A Synthesis Perspective On God

Discussion in 'Agnosticism and Atheism' started by Avadar, May 22, 2014.

  1. Dejavu

    Dejavu Until the great unbanning

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    Regardless, the chance of reunion belies any irrevocability in division.

    I know you didn't state that, I'm asking why. Or as thedope puts it, what remains to return from an irrevocable division?

    God doesn't have to exist, it's true, but you're saying he once did!

    I have no problem agreeing to disagree if you really want to. thedope does though! It's as though he believes disagreements could be irrevocable! ;-D
  2. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Wasn't my conclusion Avadar. It was your statement. You said you did this massive work that put you at an accelerated pace and it was very difficult to do.

    That is not true. You talked about old ideas that are fundamentally represented by the eschatology of many religions. We have heard these before

    You have the answers to the questions I asked of you.

    Why do you want to argue? Honest answers will suffice.


    The measure you give is the measure you receive. That is not an eventuality but a fact of perception. As above so below is not an eventuality but a statement of equality, is it not?
  3. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    I said there was no need as there is always room for agreement.
  4. Dejavu

    Dejavu Until the great unbanning

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    That room including the agreement to disagree? lol Never mind, let's try and fathom these odds Avadar is on about for his gods great comeback when he insists it must have happened already in the past. ;-D
  5. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Yeah well as it stands his speech is self contradictory. Perhaps he or she could up the ante!
  6. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    And agree to disagree is an oxymoron. Leaving it at decline to find agreement. It doesn't take agreement to disagree.
  7. Dejavu

    Dejavu Until the great unbanning

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  8. Avadar

    Avadar Guest

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    For the benefit of sincere people like Moonglow181...

    The thesis is that God exists.

    The antithesis is that God does not exist.

    While the synthesis is that there was a God billions of years ago - who used The Light to orchestrate The Big Bang - but that He is no longer in existence due to the total division of His consciousness.

    If you take a book or document and shred it into thousands of pieces it is no longer what it was before.

    So despite all souls being what is left of The Original Creator, the Godhead ended long ago.

    Will it emerge again as it was explained?

    Only time will tell.

  9. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    I wonder what kind of karmic debt you incur with that comment? I give you the most valuable thing I have which is my timely and serious attention. I will remind you in deference to your statement that you are here to further your own development that you asked;
    Synthesis means,
    combination or composition, in particular,
    the combination of ideas to form a theory or system.
    Not the combination of opposing ideas.

    A divided consciousness is not a nonexistent consciousness although you seem to have a split mind about that.

    I read it intact and also in relation to observable things. It is not so that I have not treated your offering with respect.

    No according to your description the god head exists in the heads of everyone.

    Sure thing. The reasoning or it's articulation is off on the face of it no matter how synthetic you think you are. If you want to explain something do a better job of it. This is the challenge that Dejavu puts to me trying to find agreement in terms.

    Tell what? Whether you gain satisfaction or not? Only your own growth will satisfy you. How about synthesizing your own incongruous ideas so that we can appreciate what you are saying?
  10. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Will it emerge as was explained? According to you it is not left open to debate if god created a finite universe.
    As far as your source material for the statement that god created a finite universe, your source said in analysis of the whole article that the science is not in.
  11. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    This is not a synthesis of ideas but a contradictory statement.
  12. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    ' god no longer existing because it is infinitely divided ' is a meta-
    physical contruction . its creator has a motive . let the motive be
    clearly exposed - for that would be more interesting .
  13. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    That would be the author of the synthetic idea. It may be a metaconstruction but our language has clear abilities. I think the poser, the one presenting the idea of metaconstruction could more aptly use simply constructed syntax. But alas it is complicated by the fact that Avadar regards a seriously challenging question as an affront to his authority and taking brutal offense, clams up.
  14. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    perhaps the creator is just another old man with a gift
    for children . it reads like a comic book .

    my old auntie was buried today - age 99 . she left us with
    a simple little book ... of farmer stories .
  15. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    i'm getting older and less able to make cogent representation of things
    perhaps the old man just forgot to say anything of his whereabouts or forgot where he left them
  16. Avadar

    Avadar Guest

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    Keep in mind that you are skating on thin ice with the tone of your argument. If that doesn't improve you will simply be another worthless addition to my ignore list.

    Point 1:

    The first thing we all need to remember is that without The Original Creator none of us would be here. Our very existence is not a given. It had to be earned and not one of us did that on our own. Someone else suffered and struggled for it to happen in the first place!

    What that inherently means is that we all have a karmic debt to The Original Creator. Every positive thing, every opportunity, every beneficial relationship that we have had in all our lives - incarnate and discarnate - stems from Him having started it all - whether we want to accept that or not.

    Kind of like when the morally corrupt who have crossed over, thereby becoming inferior spirits, whine and try to fight The Light, to no avail, and are indirectly forced to reside in hellish dimensions with others of like mind and disposition. As with the futility of trying to fight the force of gravity, it is quite impossible to fight the non-living Light and win. After they cross over, inferior spirits do it constantly and invariably shrink their consciousness (more rapidly) to the first plane. Whereby they become amphorous brown blobs of emotional agony. There are no Net forums with which to whine, complain, and antagonize.

