Wolf Senior Member

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    And with those simple two sentences---the whole of Hegel's career was laid to waste as the misguided musings of an old man trapped in an endless word game...

    What a joke! (It seems.) Not you Themnax, Hegel.

    So as we finally lay Hegel and his dialectic to rest, buried deep (much deeper than 6' under) in the soil of Modernity we can finally move forward and... wait a minute! Did you see that? Something moved! Oh my God!!! His bony, leathery, elderly-claw of a hand thrusts out at us through the dirt of his grave!! He's got my foot---I can't move!!!

    Help me guys----yes, his dialectic did provide new perspectives, and it was a progress of sorts in the struggle to come to terms with ontological issues that physical reality will never solve-----but I'm afraid he will pull me down with him!!! Oh my God---I don't want to end up in his grave!!! His bony grip is too strong!!!

    What is it that gives him so much strength? Oh yes, of course---relativism---the philosophical bane of the modern age----the fact that truth is, no matter how objective and empirical that we can define it, still ulitmately subjective----how can we ever escape his clutches?!

    Oh, right he's old----I'll just stamp on his frail hand and be done with it... There I'll just stomp a few times and...

    Oh no... the horrors of it all!!! Look at all the hands sticking out at us clear across the graveyard----the soil of modernity can't keep them down---Aristotle, Plato, Berkeley, Husserl... They are all over--it is the zombie apocalypse! It has finally arrived and they are after our brains!!!

    Well Themnax---it was eloquent in its simplicity, and while at one level it is correct-----I just wasn't sure where it would take us...
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  14. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    we can say spirit comes and goes from the body or that spirit respires abidingly with the body
  15. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Being alive we can say we are of life or with life.
  16. Monkey Boy

    Monkey Boy Senior Member

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  17. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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  18. volunteer_tommy

    volunteer_tommy Elongated Member

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    So... in your logic, you say nothing is something... you say that conception happens before nature... that being comes before universal... that nature warrants life... that life warrants consciousness... that consciousness means you will have an idea of self...

    yeah... no. So far, I'm not seeing easy logic... or logic at all, really...

    hmm... self, suffering, sacrifice, love, truth...

    truth - WHAT?[​IMG]

    You have me until you get to the bit about "truth - god". Those two things are in no way related. You can't prove it, provide examples. My bellybutton is true. I can check right now - got my right hand pointer stuck in it right now, so yep, it's there. But this is where your "logic" meets fuckuppy :)

    "Logic" [​IMG]
  19. relaxxx

    relaxxx Senior Member

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    No, I disagree. 'Nothing' is nothing but a human concept and false perception from ignorance. For instance, many would say "there is nothing in this empty box". In actuality there is air and light photons and magnetic fields and radio waves... Someone might point to a dark region of space and say there's nothing there, then hubble deep field shows otherwise.

    Empty space is the same, we perceive it as nothing but it's actually foaming with activity.


    It is literally impossible for there to be nothing anywhere. "be nothing" is an oxymoron.
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  20. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Fuckuppy here.
    Is there a god is an authority problem. Truth and god are related. Truth is an authority figure. The only truth we ever recognize is the one we invoke or agree with. That invocation carries all authority to you and you can imagine a time when it would be possible that you would put your life on the line for a principle or a conviction. God being jealous is the god of self interest and we can touch the army of god in the armed forces of the united states or our local police force or our court system or any coercive maneuver on any one individuals part. Our invocations have god like power to determine for ourselves and in concert or discordance with other voices the value of life's experience. We are in turn devoted to our own evaluations. Where our treasure is there is our passionate response also. Everyone has a treasure, blessed are those who hunger and thirst after correctness, what is so, for they shall be satisfied, or the truth sets us free.
    Error or accident obscure the truth. If you have good information you will be at ease. If you experience anxiety you have misapprehended what is so.

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