Treating Depression and Anxiety

Discussion in 'Mental Health' started by ezm8, Apr 16, 2014.

  1. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    People ask about treating depression and anxiety often enough that I decided to make a fairly extensive thread about the subject that I can link to.

    Treating Depression - Conventional Treatments


    There is much to criticize about meds, but if you are at risk for suicide, it's probably a good idea to take some meds, at least for a while.

    There are a bunch of different meds. No one med works well for everyone. Sometimes a particular med is ineffective, or has side effects.

    Some anti-depressant medications are addictive, meaning that if you stop taking them, some of your symptoms may become worse for a while.

    Meds often take time to "kick-in", so it may be worthwhile to stick with taking a scheduled med even if it seems like it is not working.

    If you feel a med isn't working, you may want to talk to the prescribing physician and ask to try another medication. Some people go through many meds before finding one that they like. You also might want to try a different psychiatrist. Not all doctors are equally competent.

    If you decide that you don't want to take a medication anymore, it's important to let your prescribing physician know about this. Suddenly ceasing to take a medication can have side effects. Usually when you stop taking a medication, the dose is reduced gradually


    There are different styles of therapy, and if you are dissatisfied with one kind, you might want to try another.

    Some therapists are really terrible, some are great. Some therapists are just a better match than others. It can be good to shop around and see if there is someone that you like.

    Some people benefit from having very intensive therapy (therapy everyday, or long sessions of therapy). There is also group therapy. Some people prefer the group interactions to meeting with a therapist. Group therapy is also often cheaper.

    Other medical treatments

    Certain medical conditions can mimick depression, or make depression worse. You might want to get an exam from a medical doctor check for these conditions. Sometimes people have vitamin deficiencies, such as b12 and d3, which are easy to check for and easy to treat.

    rTMS (repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation) and ect (electro-convulsive therapy).

    rTMS is a relatively new form of treatment for depression. Relatively few people who get rTMS get positive results, but those who do often get very positive results. It also has far fewer negative results than ect.

    Electro-convulsive therapy is the modern term for shock-treament. The current form of treatment applies much milder electrical current under anesthesia. Treatments are often given in multiple sessions (up to 10?). Ect is often given to people who have not been helped by medications or therapy. Many people have positive results from ect, but others experience no benefits or feel worse after treatment. Memory loss is a frequent side effect of treatment.

    Alternative Treatments

    many people find alternative and self-help methods effective. If you are feeling suicidal though, it is important to pursue the conventional treatments under the supervision of a doctor at least until you no longer feel suicidal.

    Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture

    These treatments have been endorsed by the world health organization for treating a variety of conditions. These treatments can be effective for treating depression and a variety of other related conditions, such as mental illness and insomnia.

    These treatments are often expensive though, and as with all treatments, the quality varies with the competence of the practitioner. It's good to shop around.

    If you are also receiving conventional treatments, it is good for both your md and acupuncturist to know what treatments you are receiving

    Self-Treatment methods

    There are a variety of self-treatment methods for depression that people find to be effective.

    Acupressure Self-Massage, Acupuncture's Self-Treatment Cousin

    Here's a link to instructions for performing acupressure self massage for depression, anxiety, insomnia, tension, and irritability.
    Acupressure Self-Massage For Treating Depression And Insomnia

    Regular, gentle, aerobic exercise.

    A half-hour per day of gentle aerobic activity has been found to be an effective treatment for depression. One study found that it was effective as treatment with the drug "zoloft".

    An intensity level that is just sufficient to break a very slight sweat is recommended. Exercising for more than a half-hour per day is not necessarily needed, though some people might want to exercise for longer. Really intense exercise with heavy sweating is often counterproductive.

    It's important to try to exercise every day, or at least three times per week, in order to get the benefits of exercise. Exercising for longer periods once or twice per week may not produce any benefits


    meditation may be helpful with depression, and also anxiety, insomnia, and stress-related conditions.

    As with exercise, regular practice is necessary in order to get good results. It is important to meditate as regularly as possible in order to get good results. It is better to meditate for 10 minutes every day than to meditate for two hours once a week.

    There are many methods of meditation. A simple method is to simply sit on the edge of a chair, with your back straight, with your eyes closed. Breathing gently, trying to clear the mind.

    You might want to look for more information about mediation on-line.

    Joining a meditation group can greatly increase the benefits of a meditation practice.

    Yoga and Qi-gong

    These practices can also be beneficial for treating depression and other illnesses. Some forms of these practices may not be appropriate for people who have certain, serious, mental health conditions

    Dietary Changes

    There are a number of approaches to diet, but I recommend reducing or eliminating consumption of processed foods, and emphasizing fresh, lightly cooked whole foods served warm. Not consuming anything cold (including water) can help. Foods like ice cream are especially bad.

