New French girl ! :)

Discussion in 'Lesbian' started by Frenchygirl5, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. Frenchygirl5

    Frenchygirl5 Guest

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    Hey there.
    So I'm very new to all of this. I'm 20 and live in France and just feel like finding a few people I could relate with and chat with, in ways i can't really with my friends and family i guess (plus people on this forum seem really nice ;) ).

    A few words about me : i'm finallly getting into business school after two years of hard hard work. I love soccer, handball, badminton, volleyball, hicking... pretty much all sports actually even though i'm quite feminine. Still trying to figure out if i'm bi or gay (many relationships with guys, but the love of my life is a girl... gonna need your advice on this). It's tough to come out in France and i feel like business school should be my new start to live proud and openly, right ?

    Anyway, anyone feeling like sharing their life story ?
  2. Frenchlover

    Frenchlover Member

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    Hello :) I'm new here too.
  3. Frenchlover

    Frenchlover Member

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    Cant help you with advice right now but maybe we can speak un peu francais! s'il vous plait.
  4. Frenchygirl5

    Frenchygirl5 Guest

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    Haha pas de problème ! De quoi veux-tu parler ? ;)
  5. Sundance29

    Sundance29 Guest

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    Bonjour Frenchygirl5,

    I would love to speak with you! We have very similar interests. I am 18 years old and I am going to college next fall as a freshmen. I am interested in women more than men lately too. I love French and have taken three years already...I want to major in French as well. Message me back so we can share stories!
  6. Frenchlover

    Frenchlover Member

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    Hi! Quoi de neuf ? :)
  7. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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  8. amesull

    amesull Guest

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    Hey! Im a 22 year spanish girl who totally feels like you! it would be good to talk!
  9. Frenchlover

    Frenchlover Member

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    Merci beaucoup :p
  10. Frenchygirl5

    Frenchygirl5 Guest

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    Sundance29 and amesull, i'm open for a chat anytime. But I can't seem to firgure out how to get the chatroom working.
    Would you tell me more about yourselves ?
  11. CC23

    CC23 Member

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    Hi need more posts/points to become a member...once you are you have private messages available and you can chat directly to people.
  12. amesull

    amesull Guest

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    Cant we do it via private messages?? i dont know how to do it! as i said im a spanish girl, i finished my bachelors and returned to my homecity, where i began to consider i might be gay. I also like sports (mostly tenis and skiing) and im quite feminim. what about you??
  13. Sundance29

    Sundance29 Guest

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    I am quite feminine as well. I love tennis and play leisurely with friends and family. You interest me because you sound exotic and very intelligent!! I would like to email you directly...would you like to share email addresses?
  14. Sundance29

    Sundance29 Guest

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    I am very down-to-earth and like deep conversations, especially about my past and my family, because they are both very important to me. That being said, I also enjoy dancing and drinking wine...I'm sure you have done your fair share of that in France!! Would you like to swap email addresses so we may speak more privately, s'il tu plait?
  15. Frenchygirl5

    Frenchygirl5 Guest

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    You both sound really nice and interesting.

    Amesull : what was your bachelor in ? What made you think you might be gay ? I'm always curious to know this because it's so different for everyone. I hear a lot of people say they've always known, but i never knew until like a year ago. even though i was in love with a girl, i still was convinced i was straight haha

    Sundance : i love how i fill into every french cliché : i love red wine and am quite fond of dancing (rock) ;) if we have just a few more posts we'll be able to send private messages !

    Anyway in general i'm also very down to earth though i'm an expert in big philosophical question about life and friendships and family, and mostly about love which i find is the post passionating thing ever (yes this sounds corny, sorry ;) ). If it's so important to me it's probably because my first (and only) grilfriend really changed something about me by letting me know true, intense and soul crushing love. Since we were parted ( 5 years ago) i haven't spent a day without missing her. But anyway, I could literally go on for hours about it and don't want to bore you.

    Please both tell me anything you'd like to share. It's nice to have a conversation that doesn't involve micro-economics or marketing or math, which is basically all i hear all year long !
  16. amesull

    amesull Guest

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    Hi Sundance! haha, its funny, ive never thought of myself as an exotic person! where are you from?? and frenchygirl, i dont know... yes, i think ive always really known it but rejected it to myself, ive been with men but i have to admit that havent liked any too much! what about you?? you woke up one morning and realized you might be gay?? (hehe! just exagerating, i dont think its so drastic at all). And regarding the stereotypes, please frenchygirl, dont tell me that you are the typical creppe maker french! :) my bachelor was in economics, so i enjoy those conversations about micro economics which you seem to be already bored about! hehe
  17. Sundance29

    Sundance29 Guest

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    Haha while I appreciate your modesty I should say that you need to embrace being exotic! I feel like I am at a moment in my life where I am ready to meet people who are just as passionate about their sexuality as I know I can be. I am eighteen years old and feel trapped inside a box because I haven't come to terms with myself about being a lesbian. Maybe you could offer me some advice, because I haven't been able to meet another lesbian who could tell me that the feelings that I am experiencing are okay, and that I should accept within myself that I am a lesbian. Sorry, I know I am getting a little deep...haha anyways I am from South Carolina. It is very hot here and for the most part people here are very friendly. For fun I like to go to our city river with friends, where we hike out to this huge rock in the middle of the water and swim. What do you do for fun? You said you are a Spanish girl..where are you from? Please tell me more about your home city! :)
  18. Sundance29

    Sundance29 Guest

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    I quite enjoy rock as well! Especially classic bands like the Beatles and even the legendary David Bowie! :) I am very interested in you because you are from France, a country that I have fantasized about for years because I intend to major in French in college next year. I am so passionate about the language, since it comes natural to me and is very romantic. <3

    When you wrote that love is the most passionate thing in your life I really understood what you meant. In my life I try to abide by the thought that human connections and relationships are what drive us to make certain decisions. When you meet someone who understands you on a deeper level that really makes you think about your existence and place in life. For instance I had a relationship two years ago with a girl who I really liked. We got to know each other ironically in my French class, and from there we eventually became closer and closer, until one night when I went over to her house and we had sex. I really liked her so it hurt my feelings when after that night she didn't want to be with me anymore. She was known to always have a string of guys who she slept with, so when she left me for them I thought that I had done something wrong or made a bad decision to sleep with her. But now I realize that I was only acting on a sexual impulse with her. I want a real relationship with a girl, one who will initiate deep conversations and share my enthusiasm to get to know someone.

    You mentioned you had a girlfriend of five years. It sounds like you two were very compatible and I'm sorry to here that you broke up. How did you two meet?
  19. jackie1

    jackie1 Guest

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    Hey girls!
    Since this seems to be a thread with newly "out" bi/gay girls, I'm gonna join you and tell you a bit about myself. :)
    I'm 22, in college and I am in a relationship with a girl for the first time in my life! It took me way too long to accept that I like girls and it was so f***ing scary to finally give myself a little push and just go for it! But now I couldn't be happier. We've been dating for 3 months now, she's a lovely woman, and we connect on so many levels.
    She is a few years older than me and has been with a few girls before, so I was extremely nervous about everything at the beginning (especially the stuff that happens in bed. ;) ). But I seem to have gotten the hang of it.
    I came out to some of my close friends and my brother, and so far I've only gotten quite positive responses. Some of my guy friends are making jokes, which I just laugh of, telling myself they don't know any better.
    I'm quite new here and also to the lesbian world, so I'd be happy to talk to anyone in a similar position, just to exchange thoughts and stuff! :)

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