How bad is occasional Cocaine use?

Discussion in 'Other Drugs' started by LSAndrew, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. LSAndrew

    LSAndrew Member

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    Is occasional Cocaine use significantly bad for you if you only use it maybe once a month or so? I've recently been experimenting with it, and I find it enjoyable, but nothing too special. I don't want to seriously risk health for effects I don't find completely worth it. Let me know what you think, any warning about coke or anything. Thanks.
  2. meridianwest

    meridianwest Senior Member

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    occasional use is fine. in general, once or twice a month is not gonna have any serious health risks, unless you're somehow sensitive to the substance due to your own genetics/health. there's always a risk with anything you use. but i wouldn't worry about it like this.
  3. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    According to the every cardiac doctor Ive seen over the last month..
    not even a little bit is good for your heart. Can and does cause heart attacks in first time users depending on heath and genetics as stated above me.
  4. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    It is pretty toxic and yes, you can die or really mess up your heart even from seldom use. Not to even speak of the things it can be cut with.
  5. meridianwest

    meridianwest Senior Member

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    cocaine is less toxic than alcohol (more than 100% less toxic than alcohol, in fact), heroin, crack, or meth.

    of course it's not gonna cure any heart problems or make the heart better, but occasional use will rarely cause issues.

    and it's cut with aspirin, caffeine, lidocaine, lactose, baking soda, milk powder, and the like. not strychnine or cyanide. of course, if you buy from a shitty dealer who doesn't know what the fuck he's doing there could be anything in there. which goes without saying to use quality stuff, i.e. buy from long-established dealers and a higher purity thing. not from a street-corner newcomer you've never heard of before.

    you also have to take into account whether a person is injecting cocaine or snorting it. risks increase through injecting, of course.

    otherwise cocaine is a relatively safe substance, actually.
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  6. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    I'm not sure what you mean by it being "100% less toxic". Only half as toxic?

    Also cocaine has been cut with some very bad things in recent years.

  7. deleted

    deleted Visitor

  8. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    I wouldn't use it if I had underlying conditions, but it isn't the worst of the "hard drugs." (I don't use it anyway)
  9. meridianwest

    meridianwest Senior Member

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    i meant it relatively. if you take cocaine's toxicity as the base unit, then alcohol's toxicity would be ca 2.6 units, making alcohol about 260% more toxic than cocaine. of course, you can establish the base line at alcohol (which is the most harmful substance of abuse by current estimates, even more so than heroin which comes in second), then that would put cocaine's toxicity at around 40% in comparison.
  10. zastag_27

    zastag_27 Member

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    I think the main problem here is to find proper good coke, because they put lots of shit on it to cut it. And i've heard some of that shit they put is like some kind of medicine that is bad for the health... But i do sniff it once in a while and i'm still alive :D
  11. eggsprog

    eggsprog anti gang marriage HipForums Supporter

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    Keep in mind that it is almost impossible to purchase cocaine that does not support organized crime groups which exploit some of the poorest people on the planet.
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  12. meridianwest

    meridianwest Senior Member

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    not that i care about those poor people, but where is it possible to buy cocaine without the involvement of organized crime?

    medical use is limited to certain surgical procedures. it is not available through prescription for anyone, like amphetamines are. so, i fail to see how this puts any of the ''supporting'' the organized crime on the end user. the end user doesn't really have a choice. legalize it first and then start talking about who obtains it through what route exactly.
  13. murgatroid

    murgatroid Member

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    Looking through this thread, I don't think this has been mentioned yet. If you're taking it with alcohol in your system it's especially bad for you. Alcohol and Cocaine have some kind of chemical reaction in your body creating a supposedly even more toxic chemical called cocaethylene.
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  14. eggsprog

    eggsprog anti gang marriage HipForums Supporter

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    the end user has the choice to not purchase cocaine. and i agree with you, legalization would solve many of the problems associated with drug use.
  15. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I know some regular cocaine users who seem relatively healthy except for their teeth.
  16. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    I know someone who is 40 with a kid and he used to do it allot in his youth but now he only does it if someone passes it his way at a concert. He seems fine but it is the sort of substnace that is very easy to do too often. It is also a drug that is often cut with nasty things which are probably not healthy on their own. Buying it supports some very bad people. So overall it is not something I would recommend but there are allot of people who casually use it.
  17. oscar2u

    oscar2u Banned

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    Well, that cocaine can be addictive. You get a much more powerful and longer lasting effect with even the old dexadrine. These powerful stimulants are very damaging to your health and WILL make you psychotic as long as you use them. I never tried COKE much. The high was so short. About one half an hour for me. The speed lasts a long time. The problem is coming down. You HAVE to drink yourself off it and it takes a lot of booze to do so. I only played around with the Coke and speed for about one year. The health effects are DEVASTATING.
  18. meridianwest

    meridianwest Senior Member

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    or you could just swallow a couple of benzos and sleep it off.
  19. Desos

    Desos Senior Member

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    yea even occasional cocaine use can be damaging. i used to think it was ok, until one day i thought i had a heart attack. turns out i was just tripping out or having a panic attack but it was serious. intense numb tingling and pressure in my chest and arms, felt like i was going to vomit, intense sweats, felt like i was going to pass out, hyperventilating. even if there is a chance that it could damage your heart or cause a heart attack it is still not worth it. because it is exactly the attitude of 'oh it won't happen to me' that gets people hurt. because it did happen to me.

    when I got to the hospital they warned me of the dangers that it could have on my heart. and said i probably wouldn't grow old if i continued down this road.

    even occasional cocaine use, over a course of 10 years, could lead to heart problems.
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  20. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    yes...harmful...incrementally gets more harmful with ongoing/increased usage

    ive seen people with huge gross sores on their lips and nostrils.....known many that now have nylon septum implants

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