    Poetic justice is served regardless of belief system in a constant scenario unfolding that I do not find altogether unamusing. :2thumbsup:

    The technology will eventually emerge to be able to film people in Hell. Something they won't appreciate but a great illumination to those in the flesh.

    Point 2:

    All souls, even gods, however advanced, are limited in scope of power. There is no such thing as infinite spiritual development, omniscience, and omnipotence. People have to shake the chains of traditional constraining conceptions of what "God" is and what spiritual growth entails.

    Once again, the Universe is finite, yet vast, because its Creator was finite and not endless. If the Universe was infinite and not just 70 billion light years across, than one could logically conclude that its Creator was infinite in spiritual development.

    Point 3:

    You insinuate that there is a sinister motive behind the planned First Coming.

    I submit that the motive of The Original Creator is nobler than that of every single spiritual person in history.

    Certainly a greater spiritual motive than anyone in here.

    His plan, which is close to finalization (and not from me I might add, but from others on the Higher Stages of God Realization), is to emerge in a Universe that is teeming with humanoid civilizations and have an intergalactic impact.

    The landlord is coming home. If we don't like it we can get out. If He doesn't like us he will throw us out.

    An old man with a very big club that is used to smash evil children and gently raise up the good ones.

    You have nothing to fear as long as you are not also among the corrupt. *LOL*

    The vast majority of His children have not chosen a spiritual path in devotion to The Light.

    This results in an easy spiritual overthrow on His part that will from my perspective be quite entertaining.

    Although I don't believe He will use the body of an old man. No point to that. He will likely be youthful and handsome, like a charismatic actor in a recent popular major motion picture.

    As far as I am concerned, anything He does would be an improvement here. Not the least of which is a massive cleansing of many in the flesh who really need to be sent to the first or second planes - for their own spiritual edification and to indirectly improve upon the basic human condition from them simply not being around.

    Also funny!

    So I say...

    Let whomever bring Him here do so as quickly as possible !

    The ultimate contest of rarefied GodCraft versus physically-based high technology in many systems!


    Let the battle and inevitable massive cleansing begin !

  17. Dejavu

    Dejavu Until the great unbanning

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    Looks like you've got some shit to fear there then Avadar. lol

    But let's move forward to the past, since that's what your god'll have to do after his homecoming parade, just as he must've always done before, in precisely the same way, never being able to have any choice in doing differently, because he doesn't actually exist beyond your imagination.

    Can't hang on? :-D

    I can afford to laugh at you, not wanting you to become one of your "amphorous[sic] brown blobs of emotional agony." lol

    I find it amusing too, but for very different reasons it seems. You think you want slaughter. lol You've come to believe in it as inevitable. Better be a dancer is all I've got to say to that. :-D

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpCceB_nL-U"]Rude And Deadly vs Da Dogz - Murder De Boy - YouTube
  18. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    The creator I clearly referred to is you , the writer . You carry on the
    reference weirdly and apparently with self-interested indulgence .

    Could it be you are the One at the end of philosophy ?

    At the end of philosophy the Lunatic is the last one standing , and
    the next to the last is Love .
  19. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Are we done with the thesis antithesis thesis of synthesis, because first thing to remember is a new thesis all together?
    Fact is I didn't ask to be created for there was no me to ask. I am as I am created I have no doubt. The woman who carried me in gestation didn't ask for rent she was happy to have a place to put her love. And I being created for love I emerge with love to give. First thing we all should remember is our last sane thought. How is that for thesis? I'm asking.

    What that inherently means is we are created for and with each other. Your function as gods creation is an inheritance of his will the creator creating not unlike himself. Your will for abundant life for yourself and your own is gods will.
    We don't come into life because we deserve it but because there is the desire that we have it.

    Who is not as god has created them? To believe you can usurp the will of god is arrogant and folly. The folly not being incurring wrath but inhibiting growth and certainly awareness of the ever redeeming spirit.

    What do you find amusing about justice being served, disregarding as you have, belief systems?

    We already have the technology to discern one thing from another and you are talking shitty lip smakin crap about everyone! I don't hold it against you because of my, "level of development." Love has no fear and fear flees at the sight of love. I desire mercy not sacrifice, go and learn what this means.

    Point 2:

    Limited and power are a contradiction in terms. All power is in the moment of now and all power to affect nature exists in this moments choice. If you want to extricate yourself from an unpleasant karmic cycle simply choose again. To have a future different from the past we make a different choice in the present. You have the power of god's will to do this. You have chosen to condemn/condone yourself to sacrifice, your own and everyone else's and for this you do owe a debt for taking what does not belong to you. The debt you owe is to your brother.


    All expressions of love are maximal.

    Not me. I say repent, reorient the pentacle of your senses because the kingdom of god is in your hand

    I submit your motive for this submission is to be nobler than anyone in this room.

    My gosh, how did I guess the punchline?

    I'll send a pic.
    Quit that jive ass smack talkin turkey! It's not my job to be your friend, I like friendly people. No one puts his light under a basket if he wants the world to see it!
  20. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    the most likely activator of this synthesis is Alien .

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