Why Religion causes brain damage / mental illness / VIDEO

Discussion in 'Christianity' started by loveincarnate, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    The definition of Terrorism: "the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce"

    Raising kids in an atmosphere of FEAR and Threats is terrorism.

    Fundamentalist Christians excel at it.

    Therefore Christians are terrorists to their own children (and those around them, too).

    Fundamental Islam isn't much different.

    Also, one has to wonder when kids are exposed to so much these days (in the media) to make them fearful.

    Everything from vampires to zombies, much of it is just made up "entertainment" which has at a fundamental level, the fear factor.

    Add to that the imaginary Christian fears of Hell, Satan, Sin, gays, etc. and you get a LOT of mind control happening.

    Then add the REAL things to fear in life like madmen with assault rifles mowing down helpless children in schools, movie theaters, etc.

    Then include Zika virus, impending ecological collapse, HPV, HIV, Islamophobia, parents getting deported, Trump getting elected, etc.

    Imagine what thoughts go thru the minds of kids, even well-off, safe kids these days!

    I think most kids with half a brain and access to outside info beyond their religion actually realize the REAL fears outweigh the imaginary ones they'll never encounter in their existence (dead or alive).
    1 person likes this.
  2. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    You've switched ground from "fundamentalist Christians" to "Christians". Most Christians I know don't terrorize their kids with threats of hellfire and damnation. I do know of some friends who've been subjected to such threats. They're all atheists!

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