    Eliminating processed foods is one of the most important steps. Left-overs are also bad. Minimally processed foods, such as uncooked, frozen vegetables are fine, so long as no chemicals have been added. Minimally processed rolled oats and dried beans are ok too. Dried beans can be prepared relatively quickly in a pressure cooker. Canned beans are much worse. Canned beans should at least be thoroughly rinsed, especially ones with chemicals. Frozen, pre-cooked dinners are especially bad.

    Small amounts of chicken, fish, and meat can be helpful. Processed meats should be avoided as much as possible.

    Many people find that sugar, wheat, and dairy products make their depression worse, and therefor you might want to experiment with eliminating these foods.

    While generally it's good to eat lightly cooked foods, a handful of raw walnuts per day may be beneficial for many people.


    I recommend the book "Curing Depression Naturally with Chinese Medicine" by Bob Flaws. The book contains information about many of the treatments above. The book also has additional information about an acupressure self-massage, agarwood incense, and jasmin flower tea.

    You can order the book, or you may be able to get it from your local library. Interlibrary borrowing may be necessary to get a copy. You can see a preview of the book here: Curing Depression Naturally with Chinese Medicine
    Some of the theoretical elements of the treatments may be hard to digest for those who are unfamiliar with Chinese medicine, but you may still find the treatments very helpful.

    Finding the reason why you are depressed and trying to fix it is often very effective. Often people can get to this with therapy. Fixing problems in a relationship, or getting out of an abusive relationship or situation can help.


    211 is available in the US and Canada for help with food, housing, employment, health care, counseling and more. You can call 211, and you can also visit the websites (US) or (Canada).

    Help with domestic violence

    Some other helpful things.

    Positive, caring contact with other people and with pets.

    Watching some funny movies and having some laughs in general.

    In addition to exercise, just getting some fresh air and sunshine.

    Taking a break from the world news or stressful situations. While it is good to care about others, it's possible to care too much and to over-stress yourself. Taking a vacation from worry can make you feel better, and be better for everyone in the long run. You can't do much to help others if you yourself are unable to function.

    This one is a bit awkward to mention, but important. For men, not ejaculating frequently, especially during the winter time.

    Hope that this helps and that things can get better soon!
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2020
  2. r0llinstoned

    r0llinstoned Gute Nacht, süßer Prinz

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    Diet and exercise are two of the most effective in my opinion. And they dont really have negative side effects or cost you anything. Unless your buying a shit load of organic food
  3. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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  4. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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  5. Mountain Valley Wolf

    Mountain Valley Wolf Senior Member

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    sweat lodge.

    I have never actually suffered from what would be clinically described as depression---so I am certainly not the best person to tell anyone what works.

    But I will say this----any time I have come out of a sweat lodge---the world was beautiful, it was a rebirth, and I was on a natural high. Everything is beautiful after a sweat lodge. And fast for at least 3 hours or more before you go in (but drink plenty of water---stop half an hour to 45 minutes before the lodge so you will have time to pee). After a sweat lodge---food is incredible too.

    But make sure it is a proper sweat lodge run by a medicine man or at least someone who has pierced at a sun dance for 4 years, and have been taught how to run the lodge. Don't ever pay money to go to a sweat, and if they ask for money---tell them that 'the sacred is not for sale, and they should be ashamed of themselves.' But nothing is free so bring some tobacco----even just a cigarette or two, or a cheap package of natural tobacco (the cheap natural tobacco only costs about $1.50 - $2.00).

    If you are having trouble finding a sweat lodge----check with your local Indian Center (in your nearest big city)----they should know of a few. There are probably quite a few in your area that you don't even know about.

    Be respectful---and send me an e-mail and I will give you an idea of what to expect and the protocol.
  6. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    I've never heard of a sweat lodge being used to treat depression, but maybe.

    In chinese medicine, sweating is often induced to treat colds and flues, but only within the first 12-24 hours of symptoms and only if there is no persperation accompanying the symptoms.

    Also, if you have what is called a "Wei Qi" deficiency, sweating is contraindicated. A "Wei Qi" deficiency may be inferred if you tend to get colds or flues frequently.

    Many depressed people may have a "Wei Qi" deficiency, so I would proceed with caution.

    Sweat lodges may be great for the right people though :)
  7. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Numerous medical conditions carry "depression" among their symptoms. Getting a physical with an extensive blood panel is a good idea before assuming "it's all in your head".
  8. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    this is a dangerous and very wrong statement...there are many factors and reasons why the majority of mentally ill people ABSOLUTELY SHOULD and do take medication

    for every horror story you can find there is hundreds that don't get told...the ones that are successful with their treatments

    ie...the dude that just murdered those sorority girls in california...wasn't at serious risk for suicide

    do you think diet and exercise would have helped him?
  9. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    Hi rollingalong, thanks for posting.

    At no time did I suggest that mentally ill people not take medications. The statement that you quoted, "There is much to criticize about meds, but if you are at risk for suicide, it's probably a good idea to take some meds, at least for a while" does not mean that you should only take meds if you are suicidal, though I can understand that someone might misinterpret it that way. Perhaps I can correct the statement so that it says

    There are a variety of treatment options for depression, medication is only one. Therapy may be a more effective option for many people, for example.

    Medications can help, but there's usually a good and bad side to most treatment options. Some antidepressants create dependency, for example, among other serious side effects.

    Given the videos he had posted about the plans for his attack, his mental health history, and that he ultimately died of a self-inflicted gun-shot wound to the head, it is very clear that he was at high risk for suicide.

    Firstly, he was not diagnosed with unipolar depression, nor was he in a stable state. He likely had a complex array of disorders, especially given that he had been prescribed risperidone (which is an anti-psychotic, not an anti-depressant).

    Secondly, studies have shown that getting a half hour per day of regular aerobic exercise three days per week is as effective as the anti-depressant zoloft. Had he suffered from unipolar depression alone, exercise might have helped him.
  10. Mountain Valley Wolf

    Mountain Valley Wolf Senior Member

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    A sweat lodge is a lot more than a place to sweat. If you find yourself in a sweat lodge, the medicine man would say you are there because spirit brought you there. He would add that spirit will never put you through something you can't handle. (On the other hand a sweat lodge is not like sitting at a picnic in the park either.)

    I forgot to mention that if the cause of your depression is the loss of a loved one, or some kind of loss or event that was quite traumatic, then there is a special kind of sweat lodge that you would want to ask for----it is called a 'wiping of the tears' and is a very powerful ceremony that will lift a lot of the pain away from you. In cases of death of a loved one, there is a specified mourning period that you go through first per Lakota tradition, but it is very powerful.
  11. Monkey Boy

    Monkey Boy Senior Member

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    That's what I use.
  12. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    Walking does seem to elevate mood
  13. wtfisthatkid

    wtfisthatkid Member

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    If you're like me and are depressed for only a period of time then you're fine(or if youre way too elevated, but thats what im getting at) again for a period of time and its a consistent thing you may want to look into bipolar.
    I have bipolar 2 and wasn't aware of my hypomania until after my diagnosis.
    Just wanted to add that in there because antidepressants aren't always the best thing for bipolar and I don't want anyone going manic and making stupid decisions or having a psychotic break as a result.
  14. IMjustfishin

    IMjustfishin Member

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    if your depressed sometimes..... isnt that normal??

    your not supposed to be happy 100% of the time.

    i agree with everyone here who said exercise and diet, but would like to add go out and socialize or at least take up a hobby ( in other words, go out and have some fun!)
  15. Rudenoodle

    Rudenoodle Minister of propaganda Lifetime Supporter

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    Exercise or masterbate when applicable.

    Preferably both at the same time.
  16. Comfortablynumb11

    Comfortablynumb11 Member

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    Given that every medication I've tried for depression either simply does not work, or has unpleasant persisting side effects and/or makes my mood worse...I do not think that would be the solution for if I feel suicidal. I've found cannabis much more helpful than any of those, would rather have that when I am suicidal since it actually helps reduce those feelings. Also what treatments might work and which may not or even make stuff worse really is dependent on the individual with mental illness. Meds can actually make symptoms worse for some people, or just add to problems and have dangerous side effects....though some with mental illness are helped immensely by their prescriptions, while some people are pressured or even forced to take meds that aren't really helping them and are just having unpleasant side effects by their treatment team or whatever. Essentially there is no one size fits all approach for mental illness or being suicidal.
  17. look_wthin

    look_wthin Members

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    Thanks for the posting everyone, i have been into qi gong and chinese medicine and I can say when i am practicing qi gong i feel a lot better. However mental illness is a battle, as i am inconsistent with qi gong, also my sleeping patterns are not so consistent either.
  18. tonydoe420

    tonydoe420 Banned

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    im going to add my little bit here. i suffer from really bad anxiety. i have complex ptsd and bi poplar and to top that off i am autistic. i refuse to take medication because it makes me drowsy sick and numb and confused. and i cant even think. i been in therapy for most of my adult life and it has been a painful hard journey. with me having to realize thing that i didn't wont to face. but therapy as been the most helpful tool i have had. talking to someone who dose not judge you and accepts you for who you are is a soul lifting experience. i do have achool issues and i slip and slide between self hatred and self realization. but the one thing that stops me from self harm is my therapy and my art. i would recommend the creative arts as an form of expression for anybody with depression. therapy should be on the top of anybody's list on how to deal and treat depression. it is hard painful process but is worth it.
  19. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Love to you, Tony.... :)
    1 person likes this.
  20. tonydoe420

    tonydoe420 Banned

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    and love to you :)
    1 person likes this.

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